Edit Advanced Rating Basis


The Edit Advanced Rating Basis screen allows you to modify the rate computed by a Rate Matrix by allowing you to update the quantities referenced when calculating the rate. This allows you to recalculate a rate based on different quantities affecting the rate calculation.


Figure 8: Edit Advanced Rating Basis screen


This screen is available through  button attached to the Rate field when an Advanced Rating scheme is in effect. It appears in the following screens:

Add Billing Item

Add Invoice Line Item

Add Revenue Group

Add Revenue Item



The Edit Advanced Rating Basis dialog brings in the quantity values used to compute the rate, such as Miles and Weight seen in the example above (see Figure 8). You can update these quantities and press Save. The application modifies the Rate set from the calling screen, e.g. Add Revenue Item, based on the updated quantities.


The dialog stores the changes you made to the quantities internally and references them only through the Edit Advanced Rating Basis dialog. In other words, if you change the Weight within this dialog to compute a different rate, then the Weight value is stored within this dialog only and does not affect any quantity set on the calling screen or on the order itself.