Logistics Information Search Criteria


The Store Information Find tab allows you to search for an order based on data defined within the Store Information tab of a Special Services order or through Product Details defined within Shipment Information. You can also use this tab to search by a Task Group.


This Find tab is available through in the following areas:

Claims (appears adding a claim)

Local Dispatch

International Orders

Office & Industrial

Order Information

Revenue Entry

Special Services


Figure 15: Store Information tab


The following table describes the fields available through the Store Information tab. Refer to Find the topic for information on the functions available through this dialog.




Select a Task Group

Include in the search orders with a Task Group matching the group selected here. The application compares what is set in this field to what is set for the order for the Task Group (within Name, Address, Phone).

Refer to the Find Search Tips section for details on using this field to filter search results by a company.

Store Information


The following fields reference data set on an order through Store Information.

Store Name

Include in your search orders with a store name matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for Store Name for records listed within the Store Information screen and added through Add Job.

Store Number

Include in your search orders with a store number matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for Store Number for records listed within the Store Information screen and added through Add Job.

Job Number

Include in the search orders with a job number matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for Job Number for one or more jobs defined in Store Information. Refer to Client Job No. in Add Job for more information.

PO Number

Include in the search orders with a purchase order number matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for P.O. Number within Store Information

Logistics Number

Include in the search orders with a purchase order number matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for Logistics Order No. within Store Information

Invoice Number

Include in the search orders with a purchase order number matching what is set in this field. The application compares this value to what is set for Invoice Number within Store Information

NOTE: This is not an invoice associated to revenue; it is generally regarded as an implementation number for the job.

Product Information


The following fields reference data set on an order through Add Product Information.

Model Number

Provide the entire or partial Model Number of a product defined within Add Product Information to search by.

Serial Number

Provide the entire or partial Serial Number of a product defined within Add Product Information to search by.


Provide the entire or partial Description of a product defined within Add Product Information to search by.



Add Job

Add Product Information

Name, Address, Phone

Shipment Information

Special Services

Store Information