If there is no Remittance Forms to print, the posting process will be as follows.


Check the Posting Date to be sure it has not changed, or change it if needed.


In the Process field, a dropdown, there are 4 options: Post Checks, Print Stub Alignment, Reprint Checks, and Void Checks.


Select Post Checks and Click the Process Button on the lower right, if your checks have printed correctly and you are ready to post.


Select the Reprint Checks, if the checks did not print correctly.  This will void all of the check numbers already printed in Great Plains and reissue the checks with new numbers.  Enter the Starting Check Number in the field in the lower left.  Click the Process Button.



Select Void Checks, if the batch is entirely wrong. Process finalizes the Voids.


With the Reprint and Void, a range can be selected, if only part of the Batch printed incorrectly. 


Use Process Later, if checks will be reviewed before being sent.  You can still Reprint or Void if needed.   Go to Transactions> Purchasing> Post Checks to get to the Post Payables Checks.