The Rate Matrix is an Advanced Rating feature that computes a rate based on the order properties, which can include one or two of the following:
Cubic Feet
Fuel Cost
Linear Feet
At the point where defined ranges of values intersect determines the rate returned to the application. For example, using the provide Miles and Weight matrix provided to your company, a rate of $34.71 returns based on a weight of 12,000 pounds and miles of 150. NOTE: See the details of the Miles and Weight matrix by viewing the Rate Matrix Report.
Figure 6: Advanced Rating Basis button
You can view the specific of the matrix by pressing the button available through the Rate field
when a matrix is in use. This opens the Edit Advanced Rating Basis screen
allowing you to view and adjust the values to reference a different rate from
the matrix.
Figure 7: Edit Advanced Rating Basis screen
Refer to the Rate Matrix Setup topic for more information.