Wheaton Define Supported Mappings


Use this section to link MoversSuite values to supported Wheaton values. Only mapped data that is also set on the record are exchanged with Wheaton. The applicable setup areas are listed below and further details on each follows this listing:


Account Setup

Agent Setup

Payment Type Setup

Personnel Setup

Rate Plan Setup

Shipment Type Setup

Shipper Email Type Setup

Shipper Phone Type Setup

Valuation Setup



Account Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Customer Service > Account


From Account Setup, update each National Account supported by this integration by mapping External Code values from Wheaton to Interface Items. 


From Account Setup profile > General Tab > choose Click here to add a new Interface Item. Choose Wheaton from the dropdown and enter a value for the External Code.



External Code values were set within Wheaton Enable Functionality using the step detailing Wheaton Define Supported Mappings.



Agent Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Customer Service > Agent


NOTE: Wheaton must be aware of the agents you work within in your network and pre-authorize them prior to allowing data to exchange with MoversSuite. Reach out to your Wheaton contact to verify your agent list.



Define supported Agents within Agent Setup. Verify that each supported agent has their agency identifier established as an Agent ID within Agent Setup. Of note, Wheaton only supports four-digit Agent ID values, therefore if you have defined agent records longer than this, such by adding a van line identifier before the number, MoversSuite will reference the last four digits entered. So, if you have B1234, for example, the application identifies the ID as the “1234” part.



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Agents are managed on a per order basis through the Agents tab in MoversSuite. Of note, the Booking Agent is a requirement. Refer to Wheaton Data in MoversSuite for a listing of required fields.



Payment Type Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial Services > Payment Type


If you wish to exchange the Payment Types between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must map the Wheaton interface to External Codes defined within Wheaton Payment Types and reference these as the Payment Type set within the Billing Information tab.


NOTE: The only payment types and external codes accepted by Wheaton are listed within Wheaton Payment Types.


From Payment Type Setup > Click here to add a new Payment Type, enter a description for the name. After clicking to add a new Interface item, choose Wheaton from the dropdown and enter the External Code.


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Personnel Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Personnel > Personnel


If you wish to exchange the Salesperson between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must map the Wheaton interface to an Interface Mapping for each salesperson.


From Personnel Setup > choose an employee’s profile.  From the Interface Mapping tab, choose Wheaton from the dropdown for Interface. The User ID is their ID assigned to the employee on Wheaton. This can be any number that is between 6 and 15 characters long. Labor Type must be “Sales.” Set other options as desired.


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On the General tab, double check that the Last Name and First Name match the employee’s User ID. This data is not sent to Wheaton, but we advise that it match.



Rate Plan Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial Services > Rate Plan


If you wish to exchange the Tariff/Rate Plan between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must match to one of the defined Wheaton Tariff Codes.


From Rate Plan Setup, create a rate plan that uses one of the codes listed within Wheaton Tariff Codes. See Rate Plan Setup for more information on setting up a rate plan.


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Shipment Type Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Shipment Type


The Shipment Type must be set on the order in MoversSuite to exchange data with Wheaton without error. Therefore, you must map the Wheaton interface to External Codes defined within Wheaton Shipment Types and reference these as the Shipment Type set within the Move Information tab.


From Shipment Type Setup, use Descriptions and External Codes established with Wheaton Shipment Types to create a Shipment Type Record. See Shipment Type Setup for more information.


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Shipper Phone Type Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Shipper Phone Type


To ensure that phone numbers are exchanged properly, define supported Wheaton Phone Types and link them the appropriate MoversSuite types within Shipper Phone Type Setup.


From Shipper Phone Type Setup, enter a name for Shipment Type Description. Enter a Type Name. From Click here to add a new Interface Item, set the Interface to Wheaton, and set the External Code according to Wheaton Phone Types established.


Manage and view phone numbers through the Name, Address, Phone tab and the Contacts and Locations tabs.


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Valuation Setup

Setup Area: MoversSuite Administration > Customer Service > Valuation


If you wish to exchange the Valuation between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then the Wheaton interface must map to External Codes defined within Wheaton Valuation Types and reference these as the Valuation set within the Move Information tab.


NOTE: Supported deductible amounts are: 0, 250, 500, and 1000. Although this data is not exchanged, you can verify that the correct deductible amount and type are linked to the setup (and order).


From Valuation Setup > Click here to add a new Valuation, enter a name for the Valuation. From Click here to add a new Interface Item, choose Wheaton and enter an approved External Code. See Wheaton Valuation Types and Valuation Setup for more information.


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Summary Listing of Setup Areas Affecting the Wheaton Integration:


This table is a concise listing of the setup areas and information needed within those setup area for this functionality:



MoversSuite Field

Account Setup

For each National Account supported by this integration, map External Code values from Wheaton to Interface Items

Agent Setup

Booking Agent is required for uploads.

The Booking Agent must be set and the Agent ID in MoversSuite must match the Agent ID, which is a four-digit number. Setting the Hauling Agent, Origin Agent, and Destination Agent is optional, but if you do wish to have these exchanged between the two systems, in addition to the Booking Agent, then verify that the Agent ID is valid.

Wheaton must be aware of the agents you work within in your network and pre-authorize them prior to allowing data to exchange with MoversSuite. Reach out to your Wheaton contact to verify your agent list.

Payment Type Setup

If you wish to exchange the Payment Types between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must map the Wheaton interface to External Codes defined within Wheaton Payment Types and reference these as the Payment Type set within the Billing Information tab.

Personnel Setup

If you wish to exchange the Salesperson between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must map the Wheaton interface to an Interface Mapping for each salesperson.

Set the Interface to the one defined for Wheaton.

The User ID is their ID assigned to the employee on Wheaton. This can be any number that is between 6 and 15 characters long.

Labor Type must be “Sales.”

Set other options as desired.

On the General tab, verify that the Last Name and First Name match the employee. This data is not sent to Wheaton, but we advise that it match.

Rate Plan Setup

If you wish to exchange the Tariff/Rate Plan between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must match to one of the defined Wheaton Tariff Codes.

Shipment Type Setup

Shipment Type is required for uploads.

Wheaton Shipment Types must be set on the data exchanged between the two systems, therefore you must map the Wheaton interface to External Codes defined within Wheaton Shipment Types and reference these as the Shipment Type set within the Move Information tab.

Shipper Email Type Setup

To ensure that email addresses are exchanged properly, define supported Wheaton Email Types and link them the appropriate MoversSuite types by setting the Interface to Wheaton and setting the External Code correctly.

Manage and view email addresses through the Name, Address, Phone and the Contacts and Locations tabs.

Shipper Phone Type Setup

To ensure that phone numbers are exchanged properly, define supported Wheaton Phone Types and link them the appropriate MoversSuite types by setting the Interface to Wheaton and setting the External Code correctly.

Manage and view phone numbers through the Name, Address, Phone and the Contacts and Locations tabs.

Valuation Setup

If you wish to exchange the Valuation between MoversSuite and Wheaton, then you must map the Wheaton interface to External Codes defined within Wheaton Valuation Types and reference these as the Valuation set within the Move Information tab.

Supported deductible amounts are: 0, 250, 500, and 1000. Although this data is not exchanged, you can verify that the correct deductible amount and type are linked to the setup (and order).