Documented Notes


Documented notes link directly to a customer, order, and/or invoice and a user can managed them through the Notes and Order Notes tabs in MoversSuite.  These notes are part of the documented history and a user cannot delete them; they can, however, be appended to, which is a separate memo entry attached to the existing note.  Attributes of a documented note are as follows:



    Tied directly to a customer, order, and/or invoice

    Tracked and managed through Notes and Order Notes tabs

    Cannot be modified or deleted

    Can be appended to

    Integrated with third party applications (can be imported and exported)

    Unlimited in size and unlimited in the number of times appended to

    Specific Note Types used to classify and categories notes (see Note Type Setup)

    Used internally and externally; Send to Van Line option will transfer the note automatically to a defined van line; and they can be marked Private or Public to control account visibility


The following table lists and describes the available documented notes.




AR Credit & Collections

Notes added through this module can be associated to a customer, order, and/or invoice(s). 

See Add Note (AR Credit & Collections) for more information.

These notes are unlimited in size.

Claim Alert

When a Claim Alert is issued, a note of type of Claim Notification is added to the order. 

The contents of the message will be included in an email sent out to key order personnel.  See Email Options Setup for details.

These notes are unlimited in size.

Local Services

Notes created through the Send To Dispatch function will be visible through Notes, Local Dispatch, and Requested Services.  The Subject will be Dispatch Note.

These notes are unlimited in size.


General notes associated to an order and shipper.  Users can access these notes through the following:


AR Credit & Collections (Notes tab)

Cash Receipts (Order Notes tab)

Claims (Notes tab)

Local Dispatch (Order Notes tab)

Long Distance Dispatch (Notes tab)

Payment Management (Order Notes)

Tasks (Notes tab)

These notes are unlimited in size.

Safety Information (Equipment) 

Personnel Setup > Safety tab

Users can log safety events against personnel and equipment. These notes are unlimited in size. 

Sales Lead Information

Notes added through Sales Lead Information become general notes accessible through the Notes tab.  These notes will contain a type of Lead.

These notes are unlimited in size.