Shipment Type Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Shipment Type


Use this setup to define the shipment types offered through Move Information.  These records serve the purpose of linking a record to an external application.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Figure 53: Shipment Type Setup record




Shipment Type Description

Enter description for the type available from within Shipment Type field from within Move Information (up to 64 characters).

Van Line Code

Enter the supplied by a third-party interface that represents this shipment type referenced when uploading or downloading order records code (up to 16 characters).

Click here to add a new Interface Item

Click to choose an Interface Item from the dropdown.


Shipment Type Status is also referenced within Field Requirements Setup. By default, the application assumes a setting of “All” to include all Shipment Type settings. If Shipment Type is not set on the order, the system assumes a setting of All.



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