Is Placeholder Flag


The Is Placeholder Flag when checked, prevents dispatchers from generating a Work Ticket until all planning is approved. This allows your company to accurately schedule and plan Local Services out, by preventing the services to be finalized until their approval is secured.


Figure 81: Add Local Service


You can access this flag from the Add Local Service and Edit Local Service screens.


Moreover, services with this flag checked, are not available to be assigned to the crew members through the MSCrew application. Once the services are approved, you can clear the flag by editing the service (either through Local Services or through Local Dispatch) and then you can generate a Work Ticket and the crew will be available to MSCrew.


The flag can be accessed from the following grids:


Dispatch Center

Local Services

Requested Services


You can also unset the flag by selecting any service in the above-mentioned grids and choosing the “Remove Placeholder Indicator” option from the Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch).