Local Service Status


The table below describes the status of a local service item as established through the Local Services tab.   


NOTE: Status codes are not the same as Dispatch Status codes, which are set through the Dispatch Center.


Status Code



Users can cancel non-dispatched services through the Cancel Service(s) option within Local Services.  Doing so sets the Status to “Cancelled” and prevents users from further work associated to the service.


Services with allocated resources (crew and equipment assigned) through Local Dispatch will be in a dispatched state. 


Note: Dispatched services cannot be edited unless all resource assignments are removed from the service.  If all assignments are removed from the service, it will be in a Reserved state and users can edit it and resubmit it using the Send To Dispatch function.



New service requests will be in the idle state until sent to Local Dispatch through the Send To Dispatch function.


Note: The Idle Services Report can be used to locate and validate idle services.


Not Cleared

Services declined through Requested Services or cancelled within the Dispatch Center will have a status of “Not Cleared.”  Declining a service provides a dispatcher an opportunity to provide an explanation of the service cancellation; users can edit and resubmit the service.


Note: The reason entered by the dispatcher for the service cancellation is emailed to key order personnel (see Email Options Setup).



Services sent to Local Dispatch through the Send To Dispatch function and not yet cleared will be in a pending state. 


Services that have been cleared or edited in Local Dispatch will be in a reserved state.  These services will appear within the Dispatch Center grid and will remain in a reserved status until dispatch assigns crew and equipment.


Services that link to a voided Work Ticket show this status. Voided By and Voided On information also displays within the Local Services grid. Refer to the Void Work Ticket information within Right Click Options (Local Dispatch) and to the Work Ticket topic for more information


NOTE: When services are cancelled, cleared, declined, or edited an email notification is sent to all appropriate personnel associated with the order. See Automatic Email for more information.




Local Dispatch Workflow

Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch)

Work Ticket