Combined Bookmarks


“Combined Bookmarks” are generally comprised of a table with the most commonly used bookmarks for that particular bookmark. Combined Bookmarks can be thought of like a pre-built kit for you to use.


Customize your Work Ticket Report by picking the Combined Bookmarks of your own choice and creating blocks of necessary information. Each section of the Work Ticket Report Bookmarks lists one of the Combined Bookmarks


Combined Bookmarks is organized according to the creation of Work Tickets. Start at the top of the list of RELATED INFORMATION below and work your way down the list to include whatever sections are needed.



Header Section

Work Ticket Title Section

Contact Section

Local Service Addresses Section

Shipper Contact Section

Billing Information Section

Payment Information Section

Service Dates Section

Service Summary Section

Crew Table Section

Crew Table O&I Section

Equipment Section

Equipment Summary Section

Equipment Detail Section

Signature Section

Packing Information Section

Extra Stops Table Section

Notes and Instruction Section

Footer Section