Electronic Payments


Electronic Payments are those in which the customer provides you with a credit card or bank account (if your Electronic Provider allows) to pay an invoice.


Electronic Payments is the process for which the MoversSuite user enters the payee’s payment information to process the payment, unlike Online Payments where the customer is sent an email with via a web link to a secure hosted site so that they can enter their payment information themselves. Optionally, the payment information can be retained for future billing, such as for Recurring Billing and Storage. You have the option to process a payment for an order and/or customer on the order or as a stand-alone payment with no order or customer.


Two ways to process Electronic Payments are:


1. Are you processing the payment now? Go to Electronic Payments (Pay Now) for instructions.


This is for when the customer gives you their credit card information for you to enter (and save for possible future use). The main screen of this process is the Credit Card/Bank Payment or Authorization screen, which is available through:

•     Electronic Payments Menu > Credit Card/Bank Payment or Authorization

•     AR Credit & Collections > right-click on AR Detail record

•     Long Distance Dispatch > Current Driver Activity

•     Long Distance Dispatch > Orders


Some examples of this use are:

    the Customer is on the phone and wishes to pay an invoice now by directly by providing their payment information to you. Some other examples are:

    Customer mails you the credit card/bank account information to pay an invoice.

    You or customer receives an Approval Code to reprocess a payment.

    Someone off the street wishes to pay for something (no order or customer)


2. Are you processing the payment later? Go to Electronic Payments (Pay Later) for instructions.


This is when the customer gives you their credit card or bank account numbers to use for a future payment. The main screen of this process is the Capture Credit Card Information screen or the Credit Card/Bank Payment or Authorization screen, both of which are available on the Electronic Payments Menu.


1.    Are you processing an authorization?


To put funds “on hold” or getting a “pre-authorization.” Go to Credit Card/Bank Payment or Authorization > use the Authorization checkbox.


To process an authorization that has already been issued, go to Complete Authorized Payment.



Credit Card How Do I…


Electronic and Online Payments (Videos)

Electronic Payments Data Transferred

Electronic Payments (Videos)

Online Payments

Online Payments Data Transferred

Recurring Billing