Database Mail Setup


This functionality has been replaced by MoversSuite Email Service and MoversSuite Email Service Setup and Administration.


The Monitor Orders Email functionality relies on the Database Mail utility within Microsoft SQL Server Management. 


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Figure 11: Object Explorer in Microsoft SQL Server Management


The following table describes the steps to take to setup Database Mail.




Access Database Mail option


Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management application.


Open a connection to the server hosting MoversSuite using the Connect > Database Server option, which opens the Connect to Server window.


Select the Server name and appropriate authentication and press Connect to open.


Locate the Database Mail option () within the Management folder.

Create Database Mail Account

The following steps instruct a user on how to add a MoversSuite mail account and profile.  Instructions for editing an existing mail account are also included.


Right-click on the Database Mail option and choose “Configure Database Mail”.  This opens the wizard to guide the user through the setup process. Press Next.


Select “Manage Database Mail accounts and profiles” from the Select Configuration Task screen and press Next.


Select “Create a new account” from within Manage Profiles and Accounts screen and then press Next.

When editing an account, choose “View, change, or delete an existing account”.


Enter the following data within the New Account screen and press Next.




Account name



“Mail account for MoversSuite Database Mail”

E-mail address

Enter an email address for this service. MoversSuite suggests using a “noreply@” address to indicate to the user that the message they received is from a service and not necessarily an account to be replied to. Example: “”.

Display name

Enter a name associated to the E-mail address. This name displays in conjunction with E-mail address and is rendered as the From value on the messages sent. For example: “Moving Company Mail”.

Server name

Provide the name of the server set in SMTP Setup, such as “”. This is the IP address of the SMTP server that the account uses to send email.

Port number

Enter the port number of the SMTP server for this account (also set within SMTP Setup). This is typically “25”.

This server requires a secure connection (SSL)

Check this option if encrypting messages through a Secure Sockets layer.

SMTP Authentication

Choose the appropriate means of authentication in use for the mail server from the following options:


Windows Authentication using Database Engine service credentials

Select this option if the connection made to the SMTP server will use the credentials configured for the SQL Server Database Engine server.

Basic Authentication

Select this option if the SMTP server requires a user name and password. If choosing this option enter the User name and Password required by the SMTP server.

 Anonymous authentication

Select this option if not authenticating users. Choose this if mail sent to the SMTP server without login credentials.





Confirm the account was added correctly on the Complete Wizard screen and press Finish to save the account.

Create Database Mail Profile

These steps guide you on creating a profile that links to the MoversSuite mail account created above.


From the Select Configuration Task page, select “Manage Database Mail accounts and profiles” and press Next.


Select “Create a new profile” from the Manage Profiles and Accounts page and press Next.


Enter “MoversSuiteDBMail” for the Profile name and provide a meaningful Description.


In the SMTP accounts listing, press Add and then select the “MoversSuiteDBMail” account from the listing. Verify the other fields and press OK.


Press Next from the New Profile page.


Verify that the profile and account link correctly and are both named “MoversSuiteDBMail” and press Finish.

Test the Connection


Right-click the Database Mail folder (see Step #4) and choose “Send Test E-Mail” from the list of options.


Enter your email address for the “To” as the recipient of the test email then press the “Send Test E-Mail” button. The application sends a test message to the To email address to validate the Database Mail is working correctly.

If a message is received from the account, then the mail utility is working and setup is complete.



Monitor Orders Email

SMTP Setup