Document Upload


There are various means of uploading a document into the MoversSuite Document Management system. The following table describes each of the ways that a document can upload.


Uploading Document Process


Manual Upload

You can manually add a document to an order through the Document Management Viewer. Options include the ability to drag-and-drop a file into the dialog pane or using the Attach File feature.

Automatic Upload (internal)

There are various processes in MoversSuite that automatically add a document to an order. These include the following:

      Invoices generated through Recurring Billing Management and when adding an invoice through the Summary tab.

      Work Ticket generated through Local Dispatch.

      Forms Designer documents that are saved either directly or when attached to a MoversSuite Email Service message.

      Details including the Subject and Body of an email sent through the MoversSuite Email Service.

Automatic Upload (external)

Your company can set up processes to that can import documents into MoversSuite. These processes include the following:

      AtlasNet Document Integration brings in documents from the AtlasNet system from Atlas. You can also send documents to AtlasNet as well.

      VendorConnect can be used to by third-party vendors to upload and update documents in MoversSuite. Arrivy is a known vendor that uploads documents for several MoversSuite customers.

      TransDocs Integration can be set up to bring in documents from UniGroup.

      PSI:Capture Integration can bring in documents from Psigen, which is related to the TransDocs Integration.


      TransDocs, PSI:Capture, and AtlasNet do not send documents down more than once. TransDocs treats an update to a document as a completely new version of the document.

      Arrivy sends down updated documents that overwrite what may already exist on an order. In other words, they like to keep the latest version of a document in MoversSuite.

      TransDocs and PSI:Gen documents that were deleted are restored and updated in MoversSuite. Whereas Arrivy and TransDocs create new versions of deleted documents.

      All processes, except for those running through VendorConnect (e.g., Arrivy) must map to MoversSuite document types through Document (Auto-Upload) Setup and/or Document (Auto-Download) Setup.