Rating Import


Company rated or estimated revenue from UniGroup appears as Rating items within Revenue Import; the application processes this import type using the Import Agent Revenue screen.


The following table contains data unique to the Rating import in Revenue Entry.  For information regarding other fields, see Revenue Import.



Transportation Distribution Information

This section displays the participating agents of an order along with their percentage of line haul




Users can place a checkmark () in this column to select records to be imported individually through the Import Agent Revenue screen.


This column displays the agent participating role in the order as Booking, Origin, Destination, and Hauling.

Agent ID

The identification number for the participating agent receiving the revenue displays in this column. 

The Agent ID must match to an Agent ID for an Agent Setup record within MoversSuite.

If the agent affiliated to an item is incorrect, the sender and the record must change the agent and resend the record.

Agent Name

The full name of the agent as defined within Agent Setup displays in this column.


The percentage of discounted line haul that the assigned agent is entitled to receive displays in this field.  This percentage applies to the “Transportation” group (as managed through the Transactions tab).

Updating the Agent Percentage

This percentage value can be updated and will affect revenue from van line authority orders received through a UniGroup Rating Send (see UniGroup Downloads).  After the import, the percentage will revert back to its original setting.

Do not change from the Transportation Distribution Information tab prior to pressing Import; doing so will lose your changes.

Imported On

The processing date (in MM/DD/CCYY format) of the import displays in this column.

Split Haul

This section details the information when more than one driver is involved in transporting an order.


Note:  This data is also available within the Hauling Splits screen.


Agent ID

The identification number for the participating agent receiving the revenue displays in this column. 

The Agent ID must match to an Agent ID for an Agent Setup record within MoversSuite.

If the agent affiliated to an item is incorrect, the sender and the record must change the agent and resend the record.

Agent Name

The full name of the agent as defined within Agent Setup displays in this column.

Driver Number

This column displays the van line number used to identify the driver providing the hauling portion of the order. 


The number of miles that the agency driver hauled for the order displays in this column.


This column displays the amount of weight hauled by the agency driver displays.

Split %

Displayed in the column is the percent of transportation revenue that the agency driver will receive.


The Partial, Overflow, and Set-Off segments hauled by the driver for the order.



This section details the revenue items that are in addition to line haul. 


Users can place a checkmark () in this column to select records to be imported individually through the Import Agent Revenue dialog.


This column displays the agent participating role in the order as Booking, Origin, Destination, and Hauling.

Agent ID

The identification number for the participating agent receiving the revenue displays in this column. 

The Agent ID must match to an Agent ID for an Agent Setup record within MoversSuite.

If the agent affiliated to an item is incorrect, the sender and the record must change the agent and resend the record.

Distribution Code

The code used to identify the transaction of the incoming record displays in this column.  The Description value corresponds to this code.


Note:  MoversSuite suggests setting up Item Codes and Service Codes to match these Distribution Codes.  This provides workflow consistency as the transactions are processed and invoiced in MoversSuite.


See Service Code (Accounting) Setup and Item Code Setup for more information.


The dollar amount of revenue distributed from the import displays in this column.

Imported On

The processing date (in MM/DD/CCYY format) of the import displays in this column.



Atlas Revenue Import

Import Agent Revenue

UniGroup Downloads