MSWeb New Section

Order Information > Move Information > New Section


To add services to a transaction, go to the New Section within MSWeb Move Information, which is located at the bottom of the page. Notice in Figure 31 that the webpage has been scrolled to the bottom. New Section is where additional information and services are added to a lead or order through the use of “tiles,” such as Survey or SIT. Click on a tile to add that detail the order being viewed. For details on using tiles, see MSWeb Tiles.


A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 31: New Section is a collapsilble/expandable section located at the bottom of Move Information.


The tiles located within New Section include the following which list with their corresponding Online Help topic names:


Tile Name

MoversSuite Online Help Topic

Additional Charges

MSWeb Additional Charges


MSWeb Agents


MSWeb Automobile

Billing Information

MSWeb Billing Information


MSWeb Crates


MSWeb Locations


MSWeb Materials


MSWeb Military

Military DPM

MSWeb Military DPM

Military Score

MSWeb Military Score


MSWeb Packing


MSWeb Registration

Shipment Details

MSWeb Shipment Details




MSWeb Survey

Third Party Services

MSWeb Third Party Services

Trade Shows

MSWeb Trade Shows


MSWeb Unpacking


The image below (Figure 32) shows the tiles available within the New Section. If a tile is located within New Section, that service or information has yet to be added to a transaction. Once a tile is in use, that tile’s information becomes its own expandable/collapsible section within Move Information. Should all information already entered within a section be deleted, that section will disappear and that tile will return to the New Section. New Section is only for tiles that have not been added to the order.


A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 32: Within New Section, new services are added by clicking on a tile, such as Agents or Unpacking.