Dispatching Worksheet Report

This report lists all services by branch over a given period of time and is used primarily for disaster preparedness.  This report is designed as a worksheet for assigning crew and equipment to services during anticipated power outages.  Use this report by printing it off prior to the outage and then writing in drivers, equipment, and helper information in the space provided.


This report is identical to the Dispatching Summary Report except that the Summary report provides names and description for the crew and equipment resources.


If the Crew & Equipment parameter is set to “True,” then the report will provide a separate listing of all active crew members and available equipment.  See Crew by Branch report or Equipment by Branch report for more information on what displays for either.






Service Date From

 Enter the date of service to begin selecting records on.

Service Date To

Enter the date of service to end selecting records on.

Branch ID

Enter *(all branches) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.

Crew & Equipment

Select True to have the report include detailed information on crew and equipment availability.  See Crew by Branch report or Equipment by Branch report for more information on what is displayed for either.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups in order by the following:

Service Date


Service Type


Detail Information


The detail information of this report is identical to that of the Dispatching Summary Report except the Required Equipment section is omitted and the Required Crew section provides a write in area for the driver (D), equipment (E), and helpers (H) instead of listing the currently assigned crew members.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.