On Hold Sales Commissions


The On Hold Sales Commissions is the default screen that appears when the Sales Commission Hold Management feature is accessed through the Accounting Tools Menu. It lists the sales commissions generated for Microsoft Dynamics GP transactions after the Sales Commission Hold Setup has been done and the transaction is:


1.    Placed on hold automatically by checking the Automatically Place New Sales Commissions on Hold Flag.

2.    Placed on hold manually through the “Place Hold” button on the Off Hold Sales Commissions screen.

3.    Placed on hold via your Microsoft Dynamics GP account.


The Sales Commission Hold Management screen can only modify AcctTransactions that have been imported into Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you try to place on hold or remove the hold before all the commissions for that order/salesperson have been imported into Microsoft Dynamics GP, you will not be able to proceed with that particular record. For such records, the select checkbox will not work and they will be displayed in a yellow highlight.

Expand to see Order Number details by clicking the expand  Icon

Description automatically generatedor collapse Icon

Description automatically generated with medium confidence buttons. In the examples below, Order Number 1623-235-23 has been expanded and Order Number 1623-235-21 has not. When expanded, details include Invoice Numbers, Invoice Dates, Invoice Totals, Invoice Balances, and Commission Amounts associated to the orders in the example (below). Each detail shows the sum of commissions that are on the invoice. The “No Invoice” detail shows the sum of those commissions that are not on an invoice.

Graphical user interface, table

Description automatically generated

Figure 46: On Hold Sales Commissions

From this grid, you can check and remove holds for the entire order (by checking the box on the top row that lists the Order Number) or by selecting items individually. Processes for the On Hold tab are the same for the Off Hold tab.

Storage billing can be automatically placed on hold to provide a means for managers to review commissions before funds are released. Auto Commissions must be turned on along with having the Sales commission Hold Setup enabled.

Additionally, the Sales Hold Commission Management grid allows the export of the grid to either a spreadsheet or to a browser window. Refer to the Export To topic for details.


Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Of note, only commissions generated after the Automatically Place New Sales Commissions on Hold Flag being checked will be eligible to appear in the new Sales Commission Hold Management screen. Any commissions that are generated when this feature is off will never appear in the new Sales Commission Hold Management screen. However, you can place/remove holds manually through Microsoft Dynamics GP to control whether those commission items appear on commission statement.


If there are more than one commissions for a single salesperson on an order, they are displayed on the On Hold Sales Commissions screen after getting summed up, as a single record.




Process Flow


The process flow for managing the sales commissions through the On Hold Sales Commissions has been described in the following steps:



STEP 1: Admin Setup Essentials


To start using this feature, make sure you perform the following admin setup steps:


i.             Turn on the Automatically Place New Sales Commissions on Hold Flag (MoversSuite Admin > Administration > System Wide Options).

ii.            Turn on the “Sales Commission Hold Managemt” security module and make sure that the Microsoft Dynamics GP API is running.


STEP 2: Generate Transactions


Once the admin part is done, you need to generate the Transactions through Generate Transactions button available on the Summary tab. This will modify the AcctTransactions table for your Microsoft Dynamics GP account and the commssion item will then appear on the On Hold Sales Commissions screen.


STEP 3: Review Commission Items


Open the Sales Commission Hold Management feature menu through Accounting Tools Menu and select the relevant branch from the “Revenue Branch” dropdown present at the top right corner. Filtered records will appear for you to review. Details such as Salesperson name, Order Number, financial details and the status info are displayed. You can use the “Remove Hold” button to take the commission item off hold. Doing so will place the item in the Off Hold Sales Commissions tab.


STEP 4: Using the Off Hold Sales Commissions tab


The Off Hold Sales Commissions tab lists all those commission items that have been taken off hold from the On Hold Sales Commissions tab. This means that the Microsoft Dynamics GP account has been directed to treat the record as open for commissioning.


STEP 4: Re-Applying Hold to Commission Items (Optional)


As the Sales Commission Hold Management feature is designed for managing the commissions when on hold, you can subsequently place the items that have been taken off hold back on hold as per your choice. This optional step can simply be done through the “Place Hold” button present at the Off Hold Sales Commissions tab.



Technical Field and Function Information


The following table describes the fields and functions available within this screen.




Revenue Branch

This dropdown lets you select the relevant revenue branch for which you want to review the commission tems. You can select multiple branches from this dropdown. 

This column shows a checkbox against each record through which you can select them. The selection helps you in taking individual or collective actions such as placing hold over them.

The selection only works for the filtered records and the rows that are hidden, remain in the same selected or unselected state they were before the filter made them hidden. The selected count and selected total commissions are only totals for items that are visible through the current filter.

This column shows a checkbox against each record showing whether this record is imported into your Microsoft Dynamics GP account or not. If a check is placed against a record, it means that the record has been imported to Microsoft Dynamics GP and you can proceed with selecting it for other actions.


This column shows the Salesperson who was assigned for this commission item’s order.

Order Number

This column shows the Order Number for this commission item’s order.

Revenue Total

This field shows the sum of original transaction amounts on Microsoft Dynamics GP for each item in this order.

Order Balance

This field shows the sum of current amount on all Microsoft Dynamics GP transactions for this order. Of note, if this field is highlighted in red, it indicates that there is some pending balance, and this commission should stay on hold. For commission items with zero order balance, the highlight is removed.

Last Payment Received

This field indicates the last payment received in Microsoft Dynamics GP for this order.

Commission Amount

This field displays the total commission amount for this order. If there is zero Order Balance, this field will be highlighted in green indicating that it is safe to take this item off hold.


Note: If there are different commission items for a salesperson, this field will display them after summing them up.


Status Info

This column displays the error messages, if any. For example, if the commission hold status is out of sync with respect to Microsoft Dynamics GP, the status info column would say: “Some items were already off hold in GP.” Refer to the Sales Commissions Status topic for a list of all possible status info messages.


This field displays the total number of records selected.

Select All

This button selects all the Microsoft Dynamics GP Imported records. Of note, any record that has not been processed by Microsoft Dynamics GP, will not be selected, and will be highlighted in yellow colour for quick identification.

Clear All

This button clears all the selections made.

Remove Hold

This button allows you to take a record off hold. For taking records off hold, select the records and click this option. The record will then be shifted to the Off Hold Sales Commissions tab.


This option closes the window.

Click Here When Review is Completed

This button is shown when there is an error for any of the records. Click this button and the error message displayed at the bottom of the screen will clear out. Refer to the Sales Commissions Status topic for some of such errors.




Sales Commission Hold Management

Off Hold Sales Commissions

Automatically Place New Sales Commissions on Hold Flag

Security Modules

Accounting Tools Menu

Sales Commissions Status