Equipment by Branch Report


Use this report to see which equipment is available for a particular branch.  Report options include the ability to base the listing on branch, status, and whether the resource is available in Local Dispatch or Long Distance Dispatch or in both.


This report is optionally included within the Dispatching Worksheet Report and Dispatching Summary Report.






Branch ID

Select *(all) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.


Select *(all) to include all pieces of equipment, or choose from the list of available status codes.


Select *(all) to include both Local and Long Distance, or choose the value individually.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups in order by


Equipment Type



Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the Branch ID and Name of the branch set for the service.

See Add Local Service and Branch Setup for more information.

Equipment Type

Displays the Type assigned to the resource within Equipment Setup.

Equipment #

Displays the Equipment Number assigned to the resource within Equipment Setup.


Displays the Status assigned to the resource within Equipment Setup.


Displays a Y if the resource is assignable to local service requests as set by the Local flag within Equipment Setup.

Long Distance

Displays a Y if the resource is assignable to long distance trips as set by the Long Distance flag within Equipment Setup.


Displays the Description assigned to the resource within Equipment Setup.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.