Alert Criterion

MoversSuite Administration > Alert Setup > click Click here to add a new Alert Criteria Group > Add Alert Criteria Group > click Click here to add a new Alert Criteria


This topic details the Alert Criteria options available within Alert Setup records.  For details on creating or updating an Alert Setup record, see Alert Setup.



The following table describes the values available on which to base alerts.  The criteria below are options available within the Alert Setup for the basis of an alert.


Alert Criteria


Credit Limit

The Credit Limit represents the maximum dollar amount of outstanding receivables allowed by the company to a particular customer.  Users can set the Credit Limit through the Customer Settings screen.

The use of this field depends on the Credit Limit Type which can be one of the following (set within Customer Settings):


No Credit

The amount of credit is a zero dollar amount ($0.00).  This customer has no credit established with the company.



The customer has an amount specified in the Credit Limit field as the maximum of credit available from the company.



There is no set limit to the amount of credit extended to the customer on the part of the company.


Users can base an alert on the following for Credit Limit:

Credit Limit between

Credit Limit equal to

Credit Limit greater than

Credit Limit less than

Credit Limit less than Customer Balance

Customer Balance equal to Credit Limit


Customer Balance Age

This is the number of days that a particular transaction document for the customer has carried a balance. 

This data is only visible within Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Users can base an alert on the following for Customer Balance Age:

Customer Balance Age between

Customer Balance Age equal to

Customer Balance Age greater than

Customer Balance Age less than


Customer Balance

Customer Balance is the sum of all receivable amounts outstanding for all orders where revenue links to a particular customer.  The Current Balance for each document listed in AR Detail sums to the AR Amount listed for each order.  The sum of all AR Amounts is what constitutes the customer balance.

Users can base an alert on the following for Customer Balance:

Credit Limit less than Customer Balance

Customer Balance between

Customer Balance equal to

Customer Balance equal to Credit Limit


Invoice Age

Age of the invoice is the number of days that an invoice has been open (uncollected) based on a comparison between the current system date and the date of the invoice.

The invoice age appears as the Days Old field within the AR Detail data grid for each order where revenue links to a particular customer.  This grid also displays the Invoice Date, as well.

The alert generation process considers Invoice Age only when an invoice(s) exist for orders with an AR balance for a particular customer.

Users can base an alert on the following for Invoice Age:

Invoice Age between

Invoice Age equal to

Invoice Age greater than

Invoice Age less than


Invoice Amount

Invoice amount is the sum of all invoiced items outstanding for all orders where revenue links to a particular customer.  The Invoice Total for each order listed in the AR Detail data grid sums together when evaluating the invoice amount of a customer.

The alert generation process considers Invoice Amount only when an invoice(s) exist for orders with an AR balance for a particular customer.

Users can base an alert on the following for Invoice Amount:

Invoice Amount between

Invoice Amount equal to

Invoice Amount greater than

Invoice Amount less than