Contacts and Locations


Utilize the Contacts and Locations tab to document contact information, personnel, contacts, and locations associated to an Office & Industrial order. Unlike other order types in MoversSuite, the Office and Industrial module has Contacts and Locations listings to better suit the type of move. See the Technical Field and Functions table for details on the functionality of this tab.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 7: Contacts and Locations tab


Refer to the Technical Field and Function Information chart below and specifically the Phone and Email Fields for further information on editing these fields.


Technical Field and Function Information




Order Contact Information

Last Name/Company Name

For Office and Industrial orders, typically the company name is entered in this field (up to 26 characters).

The name entered here is referenced throughout the application and displays on various reports and invoices.


Field Details





26 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents



First Name/MI

For Office and Industrial orders, the first name is often combined with the LastName/Company Name to create a shipper name (up to 26 characters).

Field Details





16 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents



Phone Numbers

For Office and Industrial orders, phone numbers are typically entered under Contacts.


See Phone Number Entry for more information on the phone fields, if needed.


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links OrdersPhoneNumber displays AreaCode, LocalNumber, Extension

OrderPhoneNumber.OrderPhoneTypeFID links to

OrderPhoneType.OrderPhoneTypeID displays

OrderPhoneType.TypeName for each phone record type


Area Code: 4 characters

Local Number: 20 characters

Extension: 10 characters

Phone Type: 50 characters


Shipper Phone Type Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


The following Phone Types are utilized by the various connections listed:

“Origin Home”

“Origin Work”

“Destination Home”

“Destination Work”

“Moving To Home”

“Moving To Work”


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content



Multiple Phone Number Grid

The Multiple Phone Numbers Grid allows for multiple phone numbers to be entered for the shipper. Although available, phone numbers are typically entered under Contacts on Office and Industrial order. See Name, Address, Phone Tab for details on this Multiple Phone Number Grid, if needed.




For Office and Industrial orders, email addresses are typically entered under Contacts.


See Name, Address, Phone Tab for more information on the phone fields, if needed.


Field Details





120 characters


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Registration Download Content



Multiple Email Address Grid

The Multiple Email Address Grid allows for multiple email addresses to be entered for the shipper. Although available, email addresses are typically entered under Contacts on Office and Industrial order. See Name, Address, Phone Tab for details on this Multiple Email Address Grid, if needed.

Estimate Number

Estimate number assigned to the order (up to 32 characters).  An estimate can be generated through the Sales Lead Information screen.


Field Details



Orders.EstimateNo links to the Accounts table


32 characters


UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Memo Pad Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content



Lead Source

Select the source that led to the lead creation for this order.


Field Details



Orders.LeadType links to

LeadType.PriKey displays



20 characters


Lead Type Setup


UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download



Task Definition

Select a template to be used to build a predefined list of action items based off order-related data. The action items will appear within the Tasks tab and are defined within Tasks Setup.


Refer to the Tasks System topic for more information.


Field Details



Orders.ProfileID links to

Profiles.ProfileID displays



25 characters


Tasks Setup


Account Profile Setup



Task Group

Select a subset of the Task Definition which aids in filtering search results and defining invoice variables for Special Services orders.


Task groups are established within the Groups tab in Tasks Setup.

Refer to the Tasks System topic for more information.


Field Details



Orders.RolloutID links to

Rollouts.RolloutID displays

Rollouts. RolloutName


20 characters


Tasks Setup


Account Profile Setup



Print Label (Alt+P)

Select a label option from the list to generate a report of printable labels for the order. This function falls under the Report Viewer Options and the labels generate through the Report Viewer.


Note: The document generated through this function is defined with a Report Type of ReportingServices and a System Location of Print Label Report.  Refer to Reports and Hauling Label Report for more information.



Company salesperson responsible for generating the order.


Note: Sales people are personnel with a Status of ACTIVE and a Labor Type of Sales within Personnel Setup.


Field Details



Orders.Salesperson links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Sales” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Account Profile Setup


Salesperson Calendar
Opens the calendar of the selected Salesperson. 

See Email and Calendar Integration for details.


Move coordinator responsible for managing the order. 


Note: Coordinators are personnel with a Status of “ACTIVE” and a Labor Type of “Coor” within Personnel Setup.


Field Details



Orders.Coordinator links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Coor” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Account Profile Setup



Project Manager

Select the person responsible for managing the Office & Industrial project.


Note: Coordinators are personnel with a Status of “ACTIVE” and a Labor Type of “Project Manager” within Personnel Setup.


Field Details



Orders.Coordinator links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Project Manager” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Office & Industrial Bookmarks



Contact Preference

Select the Contact Preference type that you have given in Contact Preference Setup.


This section allows you to define which contacts are available to the project. Contacts added here are available for assignment to Locations set for the project (described below) and are available to assign to a quote through the Quote prepared for setting within the Quote tab.

Refer to Add/Edit Order Contact for field description available for contacts.

Refer to Add/Edit Order Location for information assigning the contact to location.

Right-Click Options

The following options are available to you through a right-click when clicked within the Contacts grid:




Add a new contact record to this order and/or the Account Profile through the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog.



Update the selected contact record through the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog.



Remove the selected contact record from being associated to the order. If the contact links to a location, it cannot be removed.



Open a new email message addressed to the address associated to the selected contact. The new mail message opened by the function is dependent upon which mail service your company is utilizing, either Microsoft Outlook or other third-party mail provider or the MoversSuite Email Service.


Reset Grid

You can modify the order in which the columns display in the Contacts grid along with adding column sorting and filtering. Selecting this option resets the grid back to the application defaults. Refer to the Data Grids topic for more information.


Add a Contact to the order and/or Account Profile

Opens the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog to define a new contact and optionally add it to the Account Profile assigned to the order. Adding a contact to the order makes the person available for assignment to one or more Locations.


Note: A new contact is only available to the order to which it is added. To make it available for other orders, select the Add to Account Profile option within the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog. 


Opens the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog allowing you to update a contact record.


Note: Changes made to Account Profile contacts are available only to this order record. To make permenant changes to a contact, update the contact record through Account Profile Setup.


Removes a contact from the order unless the contact is assigned to a location. Delete also permanently removes an ad hoc contact not associated to the Account Profile on the order.

Add a contact to the order by selecting one that is associated to the on the Account Profile on order. You can select a contact multiple times and edit each one as needed. The options available are defined within the Account Profile Contact section of the General tab within Account Profile Setup.


This section allows you to define which locations are available to the project. Locations added here are available for assignment to Local Services requests. Locations set here are also available to select for Location within the Building Constraints section within the Job Information tab. You can associate locations to the order through Add Local Service as well, which also display in this listing.

Refer to Add/Edit Order Location for field description available for locations.

Right-Click Options

The following options are available to you through a right-click within the Locations grid:




Add a new location record to this order and/or the Account Profile through the Add/Edit Order Location dialog.



Update the selected location record through the Add/Edit Order Location dialog.



Remove the selected location record from being associated to the order. If the location links to a Local Services record, it cannot be removed.


Reset Grid

You can modify the order in which the columns display in the Locations grid along with adding column sorting and filtering. Selecting this option resets the grid back to the application defaults. Refer to the Data Grids topic for more information.


Opens the Add/Edit Order Location dialog to define a new location record and optionally add it to the Account Profile assigned to the order. Adding a location to the order makes it available for assignment to one or more Local Services requests.


Note: A new location is only available to the order to which it is added. To make it available for other orders, select the Add to Account Profile option within the Add/Edit Order Location dialog. 


Opens the Add/Edit Order Contact dialog allowing you to update a contact record.


Note: Changes made to Account Profile contacts are available only to this order record. To make permenant changes to a contact, update the contact record through Account Profile Setup.


Removes a contact from the order unless the contact is assigned to a location. Delete also permanently removes an ad hoc contact not associated to the Account Profile on the order.

Add a location to the order by selecting one that is associated to the on the Account Profile on order. You can select a contact multiple times and edit each one as needed. The options available are defined within the Preset Addresses tab within Account Profile Setup.



Account Profile
