Online Help


Online Help is a content-based application that provides technical and reference material on MoversSuite and is ran through a browser window. It contains release information and data on each MoversSuite function and feature, including MoversSuite screens, tabs, dialogs, fields, etc.


Access the Online Help through the Help Menu (keyboard shortcut of Alt+H+H) in MoversSuite.


The screen layout consists of a navigation pane that includes Contents, Topics, and Search tabs that you can use to locate topics. When first accessed, the Online Help defaults to the Welcome to MoversSuite Software topic listing data specific to the particular version of MoversSuite you’re on, which is Version 2023 R03 in the example below.


Graphical user interface, text, Word

Description automatically generated

Figure 31: The MoversSuite Online Help


Enter a search under Topics or Search. Topics lists topic names only and the search used looks for exact matches. Use Search to search Topic names and the Online Help’s contents.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


The table below describes the main functions of the Online Help.




Contents pane

The Contents pane lists all topics by categories arranged by functional areas in MoversSuite. Click on the title to expand the topic and see subtopics.

Figure 32: Expanded topic in the Contents pane



Use the Index pane to look up topic by name. By default it lists all available topics in alphabetical order. Entering a value automatically filters the results.


Figure 33: Index pane example



Use the Search pane to locate a topic by one or more keywords. The search lists all topics that contain the specified keyword(s) and lists in the order of those topics with the most occurrence at the top of the list.

To search for an exact phrase, enter the value in double quotation marks.

Figure 34: Phrase search example in the Search pane


Press the Enter key on your keyboard or press the spyglass icon () to evoke a search.


Search results appear highlighted within the viewing pane. You can turn off the highlight feature by pressing the light bulb icon ().

Figure 35: Highlighted search results


Next/Previous Topic

These buttons allow you to move to the next or previous topic in sequence as it relates to the topic currently being viewed. If on a top-level topic, such as Driver Advances, pressing the Next button () takes you to the Advance Management topic and then the Add/Edit Advance topic, etc.

As you use these buttons to navigate between topics, the Contents pane also updates to reflect the topic being viewed.

Figure 36: Navigation example in the Contents pane



Refresh the Online Help and open the default home page, which displays the Welcome to MoversSuite Software topic.


Press Print () to create hardcopy of the topic currently being viewed. The printer options and print preview screens that appear are based on the browser being used to access the Online Help with, i.e. Microsoft Edge displays different options than Google Chrome.

Pressing Email () opens a new message window using the default mail service setup for your system. The application sets the following message values by default.


Mail Setting

Default Value


The email recipient defaults to the email address for the Documentation team, which is Feel free to provide us feedback regarding our Online Help. Any suggestions for improving the Online Help are greatly appreciated.

Clear the default address and enter other email addresses as desired.


The default mail subject is the topic title preceded by “RE:”, e.g. “RE: Driver Advances”.


A hyperlink to the topic being viewed in the Online Help is automatically included in the body of the message. Any user receiving this message with Internet access can open this link and view the topic.




Open the MoversSuite Support page in a separate browser tab by pressing this button.