EDI Customer Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial > EDI Customer Setup


Use this setup to define entities to be treated as EDI customers for invoicing in Revenue Entry


Also, use this setup to define the particular items available for the customer through the EDI Item field in Add Revenue Group and Add Revenue Item screens and through the EDI Code field in the itemization grid within New Complete Invoice.  These items determine the rating and other information set forth on the invoice.


The following table describes the data fields available within this setup.





Create an EDI customer for the Customer selected within this field using the drop-down selector, Customer Quick Find or through the Customer Find.


NOTE: Manage customer data through Microsoft Dynamics GP or through Customer Setup depending on your company configuration.


Invoice Report

Select a default invoice to be generated for this Customer; this report will be automatically selected for the Invoice Report in New Complete Invoice.

To appear as an option within this field the report must have be assigned to a Report System Location of “Revenue Entry Invoices.”

Customer EDI Item


Use this section to define which EDI Item values are available for this customer.  These values will be available within the Add Revenue Group, Add Revenue Item and New Complete Invoice screens.  Additionally, define default EDI Item values by setting the Revenue Group or Item Code for the record.

The EDI Item/Code will default in MoversSuite based on the Revenue Group or Item Code and the Point of Service selected for the transaction group or item.

EDI Item

Enter the code used to identify this EDI item type for an external system (up to 32 characters). The value entered here appears as options within the EDI Item and EDI Code fields in MoversSuite.


Enter a text description of the EDI Item code (up to 128 characters).   This value will represent the text of the Invoice Description associated to the item.

Unit of Measure 1

Enter the code used to identify the unit of measurement for the first quantity field associated to rating data for this EDI (up to 4 characters).

Unit of Measure 2

Enter the code used to identify the unit of measurement for the second quantity field associated to rating data for this EDI Item record (up to 4 characters).

First Location Code

Enter a value to display on linuser3 line of the invoice data stored in the EDIInvoice view (up to 32 characters). 

If this value is set to “LH1” and the Authorization for SIT at Origin (from the SIT/Recurring Billing tab) is blank, then linuser3 will be set to “PW” otherwise it will display “WO” for this field.

Second Location Code

Enter a value to display on linuser4 line of the invoice data stored in the EDIInvoice view (up to 32 characters). 

If this value is set to “LH2” and the Authorization for SIT at Destination (from the SIT/Recurring Billing tab) is blank, then linuser4 will be set to “DA” otherwise it will display “PW” for this field.

Revenue Group

If choosing to associate this EDI Item to a revenue group, then select one from the provided list (defined in Revenue Group Setup).  When this Revenue Group is referenced through Add Revenue Group the EDI Item for the group will default to what is set for this record.

Item Code

If choosing to associate this EDI Item to an item code, then select one from the provided list (defined in Item Code Setup).  When this Item Code is referenced through Add Revenue Item the EDI Item and Point of Service for the group will default to what is set for this record.

Point of Service

Set the Point of Service value for this item.  This value is used in conjunction with the Item Code to determine which EDI Item will be associated to the revenue item.

The Point of Service also dictates which Drayage Miles field to reference as either the Origin or Destination from the SIT/Recurring Billing tab.

Mileage Type

The Mileage Type determines what mileage value to pull from the order when computing rating for this EDI item record.   If left blank, the default mileage will be based on the Order Miles.

The application references the Point of Service value to determine whether the mileage value is pulled from the origin or destination source (applies to Drayage Miles and Shuttle Miles).

The following values are available for this setting.


Mileage Type



The application references the value for Order Miles.

Drayage Miles

Base the rating for this item on the Drayage Miles set at either the Origin or Destination SIT location within the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (depending on the Point of Service setting).

Order Miles

Base the rating for this item on the Miles for the order within the Move Information tab.

Shuttle Miles

Base the rating for this item on the shuttle miles set within the Billing Information (Revenue Entry) tab.  The value referenced will be either Origin Shuttle Miles or Destination Shuttle Miles (depending on the Point of Service setting).



Alternate Weight Required

Set this flag to require that the Alternate Weight be set for EDI invoicing for this customer. When set, users are prompted to enter an Alternate Weight for the order being invoiced through EDI Confirmation.

Alternate Weight for an order is managed through Billing Information (Revenue Entry).

Always Verify Item Selection

Checking this flag instructs the application to always prompt the user to verify and validate this EDI Item within the EDI Confirmation dialog.

If not checked, then standard validation checks apply to this EDI Item.



Military EDI Invoice Integration Setup and Administration