Hauling Splits


Split haul driver information for the orders displays within the Hauling Splits dialog.  Access this dialog through the Hauling Splits button in Transactions; this button only appears when there is a split haul associated to the order.


Figure 26: Hauling Splits screen


The following table displays the data available within the Hauling Splits dialog.  Similar data displays within the Hauling Splits component of a Rating Import.



Users can set which agents will import through the Import Agent Revenue dialog of a Rating Import.





Total Weight

The billed weight of the order displays in this field. 

This value is also available within the Weight field in Move Information.


The Partial, Overflow, and Set-Off segments hauled by the driver for the order.

Hauling Agent

The identification number and name for the participating agent receiving the revenue displays in this column. 

The Agent ID must match to an Agent ID for an Agent Setup record within MoversSuite; that application pulls the agent name from Agent Setup.

If the agent affiliated to an item is incorrect, the sender and the record must change the agent and resend the record.

Driver Number

This column displays the driver number and name of the driver providing the hauling portion of the order. 

Miles Hauled

The number of miles that the agency driver hauled for the order displays in this column.

Weight Hauled

This column displays the amount of weight hauled by the agency driver displays.

Split %

Displayed in the column is the percent of transportation revenue that the agency driver will receive.


This function closes the screen.



Import Agent Revenue

Hauling Splits