vRevenueEntry Data View


This view allows you to access Revenue Entry data for order.


The following table lists the data available through this view and in the order in which they display. Refer to the following for field descriptions:

Add Revenue Commission

Add Revenue Group

Add Revenue Item

Add Third Party Item (Revenue Entry)

Billing Information (Revenue Entry)

Order Information (Revenue Entry)






Use the Order ID reference to connect to related table data.

Only records with at least one Transactions record display in this view.



Fields included in this view

Order ID

Order Number

Order Branch

Shipper Last Name

Shipper First Name

Revenue Clerk

Sales Person

Type of Move


Authority Type

Tariff Rate

Billed Date

Origin City

Origin State

Origin Zip

Destination City

Destination State

Destination Zip

Customer Number

Payment Type

Payment Method

Purchase Order

Total Estimate Amount

Total Actual Amount

Estimated Discounted Linehaul

Actual Discounted Linehaul




Hauling Documents Received Date

National Account

Revenue Group

Revenue Group Amount

Revenue Group Inv

Revenue Item

Revenue Item Service Code

Revenue Item Amount

Revenue Item Pct

Revenue Item Qty 1

Revenue Item Qty 2

Revenue Item Rate

Revenue Item Agent

Revenue Item Division

Revenue Item Inv

Revenue Item Document Number

Revenue Item Document Date

Revenue Item Journal Date

Revenue Item Posted Date

Revenue Item Posted By

Commission Item

Commission Amount

Commission Pct

Commission Document Number

Commission Document Date

Commission Journal Date

Commission Posted Date

Commission Posted By

Third Party Item

Third Party Vendor Number

Third Party Amount

Third Party Document Number

Third Party Document Date

Third Party Journal Date

Third Party Posted Date

Third Party Posted By