Bookmarks Setup and Administration


The following table describes the setup related to Bookmarks.




Report Setup

Use this setup to define menu options referencing bookmark documents.  Set the following options for all bookmark documents.


Report Name

Reference the physical name of the custom Microsoft Word document including file extension, e.g. “Confirmation Letter.docx.”


Report Path

Enter the location of the Report Name file on the server.  MoversSuite installs place standard bookmark files in the mssShare\mssLetters folder.  MoversSuite suggests placing a copy of any customized bookmark documents within a subfolder of the mssLetters folder, such as “Custom,” and reference the fully qualified path such as the following:



Render Type

Set the type to “Letter” for each bookmark document.


System Location

By default, the bookmark documents are available through the Letters group (defined in Report Group Setup) and link to the Report Setup record. Refer to Report System Location for more information.

The following Report System Location values are available to support bookmark documents:

Claims Report/Letters

International Forms

Military Forms

Print Label Report

Quotes Reports/Letters


Personnel Setup

Assign users to Report Profile records containing bookmark documents.

Shipper Phone Type Setup

The phone types defined within this setup are referenced within the Shipper Contact Information section throughout MoversSuite, commonly through Name, Address, Phone and Order Information (Revenue Entry), are used to retrieve a particular phone number as a bookmark.

There are several standard types already defined as bookmarks. They include “Origin Home,” “Origin Work,” and “Destination Work.” However, all defined phone types can be referenced as a bookmarks by placing a “pt” in front of the type and then removing all spaces. For example, if “Cell Phone” is a defined type, then define a bookmark of “ptCellPhone” to retrieve its value from the order.