Trips by Driver Report


This report provides a list of trips, grouped by driver, for a 14-day period beginning with specified date and is an excellent tool for scheduling long haul move requests.  The report provides details for orders belonging to the trip and indicators for load date (“LD”), pack date (“PK”), and delivery date (“DL”).


The report lists orders that have a load and/or delivery date within a 14-day period beginning from the entered date.  


The following date fields are compared to dates in the reporting period:


Report Date

Location in MoversSuite

Pack Date  (“PK”)

First date in Pack Date spread within the Range tab on the Move Information tab.

Load Date(“LD”)

The report checks this first:

Load Date within the Actual tab on the Move Information tab.

Then this:

First date in Load Date spread within the Range tab on the Move Information tab.

Delivery Date (“DL”)

The report checks this first:

Delivery Date within the Actual tab on the Move Information tab.

Then this:

First date in Delivery Date spread within the Range tab on the Move Information tab.







Enter a date value to begin reporting records on.  The report lists orders that have a load and/or delivery date within a 14-day period beginning from the entered date.

Driver Type

Select (*All Drivers) to include all types, or choose drivers individually from the provided list. 

These values are defined within Labor Type Setup as the records with the Available in Long Distance Dispatch flag set.

Branch ID

Select (*All branches) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list. 

Branch values are defined within Branch Setup.

The report lists trips and orders by the default branch of the driver and not necessarily the branch of the order.  The Default Branch of the driver is set through their Personnel Setup record.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by Branch.


Header Information


The header displays the date range covered by the report in the upper right-hand corner of each page.


Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the Name of the branch as defined within Branch Setup.  

The report lists trips and orders by the default branch of the driver and not necessarily the branch of the order.  The Default Branch of the driver is set through their Personnel Setup record.

Driver Information



The name of the driver lists for each record of the report.  The driver name is comprised of the First Name and Last Name of their Personnel Setup.

The report sort by the driver’s last name within each branch listing.

Van Number

Also listed in this section is the driver’s Van Number from their Personnel Setup.

The van number assigned to the order is visible within the Agents tab.


Displays the formatted shipper name combined from the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields from the Name, Address, Phone tab

Trip Details

This section lists each trip assigned to the driver in Long Distance Dispatch


An indicator will display in bold-weight font depending on whether the request for the given date is one of the following:

“DL” for a delivery date

“LD” for a load date

“PK” for pack date


Please note that the load date listing supersedes the other two listings.  For example, if the load date and pack date are identical, then the report lists the “LD” (load date).


The Weight of the order displays next to the above indicator. 

Refer to Move Information for more information on the Weight field.

City and State

The city and state from the origin or destination address display here. 

If the indicator (above) is “LD” then the city and state associated to the Moving From address in Name, Address, Phone appears, otherwise the city and state of the Moving To address appears.

Order Number

The Order Number displays.


The First Name/MI and Last Name/Company Name from Name, Address, Phone display here.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.