Release Highlights  


This section provides a list of features, enhancements, and fixes made at each version of MoversSuite.


For more information on these changes, open the Online Help for that corresponding version by clicking on the link within the Version column.


Icon Key:

Bug Fix

Enhancement – Improvement to existing functionality

Feature – New functionality






Release Date: September 30, 2024


CISPay (Pyxis): Additional checks added to ensure the payment status. (MOV-7077)

MSO&ISales: Containers from MSO&ISales now import along with service data. (MOV-7269)

Unigroup Integration: Added the ability to import waived accessorials. (MOV-7056)

MSO&ISales: Order files now saved when there are import errors. (MOV-7290)


Shipment Details and Crates: Issue with dimensions alignment corrected. (MOV-6571)




Release Date: September 16, 2024


Remedy Payments: Remedy Merchant Portal includes Customer Number, Invoice Number (or Shipper Name) and Order Number. (MOV-7130)

Arrivy: Stored Procedures for Arrivy have been updated. (MOV-7287)

Unigroup Integration: Unigroup Rating Off The Top Reduction has a new condition.


Sirva Integration: Statement Date is the end of the period date, which are the 15th and the last date of the month. (MOV-7270)

MSO&ISales: Carriage Returns and Line Feeds now work properly between MSO&ISales and MoversSuite. (MOV-7282)


Functionality: Software platform has updated to the latest .NET 8 version. (MOV-7256)


Release Date: September 2, 2024


MSO&ISales: MSO&I Sales integration with MoversSuite now includes Local Services. (MOV-7012, MOV-7277)

MSO&ISales: Operational Notes coming into MoversSuite were not formatted. (MOV-7259)

MSCrew: A running total of hours worked per week are shown when punching in or out. (MOV-7201)

Unigroup Integration: Commissions Reference Correct Amount when Auto-Generated from a Reduction Profiles. (MOV-7249)

Unigroup Integration: Invalid 23% Discount Being Applied. (MOV-7264)



Move Information: Clicking on Agent Information icon caused an error. (MOV-7203)


Release Date: August 19, 2024


Unigroup Integration: MoversSuite no longer processes incomplete Rating Downloads. (MOV-690)

Unigroup Integration: Unigroup Service Code 392 is now processed correctly on Rating Downloads. (MOV-7265)



Document Management:  Files with the .msg extension can be added through MSWeb. (MOV-7245)


Release Date: August 5, 2024


CSI Pay Integration: Card Type is shown within Cash Receipts. (MOV-7228)

Atlas Integration / Billing Information: Client and Sub Account fields have been added to Billing Information. (MOV-5886)

Atlas Integration: Ignore Error 2037. (MOV-7192)

Reductions: Reductions on allocated item within Revenue Group automatically recalculate upon a service change. (MOV-7204)

MoversSuite Administration:

Account Setup: The National Account section now include two new fields: Default Client ID  and Default Sub Account fields. (MOV-5886)   

Account Profile Setup: The ability to add more than one email address was incorrectly disabled during a recent change within this setup. (MOV-7219)


Tasks: Tasks based on the “Dependency Dates” of “Document Received” is active when adding documents within MSWeb. (MOV-7034)


Release Date: July 22, 2024


Reductions: The ability to set a reduction to be applied after all other reductions are calculated is now available. (MOV-7141)

Document Management: Easily download a file from the Document Management Viewer using a new right click option. (MOV-7230)  

Bl Tool: Salesperson, Posted Revenue, Unposted Revenue, and Elasped Hours are added to the Local Dispatch Grid view. (MOV-7214)

Atlas Integration: “Booked” will be set on Atlas orders. (MOV-7190)

Sirva Integration: MoversSuite sets an order’s Booked date based on the created date from a New Registration Event from QPD. (MOV-7188)

MoversSuite Administration

Reduction Template Setup: “After All Reductions” is added as a Percentage Basis option. (MOV-6741)

Local Service Type Setup: The “Average Per Hour” field will be named according to what is set for Units. (MOV-780)


Release Date: July 8, 2024


UniGroup Integration: Rating Download not building transactions when selecting by agent.

Atlas Integration: All documents associated to an AtlasNet order can be downloaded. (MOV-7185)

Internal Tools: CreatedBy not set correctly on a Local Service view and function.(MOV-7202, MOV-6790)


Account Profile: Account Profile has been added to MSWeb. (MOV-6715)

General Functionality: Enhanced functionality improves download speed and new feature switch added. (MOV-7220, MOV-6968)


Release Date: June 24, 2024


Atlas Integration: Personnel from overflow orders sharing the same segment will display on all orders of the segment. (MOV-7193)

Arrivy: Arrivy’s callable stored procedures were improved. (MOV-7212)

MoversSuite Administration:

General Update: Personnel Setup: Advanced Search within Personnel Setup was inaccurate when clearing the filter. (MOV-7195)


Release Date: June 10, 2024


BI Tool: EmailList and PhoneList are two new fields within BI Tool. Thirteen new columns added to various BI Tool Views. (MOV-6972, MOV-7069, MOV-7081, MOV-7096, MOV-7107, MOV-7123, MOV-7178)

MSCrew (iOS devices only and only MoversSuite changes): “Report,” “Report To,” and “Start” from within Assign Crew now show within MSCrew.


MSCrew (iOS devices only): The Job Summary Report now includes crew role and the crew time entries are sorted based on start time. (MOV-7144)

MSCrew (iOS devices only): Logo incorrectly reverted to MoversConnect logo during updates. (MOV-6913)


Release Date: May 27, 2024


Document Management Viewer: Documents can now be opened from an external file directory.


Local Dispatch: Make crew assignments based on an employee’s seniority with the new “Seniority Position” field. (MOV-7155)

BI Tool: The new field “Seniority Position” is available within the BI Tool.


Third Party Error Management: Third Party Application Error Management was not properly recording nor handling third party errors for TechMate documents. (MOV-7183)

MoversSuite Administration:

Personnel Setup: Personnel Setup has a new field named Seniority Position. (MOV-7155)

Branch Setup: The mass adding, or removal of a Branch from Personnel Setup records was not functioning properly. (MOV-7122, MOV-7195)


Release Date: May 13, 2024


Electronic and Online Payments: PYXiS processed ACH online payments were incorrectly reported as “Credit Card” on Cash Receipts. (MOV-7167)   

MoversConnect Email: Logic now removes any spaces entered before an email address. (MOV-6809)

Reductions: Reductions were not automatically occurring on Distribution Imports. (MOV-7113, MOV-6792))

Payment Management: Error incorrectly occurred within Applied AR Section when applying payment to a debit memo. (MOV-6615)


Document Management: Additional special characters are available for use within filenames. (MOV-7173)


Release Date: April 29, 2024


AtlasNet Document Upload: Manually or automatically send documents to AtlasNet. (MOV-6786, MOV-7150)  

AtlasNet Download PDF Only: Documents downloaded from AtlasNet come into MoversSuite as PDF. (MOV-7046)  

Document Viewer: When saved, filenames with unsupported character will have the unsupported character replaced by an underscore. (MOV-6698)   

Local Dispatch: Declining a local service that has auto-dispatchable equipment will no longer "dispatch" the local service. (MOV-7170)

MoversSuite Administration:

Document (Auto-Upload) Setup: This is a new setup area: Document (Auto-Upload)Setup. (MOV-6786)


A picture containing text, sign, red, outdoor

Description automatically generated 

New Video: MSWeb – Updates 2024Q1

Functionality: UTC times are converted to browser location. (MOV-7132)


Release Date: April 15, 2024


User Experience: Numerous updates continue to be made to improve the form, function, and ease-of-use within MSWeb. (MOV-7125)

MSO&I Sales:

Contacts and Locations: Phone numbers were not displaying correctly when in edit mode. (MOV-7145)  


Release Date: April 1, 2024

A picture containing text, sign, red, outdoor

Description automatically generated


Local Dispatch:  Crew Assignments and Equipment Assignments can be made required fields for Work Ticket generation. (MOV-7117)

MoversSuite Administration:

Field Requirements Setup: “On Work Ticket Generation Setup” is new! (MOV-7117)


General Application: Move Information has improved functionalities in regard to field size, breakpoints, and minimum allowed screen sizing. (MOV-7120)

General Application: Materials, Packing, and Unpacking sections have better logic to keep data organized. (MOV-7121)

2024 R06

Release Date: March 18, 2024


Recurring Billing and Online Payments: Numerous improvements were made to the Online Payment Links Summary screen and right click options within that screen. (MOV-7093)

Local Dispatch:  The Save button is enabled only after a change has been made to a service. (MOV-6682, MOV-6785)

Document Management: The Document Management Viewer now includes manually added documents when sorting. (MOV-7084)

Order Status: Order Status values can be marked as Inactive. (MOV-2361)

MoversSuite Administration:

Order Status Setup: Inactive flag is now available on Order Status Setup records. (MOV-2361)


General Application: The layout, spacings, minimizing and maximizing of the webpage are improved. (MOV-7066, MOV-7108)


Release Date: March 4, 2024


CSIPay (PYXiS):  Improved logic better predicts unsettled transactions to reduce errors when using the Void Receipt button. (MOV-7106)

CSIPay (PYXiS):  ACH transactions now correctly list as Bank Saving or Bank Checking within Cash Receipts. (MOV-7109)

2024 R04

Release Date: February 19, 2024


Electronic and Online Payments:  Using more than the two characters in State Code in Microsoft Dynamics GP was causing errors when processing a credit card payment. MoversSuite only recognize a maximum number of characters within City, State, and Postal Code fields, even though Microsoft Dynamics GP allows more. (MOV-4881, MOV-6413, MOV-7093)

Unigroup:  Unigroup Rating chargebacks with code “027” (US Bank fee) were not processing properly. (MOV-7092)

2024 R03

Release Date: February 5, 2024


CSIPay (PYXiS):  Card captures are enabled. (MOV-7084)

CSIPay (PYXiS):  Multiple payments showing in Pyxis. (MOV-7099)

CSIPay (PYXiS):  Note is added on when authorization completed payment received. (MOV-7098)

CSIPay (PYXiS):  Invalid data from GP no longer causing errors. MOV-4881, MOV-6413, MOV-7093

CSIPay (PYXiS):  Authorization requests were returning an error. (MOV-7088)

CSIPay (PYXiS):  PYXiS’s Jan 31, 2024 release leads to error on Pyxis new card declines. (MOV-7102)

Unigroup: Unigroup Rating Download was incorrect. (MOV-7079)

MoversSuite Administration:

Rate Plan Setup: Alignment issues within Item Details are fixed. (MOV-7065)


2024 R02

Release Date: January 22, 2024

A picture containing text, sign, red, outdoor

Description automatically generated


Remedy: Authorizations and credit card captures are enabled. (MOV-6977)

Quickbooks: Quickbooks is updated to version (MOV-6997)

MSCrew: Bug. Time punches were not being removed after being imported to PayCom. (MOV-6884)

MoversSuite Administration:

MoversSuite Administration: Account Profile: Email Address is required when using Monitors Orders on an Account Profile Contact. (MOV-931)

MoversSuite Administration: Rate Plan: The Rate Matrix assigned on a Rate is easily viewed on the Rate Plan Setup record. (MOV-7008)

MoversSuite Administration: Rate Matrix: The View Range X and View Range Y buttons are removed from New Rate Matrix screen due to errors caused when these were set before clicking Add. (MOV-1115)

MoversSuite Administration: International: Carrier Setup, Consolidator Setup, Port Setup, and Transportation Mode Setup records are organization, primarily to move the Transportation Type field. (MOV-776, MOV-777, MOV-778)


MSWeb: New Buttons: The Create Order, Create Duplicate Order, Book Order, and Re-Book order buttons on the MSWeb header. (MOV-6692)

MSWeb: Local Services: Local Service Type should list on the Local Service card when the card is selected. (MOV-6883)

MSWeb: Document Management: Files added within MSWeb with “#” were causing errors on within the Legacy app. The resolution is that “#” is dropped from the filename, if used. (MOV-6995)

MSWeb: User Experience: Multiple fixes including: Using Tab to move from one field to another is improved; The calendar ripple, the circular halo around the calendar icon, has been reinstated; When using the delete icon, the animation was not correctly rendering; Alignment issues within the Agents selection (within SIT) has been corrected; Within Move Information, after entering Billing Information, an extra click was needed to proceed; In certain situations, adding military score caused multiple errors. (MOV-6928, MOV-7036, MOV-7045, MOV-7049, MOV-7054, MOV-7055)

2023 R26

Release Date: December 25, 2023



MoversSuite Administration: Color Selector Setup: Color Selector Setup is now available. (MOV-7027, MOV-7053, MOV-7067)


BI Tool: Two new views are available within Dispatch: Job Costing Summay and Job Costing Items. (MOV-7033)


CSI Pay (PYXiS): Within Credit Card/Bank Payment or Authorization, when using New PYXiS Payment Method for Payment Information on Hand, Retain Card for Future Use is set by default. The Payment Types do not list yet as they list on the next screen with PYXiS. (MOV-7061)

Electronic Payments: Error resolved when reprocessing credit cards. (MOV-6882)

MoversSuite Administration: Container Status Setup, Container Type Setup, and Ownership Setup records cannot be duplicated. (MOV-2865)

MoversSuite Administration: Account Setup: An error would result when attempting to save a new Account Setup record without entering a phone number. (MOV-7026)

MoversSuite Administration: Admin History: Opening Admin History after performing a search elsewhere in Administration produced an error. (MOV-7040)

MoversSuite: General Application:  MoversSuite has been modified to support TLS 1.2 (Native Client support). (MOV-7058)

2023 R25

Release Date: December 11, 2023



Electronic Payments: Electronic Payments Menu is now available.

Electronic Payments: Supports CSI Pay PYXiS (PacFac) and allows credit card Authorizations.(MOV-6905)


MSWeb: Duplicate Order button is available. (MOV-6691)

Quotes to Go: Estimate Number and ExternalKey are included on leads from SugarCRM. (MOV-6994)

Unigroup: Reductions within Revenue Import functionality can be applied to UniGroup Distribution and Rating downloads. (MOV-6792)


MoversSuite Administration: Quote Status: Within Quote Status Setup, records that have “Is System Type” checked now show in the Quote Status Setup listing. (MOV-1519, MOV-7041)

Online Payment: Longer company names were rendering incorrectly within the Online Payment webpage. (MOV-5678)

Online Payment / MSCrew: Company Names that include a period where disappearing from the Online Payment webpage. (MOV-6727)

Upgrades: MssExec permissions are restored upon updating. (MOV-7052)

2023 R24

Release Date: November 27, 2023



No new features added.


MoversSuite Email Service: Long Distance Driver added to available email recipients. (MOV-6885)

MSWeb: A confirmation message appears when updating information on an Account Profile. (MOV-6716)

MoversSuite Upgrade Process: Database Versions and Build Numbers show after each step of the upgrade process. (MOV-7017)

MoversSuite Administration: A Refresh button is available to most setup areas. (MOV-7702)


Revenue Entry: Error Code 292 has been reworded to add clarity. (MOV-665)

MSWeb: Crates added from the desktop side are now editable on the web side (MOV-6970)

MSWeb: Survey Dates now only accept valid time ranges. (MOV-6360)

MoversSuite Administration: Building Constraints Setup: Sort Order now reflects in record listing within this setup. (MOV-6969)

2023 R23

Release Date: November 13, 2023

A picture containing text, sign, red, outdoor

Description automatically generated



MoversSuite Administration: Report Server Setup is new. (MOV-1187)


BI Tool: Additional columns are available within the SIT Information view. (MOV-6993)

MSWeb: Scalability is improved. (MOV-6961, MOV-7011)

MoversSuite Administration: Email Options Setup has added Project Manager as an option and the setup has been redesigned. (2023R23.1 MOV-6988)

MoversSuite Administration: Admin Profile Setup: Six new security areas were added. (MOV-5439)


TechMate Integration: Third Party Applications Menu messages reflect whether export or import is successful. (MOV-7019)

Commissions: Queries no longer time out as the processing is quicker. (MOV-6999)

2023 R22

Release Date: October 30, 2023


TechMate: TechMate Automated Process will be available soon. (MOV-6951)


BI Tool: Additional columns are available in Revenue Entry, Revenue Entry Revenue Only, and Order Information (all orders) views. (MOV-6964, MOV-6989)

MoversSuite Administration: Add Quote Template Detail screen auto populates the Description to be the name of Item Code chosen. (MOV-3646)

MSWeb: File size displays for documents. (MOV-6801)


Third Party Applications Menu: Full order data is available to webhooks. (MOV-6998)

MSCrew and Mobile Crew Time: Crew punches show only under their Default Branch. (MOV-6939)

MoversSuite Administration: The Storage Inbound and Storage Outbound checkboxes have been removed from Local Service Type Setup. (MOV-1826)

2023 R21

Release Date: October 16, 2023


MoversSuite Administration: (Unsaved) feature is added as a reminder that changes have not been saved. Change the font color of (Unsaved) using the new Color Selector.(MOV-6955)


MoversSuite Administration: Today button is added to the calendar. (MOV-1333)

BI Tool: Claim Liability view is added to Claims category. New fields are added to Quote Summary view within Billing category. (MOV-6936, MOV-6957)

MoversSuite Administration: Move Type Setup has “Assign Group to Items Shown…” added to its Mass Records Selection Option. (MOV-5423)

MoversSuite Administration: Rate Type Setup has renamed Quantity One Description to Secondary Quantity Description and Quantity Two Description to Primary Quantity Description. (MOV-6960)

MoversSuite Administration: Credit Warning Lockdown Setup has indented options. (MOV-3825)

MoversSuite Administration: Personnel Setup now allows up to 16 characters in the Employee Number field. (MOV-6008)


MoversSuite Administration: Order Number Setup now has offers a dropdown selector for Year Length. (MOV-1444)

MoversSuite Administration: Within the Office & Industrial module, Preset Addresses set within Contacts & Locations will properly reflect within Account Profile Setup. (MOV-5682)

MoversSuite Administration: GL Control Code Setup is renamed GL Code Setup. (MOV-1848)

MoversSuite Administration: Within Administration, passwords will shows obfuscated only when the password has been set. Set passwords will no longer show with red mandatory outline when password is already set. (MOV-6852)

VendorConnect: XXX. (MOV-6991)


2023 R20



Release Date: October 2, 2023


Wheaton | Bekins: Integration is available. (MOV-3404)


No enhancements in this release.


Unigroup: Waived charges no longer included in Rating Downloads from Unigroup. (MOV-6304)


2023 R19

Release Date: September 18, 2023


No features in this release.


BI Tool: Revenue Branch Audit is a new view. Many new columns are added to Crew Actuals view. (MOV-6933, MOV-6940)

MoversSuite Administration: Building Constraints Setup: When Sort Order is not set for any of the records, the sort defaults to alphanumeric sorting based on the Question Description. (MOV-4021)

MoversSuite Administration: Revenue Group Setup: Sort Order is renamed to Invoice Sort Order. (MOV-6888, MOV-6823)

MoversSuite Administration: SMTP Setup: When the DB Mail is deactivated and then the Send Email via DB Mail Test button is clicked, a warning alerts that DB Mail is deactivated. MOV-6886, MOV-6969)


MoversSuite Administration: Commission Plan Setup: Type has been removed from this setup. It did not have any functionality. (MOV-6747)


2023 R18

Release Date: September 4, 2023


MoversSuite Administration: Personnel Setup: Add Branch To Personnel Shown… and Remove Branch from Personnel Shown… have been added to Mass Record Selection Options menu. (MOV-5430)

MoversSuite Administration: Move Type Setup: Duplicate All Items Shown has been added to Mass Record Selection Options menu. (MOV-5430)


MoversSuite Administration: Personnel Setup: Advanced Search can search Interface Mappings. (MOV-6462)

MoversSuite Administration: General Functionality: (Modified) will shown when records are being added or edited as a visual reminder to Save or Cancel changes. (MOV-6952)

Atlas SUDS Integration: Additional fields are now exchanged between MoversSuite and Atlas SUDS. Two fields were removed. (MOV-6210)


Quotes To Go: Pack By Owner (PBO) counts affect total counts when indicator within QTG is set. (MOV-6372)

Container Management: Using Order Information within Advanced Search resulted in errors. (MOV-6954)


2023 R17

Release Date: August 21, 2023


No features in this release.


BI Tool: “Material Type” has been added to three views. (MOV-6855)

Atlas Integration: Coordinators will now be updated through Atlas downloads. (MOV-6841)


MoversSuite Administration: Container Setup: An incorrect error message, which prevented edits, will no longer appear. (MOV-6904)

2023 R16

Release Date: August 7, 2023


No features in this release.


BI Tool: Seventeen views have access to forty-one additional columns. (MOV-6733, MOV-6750, MOV-6759, MOV-6779, MOV-6780, MOV-6808, MOV-6824, MOV-6825, MOV-6853, MOV-6854, MOV-6856, MOV-6910)


CSI Pay: Repeated clicks no longer causes repeated requests. (MOV-6934)

Document Management: When attempting to save a file with a name already is use on an order, “Filename not found” correctly shows instead of “Conflict.” (MOV-6935)


2023 R15

Release Date: July 24, 2023


MSO&ISales: MSO&ISales / MoversSuite Integration begins with the ability to have lead entered within MSO&ISales download into MS. (MOV-6460)

Atlas: AtlasNet Document Download Integration (MOV-6628)


BI Tool: BI User Information is a new view. Six columns have access to new columns. A new setup area also displays the BI User Information directly from MoversSuite Administration. (MOV-6651)

Document Management Viewer: New Refresh Button and MoversSuite remembers viewer resizing when the viewer is reopened. (MOV-6240, MOV-6743)


Local Service Quick View: The viewer shows accurate count on assigned materials. (MOV-6915)


2023 R14

Release Date: July 10, 2023


No features in this release.


MSCrew Android 2.1 updates.

Text Messaging: The process for Text Messaging switched from database logging to file logging to make it easier to manage error messages and prevent unnecessary database size increases.

RoadLoad Integration: MoversSuite updated to support Version 2.4.42 of RoadLoad.


Text Messaging: An error would occur when a contact on a scheduled message was deleted in Sakari. The application was updated to ensure that if indeed a contact was removed, an appropriate error is returned to the console.


2023 R13

Release Date: June 26, 2023


No features in this release.


No enhancements in this release.


No fixes in this release.

2023 R12

Release Date: June 12, 2023


No features in this release.


No enhancements in this release.


Administration: Electronic Merchant Setup: Clicking out of this setup area to another setup area caused the connection to be lost. (MOV-6879)

2023 R11

Release Date: May 29, 2023


No features in this release.


No enhancements in this release.


MoversConnect: Sometimes MoversConnect Setup wasn’t successful due to a behind the scenes change, which has been resolved. (MOV-6835)

2023 R10

Release Date: May 15, 2023


Administration: Material Type Setup: Ability to set a Material Type to show only in specified modules. The Inactive option is now available. (MOV-5604)


No features in this release.


Quickbooks: When activating within Quickbooks Setup, an error was occurring and is now resolved. (MOV-6845)

2023 R09

Release Date: May 1, 2023


Payments: Remedy Payments is available as a credit card processing provider. (MOV-6442)

Administration: Labor Type records can be marked Inactive. (MOV-2359)

MSCrew: Updates are available to support Offline Documents on Android and other great features and improvements.


Accounting and Financial Services: Deactivated Electronic Merchant is a new System Email Setup. (MOV-6442)

Accounting and Financial Services: The Online Payment Received System Email Setup has two additional tags: Payment Date and Deposit Date.  (MOV-6442)

Reports: Revenue Groups marked inactive will show as inactive within Revenue Group Details Report. (MOV-6766)

Administration: Inactive Revenue Groups are filtered out of the Item Code to GL Mapping tool. (MOV-6767)

Credit Card/Bank Processing: United States of America is the default for Country. Easier search functionality for other countries within Country field. (MOV-6826)

Electronic and Online Payments: Updated Source Code functionality for ONL and MC. Redacted payment information shows “Data Removed” for Shipper and Customer. (MOV-6826)


MoversConnect: Online payment links are formatted for viewing on numerous device types. (MOV-6662)

Report Viewer: Screen scaling was causing misaligned reports. (MOV-6745)

Commission Statements: Create Advances button is now correctly enabled within Commission Statement. (MOV-6687)

Export Punches to Payroll: Searches were incorrectly including results prior to the date range selected. (MOV-6753)

SIRVA Integration: SIRVA Cloud statements sometimes picked wrong Branch. (MOV-6770)

SIRVA Integration: Sirva Cloud statement imports will not include orders that have only one item and if the amount is zero. (MOV-6771)

2023 R07

Release Date: April 3, 2023


Administration: Cost and Notes have been added to Container Setup. (MOV-6651, MOV-6685)


Administration: Revenue Group: Inactive option is available within Revenue Group Setup (MOV-2354)

Administration: Reports: Inactive option is available within Report Setup. (MOV-3361, MOV-6643, MOV-6645)

Administration: Personnel: Personnel Documents are no longer saved when removed. The Inactive option is available within Personnel Setup. (MOV-5522, MOV-6673, MOV-6674)

Administration: Operations: Equipment Setup allows unlimited use of Notes. (MOV-6658, MOV-6671)

BI Tool: Container Information view has two new columns – Cost and Notes. (MOV-6651)


No fixes in this release

2023 R06

Release Date: March 20, 2023


No features in this release.


Administration: Inactive option is available on Equipment Type Setup. (MOV-2358)

Document Viewer: File size capability is 50MB. (MOV-6697)

BI Tool: Commission Statement Detail has new columns. (MOV-6690)


Forms Designer: Location addresses set within Office & Industrial are available within Forms Designer. (MOV-6011)

2023 R05

Release Date: March 6, 2023


No features in this release.


Administration: Reduction Template Setup has been redesigned and Add Back section has been added. (MOV-6664)

Administration: Personnel Setup has new option Disable Mobile User. (MOV-6632)

Administration: Commission Plan Setup Commission Basis options are dependent upon Commission Type chosen. (MOV-5582)

Roadload: Updated scripts to support Version 2.4.29. (MOV-6683)


Administration: Password fields within Personnel Setup show as mandatory once the User ID field is set. (MOV-4797)

Administration: New message shows when a duplicate XML System Payroll Account Map is attempted to be saved within ADP Integration Setup. (MOV-6382)

BI Tool: Claims Report View returns results when First Name is not set, usually when a company name is set within Last Name. (MOV-6686)

2023 R04

Release Date: February 20, 2023


Third Party Applications: New Third Party Application Setup allows you define menu items for application with webhook support (MOV-6415)


Administration: Container Setup has new Creation Date field and Mass Record Selection Options to enable mass inactivation of containers. (MOV-6390)

Administration: Document Storage Management Setup will list total number of orders for a query. (MOV-6378)

Administration: Mobile API Setup contains options that, when checked, cause other related options to become visible. (MOV-5529)

Administration: Email Order Note Type label replaces Email Order Note Type FID within Mobile API Setup. (MOV-5540)

BI Tool: Local Services Invoices and Local Services CUP have additional columns. (MOV-6648, MOV-6649)


Administration: When searching by branch within the Advanced Search in Personnel Setup, the Personnel records that list as a result now properly show all Branches assigned to those Personnel records (MOV-1331)

Administration: Inactive National Accounts no longer show within Commission Plan Setup. (MOV-5848)

Administration: Rate Plan Setup had accepted a Minimum Charges that exceeded the Maximum Charge and no longer allows this. (MOV-5061)

2023 R03

Release Date: February 6, 2023


No features in this release.


Administration: Customer Selector includes City, State, and Hold Status (MOV-1686)

Administration: Account Setup offers a warning when marking a record inactive if the record is in use. (MOV-5843)

BI Tool: Four new views are available: Equipment Usage, Local Services Invoices, Bat Process Data, and Local Services CPU. (MOV-6492, MOV-6541, MOV-6562, MOV-6609, MOV-6610, MOV-6648)

BI Tool: Equipment Safety Information and Recurring Billing Information views have additional columns. (MOV-6492, MOV-6610)


Administration: The checkbox within Storage Type Setup has been renamed to Turn off invoice requirements on Billing Records. (MOV-1611)

Administration: Inactive National Accounts no longer show within Commission Plan Setup. (MOV-5848)

Document Management: Emails stored as PDFs in Document Management are now including the CC information. (MOV-5705)

BI Tool: Order Actual CPU was referencing incorrect data. (MOV-6500, MOV-6608)

2023 R02

Release Date: January 23, 2023

A picture containing text, sign, red, outdoor

Description automatically generated


Reductions: Ability to set MoversSuite to automatically apply reductions upon revenue entry (MOV-6588)

MoversSuite Administration Layout: New Filter/Search function for Navigation Pane titles and new Favorites category functionality (MOV-6189)

Commissions: Within Sales Commission Hold Management, Order Numbers can be expanded to list commissions by invoice and commission holds can be placed on storage billing (MOV-6297) 


No enhancements added in this release


No fixes in this release

2023 R01

Release Date: January 9, 2023


No features added in this release


No enhancements added in this release


Unigroup: Invalid error no longer preventing cartons from downloading (MOV-6626)

2022 R26

Release Date: December 26, 2022


No features added in this release


No enhancements added in this release


No fixes in this release

2022 R25

Release Date: December 12, 2022


No features added in this release


No enhancements added in this release


Recurring Billing: Silent Mode emails sent out now contain correct display of the online payment link.


2022 R24

Release Date: November 28, 2022


No features added in this release


No enhancements added in this release


No fixes in this release

2022 R23

Release Date: November 14, 2022


Generic Revenue Import: Ability to import revenue from third parties through the new Third Party Revenue Import (MOV-6261)


MoversConnect Email Service: “From” email address and email Display Name can be set on the Branch level (MOV-6752)

MSCrew: Offline Documents and training video (MOV-6570)


MSCrew: Successfully sent punches to payroll provider will no longer incorrectly list in the Export Punches to Payroll window (MOV-6468)


2022 R22

Release Date: October 31, 2022


MSCrew: Documents are cached on crew lead devices to allow for use and modifying offline. (MOV-6570)


BI Tool: Cubic Feet was added to several views (MOV-6503)

Document API: Size of document has increased to 50 MB (MOV-6560)


No fixes in this release

2022 R19

Release Date: September 19, 2022


Job Costing: New option called From Company Revenue is added (MOV-6422)


BI Tool: Six additional columns are now available for use (MOV-6438, MOV-6479, MOV-6488)


MSCrew:  Error will not show when a Note is successfully added (MOV-6544)

2022 R18

Release Date: September 5, 2022


No features added in this release


MoversConnect: Increase in the amount of simultaneous request that local API service can handle (MOV-6473)


No fixes in this release

2022 R17

Release Date: August 22, 2022


No features added in this release


Roadload: A fix was created to prevent duplicate order (MOV-6496)


PayCom: An error will be created when Local Service Classification GL Map mappings were not set up for time punches (MOV-6467)

PayCom: Exported time punches will no longer list after exporting the punches to payroll (MOV-6468)


2022 R16

Release Date: August 8, 2022


No features added in this release


Unigroup: Two new IBIL codes for Unigroup International (MOV-6497)


No fixes in this release

2022 R15

Release Date: July 25, 2022


No features added in this release


BI Tool: Recurring Billing Information has more views (MOV-6466)


No fixes in this release

2022 R14

Release Date: July 11, 2022


No features added in this release


BI Tool: Revenue Entry and Revenue Entry Revenue Only have more views (MOV-6428, MOV-6458)


Atlas Import Statement: “No Match” errors caused payments to not be applied. Two new error messages added. (MOV-6481)

Haul As: Field displays correctly. (MOV-5984)

2022 R13

Release Date: June 27, 2022


Vendor Find: “Include Inactive or On-Hold” feature is added. (MOV-5313)


No enhancements added in this release


Notes: Memo renders as entered (MOV-6441)

2022 R12

Release Date: June 13, 2022


No new features added in this release


Order History: All fields from User Defined Fields tab are tracked (MOV-5829)

Admin Profile Setup: Three new permissions are added under Accounting and Financial Services (MOV-6457)

Accounting and Financial Services: Two new import options available regarding mappings (MOV- 6457)

Accounting and Financial Services: Item Code Mappings has been renamed to Item Code to GL Mapping Tool (MOV- 6457)


No fixes added in this release

2022 R11

Release Date: May 30, 2022


SIRVA IntegrationSIRVA Agent Statement Import now available. (MOV-6355)


MSWeb: Choose what Order Status type orders display on the MSWeb homepage Orders List. (MOV-6370)

BI Tool: Customer Class has been added to AR Credit Collections and AR Credit Collections Activity views. (MOV-6449)


BI Tool: EnterpriseBI Category functionality has been removed from the BI Tool and MoversSuite Administration. (MOV-6448)

2022 R09

Release Date: May 2, 2022


MSWeb: Add document(s) to an order. (MOV-6424, MOV-6432)


Order History: Has access to an additional thirty-six fields. (MOV-5808, MOV-5950, MOV-6231, MOV-6322


Credit Card Payments: No fixes added in this release

2022 R08

Release Date: April 18, 2022


No new features added in this release.


BI Tool: Ten views have new fields or updates (MOV-6324, MOV-6335, MOV-6336, MOV-6342, MOV-6394, MOV-6409, MOV-6418)

Unigroup Downloads: Unigroup Registration Downloads now include additional personnel. (MOV-6344)


No fixes added in this release

2022 R07

Release Date: April 4, 2022


XML Viewer – XML Viewer is deployed with Install Package. (MOV-1484)


Rate Plan Setup: The Actual Date is used to help determine the effective date of a rate for when the Effective Date Basis is set to Load Date or Delivery Date . (MOV-6202)

Rate Plan Setup: The new Point To Point Type option of Postal Code allows the use of alphanumeric postal codes. (MOV-6200)

Cash Receipts: A new System Email type called “Cash Receipts Module Report” assists in emailing Print Receipts for a specific order (MOV-6097)


Cash Receipts: Customer cannot be edited after the Cash Receipt is posted. (MOV-288)


2022 R06

Release Date: March 21, 2022


No new features added in this release


Crystal Reports: Final phase out of Crystal Reports. (MOV-6104)


No fixes added in this release


2022 R05

Release Date: March 6, 2022


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements added in this release.


Generic Revenue Import: File name can be up to 128 characters. (MOV-6400)


2022 R04

Release Date: February 21, 2022


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements added in this release. 


No fixes available in this release.


2022 R03

Release Date: February 7, 2022


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements added in this release. 


Upgrade Tool: The error message box will appear with the reason for the fatal error if a fatal error occurs while using the Upgrade Tool. (MOV-6389)


2022 R02

Release Date: January 24, 2022


ADP Integration: Ability to send crew times from MSCrew and MoversSuite to ADP for further processing (MOV-6246, MOV-6357)


No new enhancements added in this release. 


MSWeb: Selectable options for Local Service types are now specific to module being used. (MOV-6369)


2022 R01

Release Date: January 10, 2022


No new features added in this release.


Electronic and Online Payments (Credit Card Payments):

Secure Payment Form now processes through your default web application (i.e. browser window)

CSI Pay authentication is now managed by EWS Group through MoversConnect

Improved logging of transaction processing information

Cash Receipts and Electronic and Online Payments: Default Cash Receipt Payment Types Added


No fixes in this release.


2021 R26

Release Date: December 27, 2021


No new features added in this release.


Microsoft Dynamics GP Custom Integration: Individual Cash Receipt Batch Information to Show in Dynamics GP

BI Tool: Cash Receipt batch identifier added to Account Transactions view


No fixes in this release.


2021 R23

Release Date: November 15, 202


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements added in this release.


No fixes in this release.


2021 R22

Release Date: November 1, 2021


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements added in this release.


Rate Plan Setup:  Allows non-referenced and/or newly created rates on Rate Plans to be deleted. (MOV-6201), (MOV-6204)


2021 R21

Release Date: October 18, 2021


No new features added in this release.


Capacity Planning: The day of the week has been added to the view.


Item Code:  Item Code columns expand when expanding screen. (MOV-6289)

BI Tool: New view for Office and Industrial orders. (MOV-6286)

BI Tool: Additional information available for queries. (MOV-6258), (MOV-6262), (MOV-6298), (MOV-6317)

BI Tool: Stock Ticker, color themes, and icons were added.


No new enhancements made in this release.


MoversSuite is compatible with Windows 11 starting 2021 R 18.


2021 R20

Release Date: October 4, 2021


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements made in this release.


Generic Revenue Import:  Files with more than fifty invoices will not return an error. (MOV-6320)


2021 R19

Release Date: September 20, 2021


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements made in this release.


UniGroup Quotes To Go: Updated XML Item Codes to include “Crate, per ft3” (MOV-6319)


2021 R18

Release Date: September 6, 2021


MoversSuite Administration:  An inactive flag has been added to allow the ability to hide contracts that are no longer needed from dropdown options which are available for Commission Plans, in Account Profiles and for Orders. (MOV-2347)


MoversSuite Administration:  The ability to hide or permanently delete documents is available in the Admin Tool. (MOV-5750)


Labor Type Setup:  Labor Types that are not designated as “Is System Type” by MoversSuite cannot be checked by users. (MOV-6281)

SIRVA Integration:  No longer will SIRVA downloads with out-of-range dates create an error. (MOV-6306)


2021 R17

Release Date: August 23, 2021


Payment Management:  Split Statement transfers will not be marked posted if all statements are not completed (MOV-6296)

SIRVA Integration:  Data entered incorrectly as spaces instead of numbers will no longer cause error messages in SIRVA Download Requests. (MOV-6305)


2021 R16

Release Date: August 9, 2021


MSCrew: Emails from MSCrew from accepted domain (MOV-6300)


MoversConnect: Modified setup to allow selection of vendor or interface on a per customer basis (MOV-6264)

Online Help: Online Help now opens correctly for hosted customers (MOV-6301)

Online Payments: Credit card captures no longer timing out (MOV-6291)


2021 R15

Release Date: July 26, 2021


VendorConnect: Ability to Specify Default Customer and Customer Address on Imports (MOV-6284)

Forms Designer: Add Military Base and Carrier Contact Bookmarks (MOV-6216)


2021 R14

Release Date: June 28, 2021


BI Tool: New view titled “Commission Statement Details” added

BI Tool: New view titled “Third Party Services” added

BI Tool: Other Improvements:

Updated views with Order Number to show the archived Order Number appended with “[A]”

Updated views with Order Number to offer an OrderArchived flag

Added Valuation fields to several views

Added Order Number and Shipper Name to several views

Updated Local Dispatch Grid view to correctly show addresses for Office & Industrial locations on a service along with adding cleared field, Coordinator, EstimatedWeight, Driver, VanNumber, total count of all containers on the service and for the order.

Branch of service added to several views

DefaultBranch added to both Personnel Safety views

Agents added to all Military views

Removed several rtrim and ltrim references on name strings

(MOV-5626, MOV-5646, MOV-5649, MOV-5692, MOV-5766, MOV-5768, MOV-5770, MOV-5771, MOV-5772, MOV-5774, MOV-5812, MOV-5855, MOV-5902, MOV-5992, MOV-6239)


BI Tool: Display Archived Order Number and added OrderArchived flag (MOV-5813)


2021 R13

Release Date: June 28, 2021


Options added to the Generic Revenue Import to create order based on new Customer Reference column and option add invoices. (MOV-5985)


Voided receipts no longer factor into applied amount on payment (MOV-6248)


2021 R12

Release Date: June 14, 2021


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements made in this release.


        Invoicing: Invoice groups being displayed correctly. (6252)

        General Application: Progress bars updated. (6269)


2021 R11

Release Date: May 31, 2021


No new features added in this release.


Tasks: Coordinator Type and Dependency Task remain unchanged upon editing tasks. (6236)


        Crew Job Notifications: Service times now display in 12-hour format instead of 24-hour format. (6218)

        Sales Commission Hold Management: “Select All” and “Clear All” buttons working appropriately. (6241)


2021 R10

Release Date: May 17, 2021


Support for Crystal Reports ended. (6103)


Recurring Billing: Mandatory fields updated. (5187)

Forms Designer Bookmarks enhancements. (5962)

BI Tool updates. (6183, 6160, 6035, 6013, 6145, 6064, 6211)

TechMate Integration: New SystemCodes supported. (6167)


MSCrew: Blank phone numbers no longer saved. (6195)

Reports: Root folder for reports renamed. (6120)


2021 R09

Release Date: May 3, 2021


Tasks: “Copy Task” functionality enhanced. (6235)


Tasks: Improvements to streamline workflows and avoid breaking dependent tasks and creating orphaned tasks. (3829, 5804)

Find: Allow searching by Office & Industrial order data. (5831)


VendorConnect: Two new fields were added. (6225)


2021 R08

Release Date: April 19, 2021



Payment Management Payment Aware. (5745, 6209)


Report Viewer: Updates to improve performance. (5842)

Customer Statements: Improve emailing options. (5754)

Forms Designer: Locations bookmarks added. (6170)

BI Tool updates (5767, 6153, 6163)


Administration: Setup areas now all list in correct order. (4826)

BI Tool: ‘Crew Actuals’ view fixed. (6010)

BI Tool: ‘Authorization’ column from SIT Information view renamed. (6196)

Cash Receipts: Electronic payments made transferable to other batches. (6173)

Cash Receipts: MoversSuite correctly imports state names from Microsoft Dynamics GP. (6193)

Forms Designer: To and From addresses now show on Lift Van Label bookmark. (6188)

General Application: Loading progress bar now closing correctly. (6192)

Local Dispatch: Renamed Crew Job Notifications. (6186)

Roadload Integration: Support for Roadload Version 2.0.7. (6208)

Suddath Integration: URL for online help updated. (6180)


2021 R07

Release Date: April 5, 2021


No new features added in this release.


No new enhancements made in this release.


No new fixes made in this release.


2021 R06

Release Date: March 22, 2021


          No new features added in this release.


         No new enhancements made in this release.


No new fixes made in this release.

2021 R05

Release Date: March 8, 2021



          Crew Job Notifications feature added. (5991)


BI Tool: View Updates and Additions. (6023)

         1099 Flag added to Commission Plan Details Report. (6162)


UniGroup International: Registration downloads accurately update email in the database. (6142)

          TransDocs Integration: File extension corrected for queue service downloads. (6152)


2021 R04

Release Date: February 22, 2021



          Document Storage Management Setup feature added. (4954)


          Manual Electronic Payment batches added for Cash Receipts and Payment Management. (6004)


          Document Management: Documents easily replaced without producing errors. (6169)

          Online Payments: Online web payments use the actual web transaction date. (6134)


2021 R03

Release Date: February 8, 2021



          Sales Commission Hold Management feature added. (6093)


          No new enhancements in this release.


WebApi logs being maintained. (6144)


2021 R02

Release Date: January 25, 2021


          Crystal Reports phase out warning. (6102)


PayCom Rebranded as Crew Punch. (6141)


No new fixes in this release.


2021 R01

Release Date: January 11, 2021

No changes in this release.

2020 R26

Release Date: December 28, 2020


          Commissions Visibility Restriction. (6089)


No new enhancements in this release.


No new fixes in this release.


2020 R25

Release Date: December 14, 2020



          Salesperson Order Visibility Restriction. (6088)


          Local Services Bookmarks: Container Count Bookmark Added. (6086)

          BI Tool: Several Claims Views Updated. (6092)


          Commission Statement Management: Advances being created from commission statements for multiple labor types. (6105)


2020 R24

Release Date: November 30, 2020



          Comdata Integration: ‘Charge an Advance Fee’ flag added. (5989)


          Forms Designer Bookmarks enhancements. (6052)

Version 2020 R24 SIRVA Integration Changes:

Support for Multiple Email Addresses. (6098)

          Support for National Account Order Memos. (6098)

          Default Billing Location Number Added. (6078)

          Render “UAS” Tariffs Correctly. (6051)

          Miscellaneous SIRVA QPD backend processing corrections. (6083)


2020 R23

Release Date: November 16, 2020


          Order Information: Order Personnel functions smoothly. (6068)

          EasyDPS Integration: Phone numbers downloaded in accurate format. (6046)

          Recurring Payment Processing: “Unexpected Exception” no longer occurs. (6096)


2020 R22

Release Date: November 2, 2020


         Direct Deposit option added for Comdata Advance/Payment Processing users. (6079)


          Forms Designer: Easily adjustable border styles, shading and width for bookmarks. (6034)


2020 R21

Release Date: October 19, 2020


         Order Information Bookmarks updates. (5919)


          MoversSuite Email:  MssEmail no longer produces errors upon loading Document Management. (5593)


2020 R20

Release Date: October 5, 2020


         Several BI Tool Views updated. (5898, 5935, 5954, 5955, 5993, 6012)

         SIRVA Integration updates. (6042)


         Multiple Email Addresses: Multiple email addresses placed in individual fields. (6036)

         SIRVA Integration: SIRVA integration handles SIT downloads more efficiently. (6037)

         Tools Menu: Several external integrations run smoothly independent of QLAB security module. (6041)


2020 R19

Release Date: September 21, 2020


         GBL Number expanded and added in new UniGroup Downloads. (5495)

         Auto assignment of quantities added for Local Dispatch services. (6003)


2020 R18

Release Date: September 7, 2020



         Auto Assignment of Quantities added for Equipment Types. (5261)


         Support added for new UniGroup MemoPad Types. (5987)


          Forms Designer: Bookmarks set in Header/Footer render smoothly. (5953)

          Reports: Support added for uploading new MemoPad types. (5336)

          UniGroup Downloads: Country codes downloaded correctly upon order download. (5200)


2020 R17

Release Date: August 24, 2020



         Multiple Email Address Support – Phase 2. (5633)

         SIRVA Integration: STS Replaces sHub Order Download. (5793)

         SIRVA Integration: STS Replaces sHub Registration Upload. (5835)


         “Letter Management” renamed to “Forms Designer.” (5667)

         “WMS Import” renamed to “Generic Revenue Import.” (5761)


          Report Viewer: PDF Reports now processing smoothly with SQL Server 2019. (5966)

          Local Services: Hrs/Man calculates accurately. (5732)

          Local Services: Imported labor includes drive time. (5733)

          Local Dispatch: Only eligible roles available while assigning crew. (5461)

          Local Dispatch: Unchecking placeholder flag released to idle. (5872)

          Forms Designer: All bookmarks import smoothly. (5988)


2020 R16

Release Date: August 10, 2020


         Document Management saves Custom Work Tickets. (5930)


          Recurring Billing: Inaccurate warning no longer displays on Recurring Billing screen. (5952)


2020 R15

Release Date: July 27, 2020



         Activity Logging added in MoversSuite Administration Tool. (5440)

         Ability to make Custom Work Tickets added in Forms Designer. (5601)


         New bookmarks added to support Custom Work Tickets. (5603)


          Atlas Integration: Older schema translation files removed. (5893)

Dynamics GP Integration: Phone # entered in Cash Receipts no longer produces unclear errors. (5944)


2020 R14

Release Date: July 13, 2020



       New setup area, Shipper Email Type Setup added in MoversSuite Administration. (5635)


      Branch Setup fields locked when in use. (5819)

      Default branch mandatory for all personnel records. (5188)


        Payment Management: Progress bars terminate on 100% completion. (5881)

        Techmate Integration: County field imports into MoversSuite. (5914)

        Techmate Integration: Crates field imports smoothly. (5914)

        Techmate Integration: Address Line 2 field exports to Techmate. (5874)

        Techmate Integration: Estimated Weight field imports in the correct field. (1554)

        Techmate Integration: Notes field exports as per Vanline codes. (5823)


2020 R13

Release Date: June 29, 2020



      Third Party Application Error Management screen updated.(3055)


2020 R12

Release Date: June 15, 2020



       New options available to Recurring Billing.(5869)


        Atlas Integration: Linehaul calculation updated. (5885)


2020 R11

Release Date: June 1, 2020



        Commissions: % of Hourly Rate and Hourly Pay options added in Add Commission Plan Detail screen. (5231)


        Option to tie Local Crew’s commission to Work Ticket added. (4956)

        Older Reports Removed from Reports Menu. (5515)

        Work Ticket Number displayed with document types. (5864)


       Atlas Integration: Duplicate upload error resolved. (5844)


2020 R10

Release Date: May 18, 2020


        Improvements made to MoversSuite Administration under the Customer Service category. (5644)

        Commissions: % of Hourly Rate and Hourly Pay options added in Add Commission Plan Detail screen. (5231)


        Option to tie Local Crew’s commission to Work Ticket added. (4956)

        Office & Industrial Bookmarks updated. (5277)


       Sakari error reporting improved. (5850)


2020 R09

Release Date: May 4, 2020

        Ability to specify “Future Days” and “Past Days” jobs added in Mobile Api Setup. (5822)


        Two Quote Bookmarks updated for better user experience. (4997)


       Comdata Integration: Advances from Commissions references updated. (5782)

       Reports: Only required reports being loaded upon running. (5834)

       Order duplication resolved on imported lead files. (5803)


2020 R08

Release Date: April 20, 2020


        Commissions: National Account option added. (5791)


        MoversSuite Administration improvements. (5791)

        New UniGroup International IBIL Contents added. (5800)

       Additional Forms Designer Bookmarks added. (5579)

       BI Tool Views: Additional fields added to Local Services view. (5624)


       Atlas Integration: Linehaul calculation updated. (5691)

       QuickBooks Integration: OAUTH 2 fields size expanded. (5806)


2020 R07

Release Date: April 6, 2020

         MSCrew application improvements (5740)


       BI Tool Views: Text Messages by Order View Added. (5594)


       Office & Industrial Bookmarks: Data displays even when Address Location Type is not set. (5111)


2020 R06

Release Date: March 23, 2020


         Placeholder flag added in Local Services. (5670)

         Comdata Integration: Advance User Account details updated. (5655)


      Tasks: New dependency date for Document Management added. (5749)

       BI Tool Views: Task Note added to Task Information View (5572)


       Local Services: Date field sorts based on timestamps. (5325)

       UniGroup Integration: Estimate amount updates only if present in the XML file. (5353)

       Agents: New prompt added to confirm approved van line. (5776)

       UniGroup Quotes to Go: Lead Source is no longer being overwritten on estimate downloads. (5744)

       Date field sorted based on timestamps. (5325)


2020 R05

Release Date: March 9, 2020


         Create Advances option added for Comdata Advance/Payment Processing. (5737)

         Improvements made to Job Costing calculation mechanism and MoversSuite Administration. (5739)


      “Enter Transaction Dates” step within Generic Revenue Import updated. (5713)


       Commissions generating smoothly for salespersons. (5755)


2020 R04

Release Date: February 24, 2020


       SIT Information Added to Atlas Download. (2963)

       Forms Designer Bookmarks updated. (4755,5222,5438)


       Additional Atlas data populated in MoversSuite (4940, 4985)

       Character limit for Atlas Revenue Import tables increased. (5712)

       Error message prompts upon cancelling an electronic payment. (5738)


2020 R03

Release Date: February 10, 2020



         UniGroup IBIL Improvements: (5652)

      Watch List Note added

      Default salesperson on uploaded order

      “UniGroup Options” button shows up at all times

      Estimate weight included in upload


          Atlas Integration: Pack counts included in upload and download contents. (5405)

          SIT Authorization field updated upon Atlas Download. (5435)

          Report Improvements and Additions. (5278, 5331, 5479, 5660, 4778, 5298, 5526)

          New Letter Management Bookmarks added. (1455)

          BI Tool: Crew Actuals View Updated. (5715)


          Atlas Integration: Contract included in uploads and downloads. (5036)

          Atlas Integration: Clear driver from order when a different, non-sister agent driver is downloaded. (5295)

          Equus Upload button shows up on relevant orders only. (5723)

          Recurring Billing Generation does not produce any errors for archived orders. (5724)



2020 R02

Release Date: January 27, 2020



        Atlas Integration: Ability to uncancel an order added (5426)


       Text Messaging: Improvements made to update alerts (5681)

       Atlas Integration: Valuation included in Uploads/Downloads (5392)


          Setting a shipment status to “Cancelled” prompts for a cancellation reason. (4054)


2020 R01

Release Date: January 13, 2020



        Text Messaging: Ability to change contact name added (5388)

        Text Messaging: Ability to unsubscribe from a conversation added (5389)

        Atlas Integration: Support for additional fields added (504)


         Invoice Received Date and Invoice Approved Date added to Add Third Party Item (5484)

         BI Tool: View Updates and Additions (5623)

         QuickBooks Integration: Old QuickBooks removed from MoversSuite API service (5669)


          Actual User Shows Up Upon Updating Shipment Status (5368)

          1099 flag sets accurately on commission items. (5684)

           Commissions Received Only When their Commission Plan Matches with That on The Order (5685)


2019 R26

Release Date: December 30, 2019



       Date Note shows without error (5610)

       Due Date of Tasks are Synchronized with Job Start and End Date (5598)

       Correct handling of the ampersand in report title and menu names (5672)

       SIT Expiration Date set correctly in Revenue Entry (5619)

       WMS Import option only available when security access is granted (5680)


2019 R25

Release Date: December 16, 2019


        Quickbooks OAuth1 upgraded to OAuth2 (5597)


2019 R24

Release Date: December 2, 2019


        Equus Integration added to MoversSuite (5376)


        Time zone conversion logic added to Order History (5482, 5477, 5478)


2019 R23

Release Date: November 18, 2019


        Warehouse Management: WMS Revenue Import Process Added (5149)


        IANA Time zone Compatibility Added to MoversSuite2 Database (5476)


        Activity tab access violation error resolved (5627)


2019 R22

Release Date: November 4, 2019


SMTP Setup: New button added for sending Email via DBMail Test (5608)


2019 R21

Release Date: October 21, 2019


UniGroup Uploads: New upload process named UniGroup International IBIL added (5428)


        Revenue Entry Transactions Grid’s Performance Improved (5546)

        OrderAuditInfo Records Delete Timely (5563, 5573)


2019 R20

Release Date: October 7, 2019


Quotes updated with Quote Description (5324)


         QLAB Opportunities not overwriting (5557)

         Find dialog opens without lag under extreme loads (5545)


2019 R19


Release Date: September 23, 2019



Office & Industrial: Job Start and Job End Dates save when edited through Revenue Entry (5399)

Quotes: Miles value being pulled in for Fuel Cost rates (5429)

Recurring Billing: Quantity fields no longer clearing out (5366)


2019 R18


Release Date: September 9, 2019


BI Tool: View Updates and Additions (5214)


2019 R17

Release Date: August 26, 2019



        Scheduling added to Text Messaging (5350)

        Customer Summary Report in MSCrew shows Crew Time Details (5517)


         MssWebApiService tweaked to connect to database after a reboot (5361)


2019 R16

Release Date: August 12, 2019


        Work Ticket imports all work tickets for the same day/order (5469)


2019 R15

Release Date: July 29, 2019


Generic CSV Import updated to sort by order in cash receipt import. (5471)


2019 R14

No changes in this release.

2019 R13

Release Date: July 13, 2019



Capture Preferred Contact Method is now Available (5321)

Copy and Paste Text Messages (5412)

MSCrew: Add Mobile Crew Time Punch Activity Option Available (5079)


2019 R12

Release Date: June 17, 2019


Page loading improvements in MoversSuite Administration (5424)


2019 R11

Release Date: June 3, 2019



Templates Added to Text Messaging (5349)


2019 R10

Release Date: May 20, 2019



User Signature Added to Text Messaging (5351)


Work Ticket (O&I) Report: Service Instructions are not duplicating anymore (5227)

Comdata Advance/Payment Processing: Advances delivered right after they are sent (5413)


2019 R09


Release Date: May 6, 2019



Capacity Management API Available (5375)

SF1113 Laser report added to MoversSuite’s standard reports (4777)


Import Actuals screen updated (5287)


Administration: Rates in use cannot be deleted (5398)

Local Dispatch: Dispatch grid scrollbar works correctly (5362)


2019 R08

Release Date: April 22, 2019



Support for MSCrew 2.2 added (5293)

“Number Delivered” field added in Enter Actuals (5293)


Administration: System Email note for Recurring Cash Receipts updated (5380)

General Application: Task module changes restricted (5043)

Account Profiles: Autofill preset address works correctly (5330)

Atlas Integration: Old order save correctly (5381)

Comdata Integration: Accounting transactions for Comdata transactions process without any error (5386)

Local Dispatch: Dispatch grid scrollbar works correctly (5362)

Text Messaging: Text Messaging Conversations layout updated (5358)

TransDocs Integration: TransDocs Document upload error message updated (5372)

UniGroup Integration: Product Details handling updated (5374)



2019 R07

Release Date: April 8, 2019



Text Messaging Conversations Screen Improvements (5348)

Local Service Date Options Updated (4936)


Factoring: Factoring Processed for each Branch (5317, 5365)


General Application: Web API Service renamed (5148)

General Application: Development tools updated (5270)

General Application: Queue Service configuration updated (5364)

Commissions: Timeout period increased on auto commissions (5355)

Electronic and Online Payments: Online payments through checking accounts process correctly (5300)

Office & Industrial: Building associated to an Account Profile is included in import (5322)



2019 R06

Release Date: March 25, 2019



UniGroup Integration: Quote associated to UniGroup International update one at a timeView and Adjust the Commissions based on Miles (5285)

UniGroup Integration: Minimize the chance of losing Containers and Lift Van data (5318)


Invoicing: Voided tag added to voided invoice documents (5289)


Commissioning: Miles based commissions with splits can exceed order miles (5316)

Commissioning: Verify Vendor prior to adding Commission Plan (5306, 5328)

UniGroup Integration: Update translation of personnel identifiers (5327)


2019 R05

Release Date: March 11, 2019



Text Messaging (5199, 5301, 5302, 5303, 5304, 5310, 5311, 5314)

View and Adjust the Commissions based on Miles (5273, 5306)


Agents tab added to Office & Industrial (5276)


Crew Punch Integration: Disable Transmit Batch button when appropriate (5281)


2019 R04

Release Date: February 25, 2019



Range limit set on the number of Local Services automatically created (5290)

Factoring Option is Available (5235)


Crew Punch Integration: Punches with no Activity now export to Crew Punch (5294)

Revenue Entry: Agent Percentage of 0 no longer causing error (5299)


2019 R03

Release Date: February 11, 2019



Comdata Integration: Export Options Added to Grid (5264)


General Application: Application signatures added (5274)

Comdata Integration: Generate AP Invoices to the Vendor (5265, 5622)

Office & Industrial: Building Constraint options update to reflect changes to the Locations (4938)


2019 R02

Release Date: January 28, 2019



Cell Phone Number added to O&I Work Ticket (5116, 5117, 5119, 5267, 5268)


AR Credit & Collections: Inquiry screen no longer produces error (5275)

Comdata Integration: Web Service URL reference location updated (5263)

QuickBooks Integration: QuickBooks setup script is available (5170)

QuickBooks Integration: Ignore category associated to imported services (5171)

QuickBooks Integration: Paging implemented to work with item transfer limit (5269)

Revenue Entry: Percentage/Rate associated to a reduction expanded to three decimal places (5195)


2019 R01

Announcement: End of Crystal Report Support through MoversSuite (2019 R26)

Release Date: January 14, 2019


Remove Branch and Labor Type from Cache for Inactive Personnel (5258)

UniGroup Integration: Product Details Updated to Avoid Duplicate

Record Entry (5234)


Crew Punch Integration: Updated Category 4 setting to include seven-digit Position Code (5255)

Reporting: Payroll Distribution Report correctly identifies crew commission plan (5254)


2018 R27

Release Date: December 31, 2018



Comdata Advance Processing (5130, 1223, 1393, 5247, 5248, 5250)


Restore Basic Export To Options (5242)


Invoicing: Invoicing Screen Speed Improvements (5215)


2018 R26

Release Date: December 17, 2018



Refresh Data Cache Feature Added (5216)


Letter Management: Multiple documents print without error (5164)

Crew Punch Integration: Field mapping updates (5236)


2018 R25

Release Date: December 3, 2018



Queue Service Skip Processing Option Available (5180)

Payroll Export to identify GL through new Local Service Classification (5212, 5220, 5224)


Improved Grid Export Options (5147)


2018 R24

Release Date: November 19, 2018



Data Added to BI Tool Views (5201)

User Defined Field Labels based on Move Type (5204)


Invoicing: Multiple users accessing invoice through Preview Invoice (5211)

Payroll Processing: Configuration file updated for Crew Punch Integration (5210)

Rating: Additional check added for Point to Point Rating (5206)

UniGroup Integration: Discount still applied for waived items on a Rating Download (440)


2018 R23

Release Date: November 5, 2018



GDPR and PII Regulations and Protection: Customer Request of Data Removal (5174)

Atlas Registration Upload (4961)


External Applications: Authorization for SIT updated under special conditions (5192)

UniGroup Integration: MemoPad Upload no longer produces schema validation error (5209)


2018 R22

Release Date: October 22, 2018



Fields Added to Order History (5155)


Order Information: At End of Table error no longer occurring on shipper phone numbers (5191)

QuickBooks Integration: QuickBooks API uses TLS 1.2 (5179)

Rating Systems: Negative rates available to quote and revenue items (5161)

UniGroup Integration: Special Service Uploads with Shipping Details process correctly (5196)

UniGroup Integration: Exclude PEAK rates from CPU items (5166)


2018 R21

Release Date: October 8, 2018


AR Credit & Collections: Order notes showing all details of the message (5181)

QuickBooks Integration: Updated API Service to include QuickBooks endpoints (5168)


2018 R20

Release Date: September 24, 2018



Search by Shipper Phone Number and GBL Number is now available (4727, 5145, 5167)


MoversSuite Email: Emails process without error during recurring billing run (5112)


2018 R19

Release Date: September 10, 2018



Data Updates for Proposed Customer Portal (5001, 5154)


General Application: Type of special characters allowed in user name updated (5152)

General Application: MoversSuite blue screen no longer expands to fit entire window (3705)

EnterpriseBI Reporting: Fields added to data views (5140, 5141, 5142, 5143, 5144, 5157)

Revenue Entry: Vendor name showing again for third party payables (5106)


2018 R18

Release Date: August 27, 2018


Divisions: Division setting no longer being cleared (5139)

Payment Management: Auto applying across multiple branches works for imported items (4900)

Recurring Billing & Storage: Error handling improvement (4663)


2018 R17

Release Date: August 13, 2018



Additional Information included in the UniGroup Special Services Upload (4963)

Additional Columns and Display Options added to Capacity Planning (5138)


MoversSuite Email Subject line updates when switching orders (5121)


2018 R16

Release Date: July 30, 2018



Support for PEAK Rates Added for UniGroup Rating Sends (5134)


Full SSN is no longer stored within MoversSuite (5114)


2018 R15

Release Date: July 16, 2018



Fuel Surcharge Support has been Added to Rating (4945, 5123)


Point to Point Rating Includes Sea Ports (5109, 5128)


General Application: Scaling of Login screen no longer filling the screen (3705)

Account Profiles: Special Instructions updated when the profile is changed (5113)

Atlas Integration: Check Actual Load Date if Actual Residence Pickup Date not available (5057)

Cash Receipts: Customer no longer pre-populates on new receipts (5070)


2018 R14

Release Date: July 2, 2018



Imported Revenue Indicator Added to Enter Actuals (4958)


Capacity Planning: Voided and Cancelled services not included in planning (5093)

Invoicing: Invoice locking added to Invoicing and group data no longer included in Void transmission to Avalara (5075, 5115)


2018 R13

Release Date: June 18, 2018



Port Codes Now Map to External Application Codes (5055)

Rate Source Stored for EDI Billing (4944)


Capacity Planning now Utilizes Common View (5080)


EnterpriseBI Reporting: Email address from Orders added to reporting view (5095)

Local Dispatch: Apply Times to All includes Reporting fields (4989, 5099)

MoversSuite API Service: Processing Limit Increased for API Services (5107)

Office & Industrial: Dispatch note no longer displays on O&I Work Ticket (5058)


2018 R12

Release Date: June 4, 2018



Equipment Count option added to Capacity Planning (5002)


Electronic and Online Payments: Manually added payment link emails now work correctly with Outlook (5078)

Invoicing: Combined Service Code amounts correctly listed on invoice (5005)

Job Costing: Redundant processes removed from Calculate function (5039)

Revenue Entry: Service Code length set to four digits (4897)

Revenue Entry: Effective Dates now working for Point to Point Rating (5066, 5067)

Tasks: Postponing a task no longer removes its dependencies (4941)


2018 R11

Release Date: May 21, 2018



Minimum and Maximum Charges Added to Rate Matrix (4943)

Effective Date Basis Added to Rates (4946, 5037)

MSCrew 2.0 Available


Commission Statements: Other Transactions no longer duplicated (5069)

General Application: No default Vendor ID for Vendor Find (5041)

International Orders: Shipping dates correctly update dates set within the Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information (4992)

Invoicing: Subtotal flag included on invoice copy (5076)

Office & Industrial: Sales Numbers Report updated for O&I (4937)

UniGroup International: National Account information included in quote upload (5060)


2018 R10

Release Date: May 7, 2018



TLS 1.2 Encryption Protocol required for browsers

MSCrew 2.0 Requires MoversSuite 2018 R10 or Higher


Vendor Find Improvement (4932, 5040, 5041)

Point to Point Rating Support (4952)

Credit Card Improvements that include Email Notifications (4955, 5053)


First Sort field in the Dispatch Center expanded (4986)

MSCrew 2.0 Available (4947, 5052)


Claims: Access to Manage Liability and Chargebacks screen is available (5065)

Email Service: No error when sending an email with no order attached (4986)

Local Dispatch: Source expanded in Enter Actuals (4991)

UniGroup International: All flight legs included in UniGroup International download (5051)

UniGroup International: BOL Consign with no address no longer generates error (5056)


2018 R09


New WebApiService service must be running on your system


Capacity Planning (4912, 4928, 5003, 5006)


General Application: Cancel from Login prompt no longer causes error (4978)

Commissions: Sister orders with different plans commission correctly (4982)



2018 R08



Set Reporting Time and Location of Local Crew (4728, 4989)


Lift Van Label Bookmark Modifications (4979, 4967)


General Application: Changing modules no longer causes program termination error (4952)

Job Costing: Revenue from accepted quotes includes all grouped items (4977)

Crew Punch Integration: Additional error handling for Crew Punch export (4976, 4988, 4990)



2018 R07


Commission Type Based on Miles is Available (4933)

Work Ticket Report Updates (4950)


CSI Pay Requirement Changes (4969)


External Interfaces: Crew Punch export works without exception error (4966, 4976)

External Interfaces: Invalid personnel mapping not halting Atlas download process (4965)

External Interfaces: Valuation included in a UniGroup download (4689)

External Interfaces: Updates to ensure correct reporting of UniGroup International upload/download errors (4981)



2018 R06


Online Payments for Recurring Billing and Storage (4893, 4951, 4962)

Order Number as Subject of New Email Messages (4768, 4953)

Crew Time Export to Crew Punch for Payroll Processing (4839, 4960)


Atlas Download Data Mapping Updates (4927)


General Application: Obsolete code and procedures removed (4809)

External Interfaces: New trade show codes added without error on downloads (3136)



2018 R05


International Orders Improvements (4923, 4934)


Information Bar updates upon a new order entry (4922)



2018 R04


New Local Service Information API Endpoint (4909)


Account Profiles: Clear account when not set on the Account Profile (4859)

Agents: Contact label aligned within Agent Information (4864)

Job Costing: Null items no longer cause error (4930)

Local Dispatch: Advance hold removed when person is removed (4763)

Local Dispatch: ETA Time and Assigned On Time display the time value only (4907)


2018 R03


Full Page Label Bookmark for Lift Van is Available (4890, 4917, 4918)


Claims: Receivables deleting correctly (4898)

Letter Management: Lift Vans bookmarks include single order information (4918)

Local Services: Labor Request factor into Total Hours Required calculation (4921)

Payment Management: Electronic payment batch items now match on created date (4913)

Revenue Entry: Quote import utilizes Rate Schedule for Labor (4919)



2018 R02


Build Quote from Local Service or Operational Plan (3606, 4904, 4906)

Generate Transactions based on Revenue Group (4813)

New Lift Van bookmarks allow for cube sheets (4889)


Consolidator Selector includes Street Address (4792)

CrewActuals view available for EnterpriseBI Reporting (4883)


Electronic Payments: On hand payment selector lists only valid options (4901)

Local Dispatch: Job Start and Job Stop fields display time values only (4791)

MoversSuite Administration: Update to allow older version of Admin Tool to run (4894)

Revenue Entry: Labor Rating Type is available to Invoice Group (4871)

Revenue Entry: Rate for equipment dispatched by quantity is based on Rate Plan (4880)

UniGroup International: Disable certain data from uploads (4878)



2018 R01


Online Payment System is Now Available (4795, 4885, 4886, 4892)

Mobile Crew Time Entry through MoversSuite (4830, 4895, 4896)


Adding Handling Revenue no longer errors when Divisions is enabled (4899)


2017 R26


Associate Imported Agent Items to a Work Ticket (4825, 4875)


Allow Work Ticket change on Generated Revenue Items (4827)


Sorting no longer affects contact being edited (4848)



2017 R25


Customer Quick Find added to Payment Management and MoversSuite

Administration (4733, 4855, 4856)

Update contact information for Service Providers on an International order (4769)


Invalid Window Handle Error Fixed (4844)

Add and Edit buttons moved in Agent Information (4823)

Change Order on credit card payments no longer producing exception (4858)

Custom default issue resolved MoversSuite Administration (4845)

Error message clarification from API Service (4857)

Viewing container information no longer causes error (4865)

Customer credit warning working correctly in Add/Edit Revenue Item (4869)

AR Collections Inquiry allows for Customer selection (4868)

Versioning in place for all DLLs (4860)



2017 R24

Known Issue:

Invalid Window Handle Error (4844)


Add Military Contacts for Base and Carrier on the Fly (4831, 4835, 4851)


Customer Quick Find filters list after three characters (4828)


Customer not updated when assigned through an Account Profile (4850)

Access path violation when sending an email is fixed (4801)

AR Collections Inquiry without error (4861)



2017 R23

Known Issues:

Customer not updated when assigned through an Account Profile (4850)
Invalid Window Handle Error (4844)


Add Agent Contacts on the fly (4767, 4817, 4821, 4822)

Add Work Ticket to Revenue Groups (4819)


Credit Warning Lockdown works with Customer Quick Find (4816)

Password error no longer received on credit warning (4815)

Improved speed of retrieving Commissionable Employees (4820)

Updated format of Other Locations Bookmark (4789)

UniGroup International system no longer receiving unnecessary data (4824)



2017 R22

Known Issues:

Customer not updated when assigned through an Account Profile (4850)
Invalid Window Handle Error (4844)


Import Revenue for all services on an order segment (4774, 4775)

Purchase Order and data refresh added to the invoicing screen (4760, 4765)

Mobile phone available for Office & Industrial and Account Profile contacts (4732, 4799)

Import from Quotes to Go to an UniGroup International order (4788)

Customer Quick Find added for overall improved efficiency (4128, 4790, 4793, 4804, 4806, 4812, 4829)

Additional Office & Industrial Bookmarks (4702)


Commission local crew only if assigned to Work Ticket (3958)

Microsoft SQL Server password encryption requirement (4761, 4770)

Crew advances based on Estimate Amount for O&I moves (498)

Six-character minimum for all user passwords (4724)

Support for multiple Customs Inspections added (4117)


No Sysuser error when logging into Hosted MoversSuite (4781)

Claims Grid Data View works with multiple cell phone types (4772)

Cost and rated amounts on containers only (4780)

Job Start and Job End dates added to Orders Not Billed Report (3966)

Local Service Type available to Special Services orders (4784)

Rebooking an order linked to an external system (4783)

Empty data not sent to UniGroup International (4794)

Special Instructions from Account Profile show without refresh (968)

Clearing SIT dates reflects immediately (507)

New leads open in Order Information module (4782)



2017 R20


EnterpriseBI Reporting is now available (4729, 4734, 4736, 4737, 4738, 4739, 4744, 4745, 4746, 4747, 4749, 4750, 4758, 4776)


Improved Letter Management performance (4734)



2017 R19


Additional Letter Management Bookmarks (4703)

Admin user prompted to select database (4011)

Custom reasons for an order cancellation (4715)


Job Costing compare option of Rated Amount available (4051)


Quote status no longer affected by UniGroup International (4705)

Invoicing for an UniGroup Rating Send no longer shows duplicate items (4719)

Editing in Local Dispatch working as expected (4742)

Sending Letter Management documents as email is working (4771)

Import Revenue no longer erroring on split commissions (4743)



2017 R18


Combine Multiple Services into a Single Work Ticket and Generate Multiple Work Tickets at One Time (3709, 3711)

Additional Work Ticket Report Available (3597)

Custom Sort Fields Added to Local Dispatch grid (4103)

List of Fields Tracked by Order History Updated (4116)

Building Constraints Now Link to Buildings (4073)

Building Constraints Available as Letter Management Bookmarks (3954)

Additional Bookmarks Available (4690)

UniGroup International Download Sync Function (4730)


User password rule change (4683)

Multiple-session check for generated transactions (4125)

Generic CSV Import invoice only updates (4720, 4722)

Entering actuals for one service is not copied to another (4731)



2017 R17


Scope of Work bookmark added (3953, 4712)

MSCrew Version 1.1 (4097)


New leads associate to the Order Information module (4704)

International data included on the UniGroup International Download when no Booking Agent specified (4714)



2017 R16


Add a contact to a quote (3588)

User login information captured (4037)

New Office & Industrial Bookmarks (3951, 3952)


Generic Import can identify record based on Invoice Number (4660)


Incorrect Rate Mask on Commissions (4687)

Atlas Statement Security Module (1411)

MoversSuite API Service auto start after reboot (1560)

Updated development tools to correct screen scaling (4129)

Related Orders accessing correct security information (4666)

SIRVA QLAB processes all imports based on UTC time (3783)

Shipment Type converted correctly on upgrades (4668)

Notification emails sent correctly (4075)

Auto Apply Options default to those set through Payment Application (3874)

Cleared Driver Number field no longer causing CSV statement import error (4679)

Handling of archived orders on storage run (3716)

Field label correction within Payment Setup (3493, 3532)

Dispatching Services report runs without error (4700)



2017 R15


Local Service Unit Standardization (4119, 4670)

Save Features Added to Day Note (3803, 4124)

Additional Job Costing Fields (4104)

Work Ticket in Local Dispatch Grid (3804)

Valuation added to the list of required fields (4078)


Rate Field Expansion (3690)

Destination tab active by default in SIT Information (4079)

Rearranged Tab Order in Office & Industrial (4050)


Index added to AcctTransactions table (4100)

Document Management file path saved on Azure (2501)

Time correct on SIRVA QLAB downloads (3784)

“C” removed from Claim Items Letter Management bookmark (4028)

Calculated service hours no longer being cleared in Local Dispatch (4065)

Required field updates for Office & Industrial orders (4076)

Correct storage begin date displays on invoice items (3802)

Modifications for in-flight orders in UniGroup International (4661)

International Orders changes no longer affect SIRVA QLAB requirements (4681)

UniGroup International orders prevented from being rebooking (4682)



2017 R14


Customizable Unit Types for Local Service Types (8348)

MoversSuiteCrew Updates (8928)


O&I Invoices display Origin and Destination Address (8896)


Improved security for Local Dispatch (8801, 8829)

Clear Service Times (8859)

Outlook image handling improved for MoversSuite Email (8899)

No errors on recurring storage run with automatic email messaging (8953)

Correct mapping for phone number types on UniGroup International download (4109)

Message regarding UniGroup International upload/download (4108)

Day Note displaying correctly on new services (4099)

Country code for Extra Stops interpreted (4671)

No duplicate ports for International Order download (4675)

Error handled for lift vans/containers on order but not on download (4677)

Updated mapping codes for UniGroup International (4676)



2017 R13


UniGroup International Interface (8666)


Load Date included in Orders find (8269)

Third Party Error now includes Order Number (8438)



2017 R12


Improved Options for Import Revenue from Local Services (8613)

Additional Required Fields Available (8883)

Sales Team Commission Split (8788)


Add service in Local Dispatch without selecting a date range (8802)

Work Ticket Report no longer displays Dispatch Note (8895)

Increased Branch Name for Invoices and Reports (8892)


Clear Service email now references service branch for Local Dispatch message (8562)



2017 R11


Scope of Work group sorting order corrected (8878)

Cannot void Work Ticket with Actuals (8621)

2017 R10


Remove multiple items from an invoice (8672)

Overtime rules applied to Labor in Job Costing (8674, 8675)

International Orders User Interface Updates (Phase V):

Location Name and Location Code Added (8834)

International Transportation Mode Updates (8848)

International Container Size Updates (8849)

International Container Load Type Updates (8850)


Cost column visible only to managers in Job Costing (8258)


Market removed for Booking Agent (8856)

Agent/Carrier contact title added to Stored At selector (8857)



2017 R09


Import Quote into Invoice as it Appears in Quotes (8670)

Capture Reason, Date, and Person that Cancelled an Order (8737)

SIRVA QPD Integration (8746)

International Orders User Interface Updates (Phase IV):

Estimated Cutoff Dates Removed (8831)

Origin Port added to Vessel/Voyage/Flight Information (8824)

International Auto Register Flag (8828)

Customs Inspection Information (8731, 8744)

Estimated and Actual Pickup and Delivery Dates (8829)

Link Personnel Records to Credentials of an External Application (8825)


Timeout error on Data Warehouse Refresh (8837)

Remove Extra Stops on Voided or Cancelled Services (8595)

Remove Crew from Services with Actuals (8231)

Payment Application Timeout Issue (8745)

Auto Synchronization of Mobile Crew Settings (8803)

Third party invoice no longer duplicated (8552)



2017 R08


Windows Domain Authentication to log into MoversSuite

Known Issue: Timeout error on Data Warehouse Refresh (8837)


Log into MoversSuite via Windows Authentication (8638)

Office & Industrial Building Constraints (8337)

International Orders User Interface Updates (Phase III):

Auto Information Update (8725)

Quote Connected to Van Line (8754)

Bill To added to Quote (8752)

International Financial Information added (8750)

XML Mapping added to Container Load Type (8749)

Redesigned Booking Number Screen (8741)


Reorder invoice items by description (8671)

Enable/disable Duplicate Order functionality (8656)


Agent Find dialog no longer resizable (8793)

Office & Industrial: Enable Estimate and Actual Amount fields (8785)

Quote Number width expanded in drop-down selector (8636)

Field Requirements recognize Customer Number (8815)



2017 R07


Office & Industrial Scope of Work (8338)

SIT Information User Interface Updates (8685)

International Orders User Interface Updates (Phase II):

Shipping Information updates (8706)

Container updates (8733, 8734)

Consignee BOL updates (8763)



2017 R06


Set Haul As option automatically (8684)

International Orders User Interface Updates (Phase I):

Bill To fields added to Billing Information tab (8706)

Service Type and Forwarding Agent added to Shipping Information (8707, 8708)

International Region added (8709)

Agents updates:

Hauling flags added to Agent Setup (8682)

Ability to assign Agent Markets to Agent records and Agents (8683)

Agent Market API Methods added (8683)


Apply correct discount to UniGroup Rating downloads (8544)

Email function disabled when no contact address present in O&I (8713)

Emails sent during Recurring Billing run (8619)

Email options added for multiple-record reports (8720, 8773)



2017 R05


Job costing and rating for planned services (8417)

Assign “to be determined” dates on Local Service requests (8416)

Activity Type assignment to crew within Enter Actuals (8463, 8660)

Shipment Details available through Revenue Entry (8570)


New and updated data views (8424)


Customer number included on Atlas Statement Import in Payment Management (8673)

Open multiple email windows from the Document Management Viewer (8648)

Attach/email documents within Document Management Viewer without error (8714)

Services with “To be determined” dates excluded from Job Costing (8715)

Equipment Type column locked from changes in Local Services (8642)

Local Services for Office & Industrial require Origin Location (8662)

Manager can override user conflict on shared invoice (8360)



2017 R04


Compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server 2016

Compatibility with Microsoft Server 2016

Phasing out Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 in 2017 R11

Windows Domain Authentication to log into MoversSuite coming in 2017 R06


Standalone Office & Industrial Module is Available (8336)

Change the module of an order (8363)

Default Branch on Equipment (8384)

Quantity Based Rating for Job Costing (8586)

Control which modules Local Services are available (8349)


Creation of new users not allowed if maximum reached (6895)


Run installer as Administrator (4389)

Fields added to the revenue allocations routine for TechMate Imports (8717)

Updated text of database and application out-of-sync error (8532)

Send to IGC for Survey option not visible by default (8509)

Credit applied to other documents on invoice lists once on customer statement (7858)

Edit information stored for Local Services (8632)

Copy Task working correctly (8719)



2017 R03


Overtime over eight hours for Rate Schedule for Labor (8604)

Manage Operational Plan options added (8212)


Task Dependency Dates name change in Tasks Setup (7579)

MoversSuite Development Docs database available to Developer Community (8405)

Map interfaces to Rate Types (8468)

Auto-selected role when assigning crew in Local Dispatch (8217)

Enter negative amount with decimal in Quotes (8472)

Transactions highlighted correctly in Revenue Entry (8310)


2017 R02


Compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016


Local service job times can cross midnight boundary (8491, 8450, 8451)


Only one default Labor Type can be assigned to personnel (8573)

No change of description for system type Labor Types allowed (6742)

Refined working for the Customer Credit Warning options (8267)

Commission Statement no longer shows duplicate orders (8577)

Survey End Time cannot come before Start Time (8592)

GP Data Warehouse Refresh works with multiple instances running concurrently (8582)

Username/password combination issue (8435)

Letter name displays in Document Management (8435)

Certain Local Services data not saving (8615)

CPU data displays within Long Distance Dispatch (8557)

MoversSuite Email Service runs without error (8545)

Default MoversSuite Email signature now appears automatically (8600)


2017 R01


Base task due date on the completion of another task (8331)

Overlapping actual times for local crew (8540)


Restrictions on changing or deleting the Labor Type (8547)

UniGroup AOM Registration update (8490)

Rates based on Rate Matrix do not affect quantity (8530)


2016 R26


Work Ticket and Difficulty Factor integrates better within Local Services (8388, 8389)


All Rate Schedule for Labor tiers recognized (8588)

Default Labor Type setting is saved on personnel records (8566)

Setup name change for Rate Schedule for Labor (8454)

Label change within Rate Schedule for Labor (8455)

Modified branch access to quotes (8528)

Agent contacts available as email recipients (8569)


2016 R25


Attach Documents to Equipment Records (8382)

Attach Documents to Account Profiles (8381)

Anticipated rated expense added to Job Costing (8371, 8372, 8449, 8549)


Order Archiving without permissions error (7563)


2016 R24


Attach Documents to Personnel Records (8380)


Atlas linehaul revenue importing correctly (8453)

 Closing Ratio Report showing all leads (8423)

Replacement font based on first character of placeholder text (8513)

O&I Master Invoice Report now shows all detail information (8510)


2016 R23


Letter Management Email Integration (8162)


2016 R22


Updated Enter Actuals Screen (8244, 8446, 8445, 8474, 8469)

Support for regular, overtime, and double rates (8256)


2016 R21


Define Labor Rating Schedule for Revenue Import (8259)


No error when duplicating Equipment Type records (8309)

Username appears in application title bar (8398)

Filtering enabled when Filter by Role in effect (8418)

Create menu for quotes displays options correctly (8412)


2016 R20


Dispatch Equipment by Quantity (8240)

Branch column added to Requested Services (8383)

Update Properties on Letter Management Templates (8370)


Select Quote Item Code based on Rate Plan (8197)

Military/Government SSN Bookmark Added to Letter Management (8358)

Updated Quote Bookmarks for Letter Management (8103)


Third party errors show current order no matter which module you have open (7452)

Clear service times in Local Dispatch (8352)

Faster load times for MoversSuite Email (8395, 8396, 8428, 8437)


2016 R19


Default shipping address based on Account Profile (7732, 8403)

Create and Apply Quote Templates (8193, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8413)

Safety Fields Added to Personnel and Equipment (8343)


Consistent System.Net.HTTP.Formatting across all projects (8395)

Grouped data no longer causing error in Long Distance Dispatch (8401)

Quote tab grid alignment (8410)


2016 R18


Associate Extra Stops to a Local Service Request (8242, 8377)

Define Start Day of the Work Week for Local Dispatch (8243)

Define Start Day of the Work Week (8274, 8354)


Upgraded Development Tools (8043)


Updated Times Used counter in Letter Management (8220)

Stores bookmark working in Letter Management (8366)


2016 R17


Dispatch Local Dispatch Equipment Based on Quantity (8239)

Operational Plans functionality added to Requested Services (8201)

Import and Export through Letter Management (8199)

Capture New Electronic Payment Method from the Accounting Tools menu (8308)

Option added to associate Electronic Payment to Customer (8345)


Application UI background color set to white (8318)

Limit Payment Types on Electronic Merchant (8316)


Improved handling of <Type> tag on Pass Thru Connector (8307)

Improved error handling for Recurring Electronic Payments (8327)

Updated FastTrac CSV Email Eligibility (8266)

Blank description on a quote group no longer causing error (8317)

Support added for the bcsz bookmark in Letter Management (8328)

Full phone number and extension display on reports (8213)

Order History shows actual user making Shipment Status History changes (8205)

Negative Adjustments show on Payment Management Adjustments Report (8186)

Reductions on reduced by other reductions calculates correctly (8284)

Support for multiple third party vendors on same invoice (8315, 8329, 8330)


2016 R16


Filter and Synchronize Local Crew and Equipment Based on their Role or Type (8234)

Default Branch and Hire Date added to Crew Assignment Grid (8233)

Create New Template from Existing Word Letter (8271)

More Letter Management Bookmarks Available (8206, 8211)


Turn On/Off MoversSuite Email Service (8305)


Equipment Import Scripts Added (7729)

Updated Save option added to Letter Designer (8272)


2016 R15


Standalone MoversSuite Email Service for Sending Message from MoversSuite (7363, 8155) video-play-xxl

Automatic Recurring Billing Email and Payment Processing (8222, 8252) 

Streamline Quote Entry (8164)

Security added to Recurring Electronic Payments (8254)


Order Information Data View updated to pull correct agent information (8214)

Convert MSS External Interface to Windows service (6718)

Electronic Payments available through Current Driver Activity tab (8277)

Manager Flag needed to issue refund or void electronic payment (8237)

Service date not available for crew and equipment assignments in Quick View (8257)

Updated format for saved Letter Management templates (8270)



2016 R14


Quick Find in Claims no longer restricted (8265)

Multiple users can access Letter Management (8268)

2016 R13


Recurring Electronic Payments (7971)

Quick View of Local Service Information is now available (8183, 8200)

Shipper Name and Customer added to Container Management (8091)


Item Code Mapping option added to MoversSuite Administration (7298)

Load records in main Claims grid based on Claim Status (8229)


Lead flag set on download for SIRVA and UniGroup Quotes to Go (7801)

Order dates not updated on EasyDPS download (8221)

SIT data handling updated on downloads (8228)

Services in Local Dispatch no longer change position (7536)

Dispatchers can assign crew with last name only (8185)

Only create Recurring Billing for non-lead records (5420)


2016 R12


Operational Plans available for Local Services (8182)

Set Service Request Times for Local Services (8181)

New Military Scores Data View available (8119)


Claims allows orders with per pound valuation (6161)

Hauling Agent contact information updates on UniGroup Dispatch Downloads (7990)

Queue Service no longer locks up (8215)

CPU button displays in bold font when adding Local Service (8188)

Phone numbers included on new duplicate orders (8125)



2016 R11


MoversSuite now supports Electronic Payments (7936)

Request Equipment and Labor through Local Services (7941)

Additional Letter Management Bookmarks (7635)


UniGroup Dispatch Downloads show in Order History (8104)

Equipment hours update correctly in Job Costing (8041)

Extra space in bookmarks removed (8192)

Correct transactions display on the Payment Management Adjustments Report (8095)

Inactive GL accounts no longer available in Payment Management (8063)

Change information on generated revenue items (8097)


2016 R10


Integrated MoversSuite Letter Design and Management Tools Available (7096)


Access Violation error in Local Dispatch Fixed (4219)

“Mobile” phone type referenced correctly on FastTrack CSV (8111)

Timeout on adding commissions (8166)



2016 R09


Display issues with Local Dispatch grids (8036)

Order data not updated on Atlas Rating Import (8084)

Discounted Linehaul set on UniGroup Rating Order Download (8028)

2016 R08


Application Title Message (8047, 8128)


Reports Setup Area (8045)


Update to third party adjustment/reversals in Revenue Entry (8098)


2016 R07


UniGroup Connection now supports FastTrack driver updates (7259)

Search by National Account within AR Collections Inquiry (7996)


Subtotal active invoice amount for customers (7997)


Compatibility check added (8044)

SMTP Encryption Support (7574)

Update Email Options within System Wide Options (8061)

UniGroup Message Queue Support (8000)

Sort Service Branch by ID in Local Dispatch (7952)

Full Driver Number displays in Shipment Status History (8011)

Third party payables not importing (8037)


2016 R06


Retained Revenue tab Added to Dynamics GP Order Inquiry (7730)


Invoices for manually added orders not displaying in Cash Receipts (7987)

No amount included on some invoices in Cash Receipts (8003)

Error on Claims invoice (8031)

Update to allocation percent calculations on Atlas imports (8025)

GoTo Reduction causing error in Revenue Entry (7998)

Voiding an invoice reverses sales tax in Revenue Entry (8029)




2016 R05



New Document Management Database (5557)

Upgrade Tool (7406)

Update Coordinator on Orders from Account Profile Setup (7647)


Limit on number of records returned to the Find (7864)

Update to Create Duplicate Order functionality (7917)

SIRVA QLAB no longer updates registered orders (7981)

Set invoice Created Date appropriately (7958)

Duplicate keys in Avalara causing Unique Constraint Error (8014)

Hidden line items no longer sent to Avalara (8015)

2016 R04



Cancelled Local Services Remain Visible (7603)

Local Service Type Classification Available (7900)

Ability to assign a Branch Location (7901)


Shipper added to Accept Self Haul email (7908)


Label change in Queue Service Server Setup (7969)

Associated Orders grid updates in Cash Receipts (7670, 8001)

Order History update related to SQL Database (7925)

Include Revenue Clerk on Duplicate Order (7854)

Credit Warning note created for New Account Order (7887)

SIT Days being cleared on UniGroup download (7897)

Third Party Application performance issue (4304)

Trade Show import no longer produces error (7825)

Billing Items Total no longer includes Finalized items (7915)

Slowness when adding items with auto commissions (7562)


2016 R03



Ability to add Service Instructions on Local Services (7355)

New 1099 Applied by Commission Statement Date Report (7927)


Cleaner Collections Note for Customer Credit Verification (7889)

Order History captures Estimate Number, National Account, and Bill Date (7827, 7829, 7869)

Required Fields updates (7844)

UniGroup SIT Information download agent error (7884)

UniGroup SIT agent update (7855)

PSI:Cature Import UTF-8 Formatted Files (7973)

EasyDPS Queue Service Handler Fix (7970)

QLAB Lead Upload Fix (7956)

Reductions no longer causing Revenue Item error (7918)

Permissions granted to MSS10500 table (7946)


2016 R02



Order identifying values now tracked by Order History (7873)

Sort option added to Payment Application Screen (7835, 7924)


Additional check added to UniGroup Rating/Distribution downloads (7605)


Import matching phone types into new claims record (7803)

SIRVA download now includes remarks (7756)

UniGroup Registration no driver error (7911)

Update to Cash Receipt Find by Created On date (7765)

Improved exception handling on storage runs (7856)

Update to hold logic on third party payables (7870)


2016 R01



Field Requirement Updates: More Reactive User Interface (7839)

Field Requirement Updates: Check required fields when booking the order (7848)

Field Requirement Updates: Check required fields when adding first service (7840)

New MoversSuite Data View of LocalServicesWithinNextWeek (7880)


New Software Versioning (7748)

Updated MoversSuite Desktop Icons (7712)


MoversSuite is compatible with Windows 10 (7792)

Field Requirements Label Update (7849)

Order History now capture order address removal (7800)

Added ability to enter manual email addresses for credit warning (7876)

Default service start time corrected (7907)

CSV Import no longer applies twice (7866)



Customer Credit Verification added (7782)


Atlas Revenue Import added (6347)


QuickBooks Integration added (7548)


Required Fields added (7634)


Order History added (7638)


Save & New added to Add Revenue Group screen (7642)



Add third party services from quotes (7335)




Mark Reduction Template as “Inactive” (6850)


Refresh added to AR Balance Summary (7440)


Mark Account, Document Type, Move Type, Note Type, and Tasks records as “Inactive” (6867, 6857, 6874, 6875, 6873)



Mark Account Profile as “Inactive” (6879)



SIRVA QLAB Lead/Opportunity Download added (7495)


Mark Local Service Type as “Inactive” (6879)




SIT Information included on downloads (7459)


Change a MoversSuite Order Number or Branch (7411)



Containerization Eligibility and Containerization Status (7435)


SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload (7195)



Pass Thru Connector (7424)

Container Management (7266)



Compare Orders added to Job Costing (7217)


Job Costing (6542)



EasyDPS Integration (7200)

AR Collections Inquiry (7014)


Order Archive (6541)



UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download (7160)

Import Auto Apply Options (5209)


Quick Find added to Dynamics GP Order Inquiry (7039)


Agent API added (6663)



Microsoft SQL 2014 compatibility (6949)


Mark agent records as inactive (6665)




Van line included in Agent Information dialog (6943)


Add Cash Receipts from within Payment Management (6756, 4880, 5196)




Move Type added to Local Dispatch grids (6904)


Branch Selector Added to Local Services (6741)




Set CPU Counts on Local Services (6743)


Add Customer Selector to Cash Receipts (6705, 6706, 6708, 6713)


Apply to AR transactions not existing in MoversSuite (6467)


View and apply to existing payables (5194)


Multiple file attachment improvements made to Document Management (6717)


Revenue Entry Work Tickets Improvements (6736)


AR Balance Summary includes Customer number (6737)


Quick Find added to Claims (6744)





Report Groups Added (6413)




Recall Previous Find Values (6603)


Remove Single Letter Payment Codes (6315, 6240, 6399, 6474)


Claims Processing Option Removed (6452)


Show Invoices Option Removed (6515)


Invoice Option Added to Document View in Dynamics GP Order Inquiry (6518)


Allow Upward Adjustment by Service Code (6395)


Process True Cash Receipts (4881)


Allow Over Apply of Payment (5297)


Summarize Payments on UniGroup Statement Import (6578)


Support for Multiple Labor Types per User (4716)


















Refresh Added to Revenue Entry (6482)




Fields Added to Local Dispatch Grids (6489)





New Payment Application Screen in Payment Management (5188)




Effective Dates added to Commission Plan (4431, 5949, 6110)


Updated Transactions Generated dialog for Revenue Entry (6107)


Auto Ranking of Phone Numbers (5994)


Safety Fields Added (6026, 6136)


Task Performance Update (5969)


Transportation Coordinator updated on Atlas Download (6027)


Sorting added to the Store Information grid (6288)


Icons Added to MoversSuite User Interface (6137)


Claims Improvements: Add fields and Days Open (6287)


Phone Number Rankings (5922)



Tasks Right-Click Menu (5477)