Some changes made to a primary list or a list view are visible only for you and are not visible to others who have access to the list. These changes are called personalizations. Personalize each list separately and changes will be remembered the next time you log in to Microsoft Dynamics GP.


Some of the personalizations that can be made to a list include:

•     Columns - Drag and drop columns to put them in the order that you want them; resize the width of the columns.

•     Sort order - Sort a list by clicking on any one of the column headings that are displayed in the list.

•     Information pane - Hide or show the information pane using the list drop-down menu or resize the information pane vertically by dragging the top border up or down.

•     Filter options - Hide or show the filter options area by using the list drop-down menu.

•     Action pane - Hide the action pane by using the list title drop-down menu. If you hide an action pane, a menu displays instead of the action pane. The same actions that displayed on the action pane appear in the menu. To hide the menu and show the action pane again, use the list drop-down menu and select Show/Hide and click Action Pane.


Personalizations made to lists can be removed at any time by selecting Remove Personalizations from the list title drop-down menu.