MSCrew Common Functions


This section provides some basic information on the functions commonly utilized within the MSCrew.




MSCrew Add Note

CREW LEAD ONLY: Adding a memo/note to the order.

MSCrew Add Photo

CREW LEAD ONLY: Adding a photo image to documents and updating your profile picture

MSCrew Change Order

CREW LEAD ONLY: Provide a text summary of a request for a change on the order and capture the lead and client signatures of approval. The application generates a formatted document complete with header information that includes your company logo, job information, and signatures. You also receive a prompt request to send the document in an email message (through a separate email window).

Generated Change Order documents are stored within the Document Management system and are visible within the Documents screen within MSCrew.

MSCrew Contacts

Utilizing various ways to communicate with the shipper, customer, personnel, crew, and others associated to the job as well pulling route information for addresses associated to the job using map applications

MSCrew Crew Time

Mobile Crew Time

Reviewing, updating, and approving punch time through the MoversConnect website. NOTE: MoversSuite users have access to the ability to update and approve crew time activity through the Mobile Crew Time screen, as well.

MSCrew Dispatch Status

CREW LEAD ONLY: Setting/updating the dispatch status on the job

MSCrew Internal Summary

CREW LEAD ONLY: Generate a formatted letter that provides details of the move request. This option is the same as the MSCrew Job Summary but provides additional information on the crew. Generated Internal Summary documents are stored within the Document Management system and are visible within the Documents screen within MSCrew.

MSCrew Job Summary

CREW LEAD ONLY: Generate a formatted letter document that summarizes the service information of the request along with capturing the lead and client signatures of approval. The application generates a formatted document complete with header information that includes your company logo, job information, and signatures. You also receive a prompt request to send the document in an email message (through a separate email window).

Generated Job Summary documents are stored within the Document Management system and are visible within the Documents screen within MSCrew.

MSCrew Login/Log Out

Information on logging into and out of the mobile application

MSCrew Password Reset

Resetting your password

MSCrew Punch In/Out

Logging into and out time activities associated to a job

MSCrew Refresh

Slide the app screen down when on a screen to pull in the latest information on the service

MSCrew Signature

CREW LEAD ONLY: The ability to capture a lead or client signature automatically appears when needed as part of the following features:

MSCrew Change Order

MSCrew Internal Summary

MSCrew Job Summary


MSCrew Update Actuals

CREW LEAD ONLY: Crew leads only can update time and quantity count for resources utilized on the job