Crew Table O&I Section


The simplest way to create the section below is to use the combined bookmark called Crew Table O&I, which is located under the Work Tickets Group. Crew Table O&I is specific to Office & Industrial orders. If a crew table is needed for Order Information orders, see Crew Table Section.


Note: this is the Office & Industrial version. If a crew table is needed for Order Information orders, see Crew Table Section.


Example of section:


A table with numbers and letters

Description automatically generated


The combined bookmark used:


Combined Bookmark Name



Crew Tables O&I


Complete block of data including all fields shown.

Office & Industrial


The individual bookmarks that were used to create the combined bookmark:





NOTE: Includes everything above the signature section

Crew Total:

Count of crew on the service


Crew Listing:

First and last name of each person assigned to the service.


Scheduled Arrival:

Job start time for each person


Scheduled Departure:

Job end time for each person



Write-in entry


Break (hours):

Write-in entry



Write-in entry