Field Requirements Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Field Requirements


Enable Required Fields functionality by defining records for one or more trigger. MoversSuite enforces validation of required fields specified within the various Field Requirements triggers.


A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

Figure 112: Field Requirements Setup


The Field Requirements Setup provides triggers for various occurrences within MoversSuite, such as the On Create trigger in which validation of the required fields occurs when a new order is created. For each of these triggers, you can assign the data you want validated by creating new Required Field assignments.


Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

Figure 113: Add a new Required Field dialog


Additionally, you can also enable validation based on a particular Shipment Type, Order Status, or Shipment Status. Shipment Type assignments are available for all triggers. You can select a particular Order Status and Shipment Status for the respective triggers.


Listed in the table below are the triggers available.


In the case of downloads that affect an order, such as an order registration or update from a van line system, field validation does not occur when the item imports. Validation of the Required Fields does, however, occur when a user attempts to edit the order or in the event that another trigger is evoked, e.g. On Actual Load Set.



The Shipment Type setting is also evaluated for each event. By default, the application assumes a setting of “All” to include all Shipment Type settings and includes when the Shipment Type is not set on the order. The available Shipment Types are defined within Shipment Type Setup.



Order Trigger


On Create

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to create an order. The user is prevented from saving a record for a new order until all Required Fields are set.

Validation associated to this trigger is ongoing. The application continues to validate the required fields even after the order has been created.

Refer to the New function within Order Information for information on creating new leads and orders in MoversSuite.

On Book

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to book an order. The user is prevented from evoking the Book Order Information dialog until all Required Fields are set.

Validation associated to this trigger is ongoing. The application continues to validate the required fields even after the order has been booked.

On Registration

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to set the Van Line Registration Date found on the Agents tab. The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On Driver Assignment

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a driver is assigned to the order (as determined by the Assigned On Date being set through the Others tab found on the Move Information tab.

The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On First Service

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to create a new service from within the Local Services tab.

The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On Actual Load Date Set

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to set the Actual Load Date found on the Actual tab from within the Move Information tab.

The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On Actual Delivery Date Set

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to set the Actual Delivery Date found on the Actual tab from within the Move Information tab.

The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On Order Status Change

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to set the MSS Order Status to a particular Field value that is also associated to this trigger.  For example, if you wanted to require that the Bill Date be set when the MSS Order Status was changed to Billed, then use this trigger to define the combination of Order Status of “Billed” and Field of “Bill Date.”

The user is prevented from saving the order until all required fields associated to this trigger are set.

On Shipment Status Change

MoversSuite validates required fields associated to this trigger when a user attempts to set the Shipment Status to a particular Field value that is also associated to this trigger. For example, if you wanted to require that the Hauling Agent be set when the Shipment Status was changed to Assigned, then use this trigger to define the combination of Shipment Status of “Assigned” and Field of “Hauling Agent.”

Manage the order Shipment Status through the Shipment Status History screen.



The following table lists all required fields that can be assigned to an event for field requirement validation.


Required Field

MoversSuite Field Location

Account Profile

Account Profile tab > Account Profile

Actual Delivery Date

Move Information tab > Actuals tab > Delivery Date

Actual Load Date

Move Information tab > Actuals tab > Load Date

Assigned On Date

Move Information tab > Other tab > Assigned On Date

Assigned On Time

Move Information tab > Other tab > Assigned On Date > Time


Move Information tab > Authority

Bill Date

Billing Information tab > Bill Date

Booking Agent


Agents tab > Booking Agent


Move Information tab > Commodity


Billing Information tab > Contract

Customer Number

Billing Information tab > Customer

Delivery End Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Delivery Dates (second value)

Delivery End Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Delivery Dates > Time (second value)

Delivery Start Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Delivery Dates (first value)

Delivery Start Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Delivery Dates > Time (first value)

Destination Agent


Agents tab > Destination Agent


Billing Information tab > Discount

Discounted Linehaul

Move Information > Discounted Linehaul

Estimate Number

Name, Address, Phone tab > Estimate Number

Estimated Weight

Move Information tab > Estimated Weight

ETA Date

Move Information tab > Other tab > Estimated Time of Arrival

ETA Time

Move Information tab > Other tab > Estimated Time of Arrival > Time

GBL Number

Military/Government tab > GBL Number

Hauled Weight

Move Information tab > Hauled Weight

Hauling Agent

Agents tab > Hauling Agent

Lead Source

Name, Address, Phone > Lead Source

Load End Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Load Dates (second value)

Load End Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Load Dates > Time (second value)

Load Start Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Load Dates (first value)

Load Start Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Load Dates > Time (first value)

Logistics Coordinator


Name, Address, Phone > Logistics Coordinator

National Account


Billing Information tab > National Account > Account

National Account Name

Billing Information tab > National Account > Name

Origin Agent


Agents tab > Origin Agent

Pack End Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Pack Dates (second value)

Pack End Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Pack Dates > Time (second value)

Pack Start Date

Move Information tab > Range tab > Pack Dates (first value)

Pack Start Time

Move Information tab > Range tab > Pack Dates > Time (first value)

Rate Plan

Billing Information tab > Tariff/Rate

Revenue Clerk

Name, Address, Phone > Revenue Clerk


Name, Address, Phone > Salesperson

Service Type

Move Information > Service Type

Shipment Type

Move Information tab > Shipment Type

Shipper Email

Name, Address, Phone > Shipper Contact Information > Email

Task Definition

Name, Address, Phone tab > Task Definition

Transportation Coordinator

Name, Address, Phone > Transportation Coordinator

Type of Move

Move Information tab > Type of Move



Move Information tab > Valuation




Order History