Use filters to display only the records that meet certain conditions. For example, a filter to include only posting and unit accounts could be added to the Accounts list. Click Add Filter add a filter to the list. Multiple filters can be added using the filter drop-down menu options. For example, select and add a second filter to the list.


A search filter is also available. For example, type Savings and click the expansion icon to filter the list and locate savings accounts. Click Hide Options to hide the filter section of the list page from view. There's also an option to hide sections of the List window using the Show/Hide option on the list title dropdown menu.


Filters added to a primary list are not saved; however save the primary list with added filters as a new list view. To save a new list, click the list drop-down menu, and select Save As. Enter a list view name, and click OK to add the list to the navigation pane.