Email Forms


Depending on which of the Email Services you utilize, the application opens one of two forms.


You can utilize two methods of generating and sending the email messages from MoversSuite. One method is to rely on the underlying mail utility (Microsoft Outlook) to send the message. This method is called the Default Email Service and it brings up a window directly from the underlying mail utility and rely on this utility’s tools to create and send the message.


With a Default Email Service, such as Microsoft Outlook as your default email service, the application can capture and provide some basic information into the mail window, which utilizes the underlying mail system of the default service. In the example below (Figure 19), the application sets the Subject line to the order that is open along with the name of the shipper as the To recipient. This data pulls from the order when clicking on the email address set for the order through the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Figure 19: Microsoft Outlook window


If utilizing the MoversSuite Email Service, you have access to more MoversSuite data and information associated to an order and to the customer on the order. In the example below (Figure 20), the email contains recipients set on the order, such as the Salesperson, and links to a document linked to the order as well.


Figure 20: MoversSuite Email window


Refer to the MoversSuite Email Service topic for more on this feature.



Automatic Email

Default Email Service

Email Services

MoversSuite Email Service