Sales Numbers Report

This report provides the estimated line haul for orders that are not cancelled, in lead, or have been voided and are have been booked within the specified date range.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Branch ID

Select *(all branches) to include all available branches in the report or select an individual branch from the drop-down list.

Booked Date From

Enter the date (as MM/DD/YYYY) to begin selecting records on.

Booked Date To

Enter the date (as MM/DD/YYYY) to end selecting records on.


In addition to selecting records with an Order Status that is not Cancelled, Lead, or Voided, the Booking Agent or the Origin Agent must belong to a Sister Agent.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by Branch then Salesperson then Move Type.


Header Information


Header information appears for each Branch, Salesperson, and Move Type for the following:

    Total Estimated Linehaul for each grouping


Detail Information


The following table lists the items included within the header, group, and detail sections of this report.




Report Header


Title of the report displays as Sales Numbers.

Branch Header


The report displays groups based on each branch included in the report.


Displays the Name of the branch as defined within Branch Setup.

Total Estimated Linehaul

The total amount Discounted Linehaul set on all orders associated to the branch displays. The Discounted Linehaul is set through the Move Information tab and displays as an Estimated amount within the Other Amounts section on the Billing Information (Revenue Entry) tab.

booked from

The report header includes the dates entered as the report parameters in booked from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY format on each page.

Salesperson Header


For each branch listed, there is also a subgroup report for each Salesperson.


Name of the Salesperson displays. The report groups by each salesperson and there is a {no salesperson} grouping for any order with no salesperson assigned. The Salesperson is set on the Name, Address, Phone tab. The report displays the Last Name followed by the First Name of the individual as defined within their Personnel Setup record.

Total Estimated Linehaul

The total amount Discounted Linehaul set on all orders associated to the salesperson for the given branch displays. The Discounted Linehaul is set through the Move Information tab and displays as an Estimated amount within the Other Amounts section on the Billing Information (Revenue Entry) tab.

Move Type Header


For each Salesperson listed, there is also a subgroup report for each Move Type.

Move Type

The report provides a subgrouping for each Salesperson by Move Type. The type is set for an order through the Type of Move setting within the Move Information tab.

Total Estimated Linehaul

The total amount Discounted Linehaul set on all orders associated to the salesperson for the given branch displays. The Discounted Linehaul is set through the Move Information tab and displays as an Estimated amount within the Other Amounts section on the Billing Information (Revenue Entry) tab.

Detail Items


This section lists all details of the report based on order.

Order #

The Order Number for the record displays.


The date the order was booked or added to the displays. The Booked date appears within the Move Information tab.


Displays the formatted shipper name combined from the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields from the Name, Address, Phone tab.

Total Estimated Linehaul

The total amount Discounted Linehaul set on the order displays. The Discounted Linehaul is set through the Move Information tab and displays as an Estimated amount within the Other Amounts section on the Billing Information (Revenue Entry) tab.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect, only grouping totals are available on this report.