The View/Email Invoice option allows users to access all invoices for orders with open AR for a customer. This option opens the invoices within a Report Viewer window allowing the user to perform a variety of tasks with them including save, print, and email.
This option is available through right-click options in the contacts grid in Customer Information and within the AR Detail data grid.
When evoking the View/Email Invoice option on a customer contact, the application references the email set for the contact within Customer Settings and insert it as the recipient of the email.
Figure 34: View/Email Invoice option
When the email option () is selected from within the Report Viewer, a new mail message
will appear using the application server default mail service. The message
contains a subject of “See Attached” and lists the names of selected and
attached documents within the body of the message. The attached files are
in Portable Document File (PDF) format.