Idle Services Report

This report lists all orders with a service in idle status.







(Select All) to view all records, <none> to include records that do not have a coordinator (appear within the report as {no coordinator}), or select coordinators individually from the drop-down list.

Branch ID

(Select All) to include all branches or select branches individually from the drop-down list.

Sort by

Select either Service Created Date or Est. Load Date to sort the data report on.

Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups in order by the following:





Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the Branch ID and Name of the branch set for the service.

See Add Local Service and Branch Setup for more information.

Service Count

Displays the total number of services listed for the branch.


Displays the name of the person assigned as the Name, Address, Phone > Transportation Coordinator for the order.

Coordinator Count

Displays the total number of services assigned to the coordinator for the branch of service.

Order #

Displays the MoversSuite order number that the service is listed under.


Displays the formatted shipper name combined from the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields from the Name, Address, Phone tab.

Service Type

The type of service being dispatched.

See Add Local Service for more information.

Service Date

Displays the date scheduled to perform the request.

See Add Local Service for more information.


Displays the date that the order was added to MoversSuite.

Estimated Load

Displays the anticipated date that the load would occur on as set within Move Information > Load Dates (first column in Range).



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.