Atlas Revenue Import Content


The MoversSuite Queue Service interprets the following data when importing revenue through the Atlas Revenue Import.


Atlas Revenue Import Field

Field in MoversSuite


Order Number


Contains the net distributable linehaul amount. It is used to calculate the agent’s percentage of commission through the following formula:


(Agent's revenue / Net distributable linehaul) * 100.0

For each qualified AP Headers XML item:


Agent (Agents tab)

apdet_DscntPct (includes reductions)

Discount (Billing Information tab).

pyt_itemcode (less “D” or “G” and leading zeros)

Distribution Code (Item Code Setup / Service Code (Accounting) Setup)


Agent Allocation Percentage (Revenue Import / Transactions)


Transaction Revenue Item. Internally computes a pyt_basis beginning with “LH” as “Transportation” within the Transactions tab.