Archive Documents


Archive Documents is a functionality of the Document Storage Management Setup feature that helps you archive legacy documents from orders of your choice, present in your main documents database. It essentially lets administrators move the document image reference from the image database to a different database. The contents of these document will still be visible through the Document Management Viewer as they were, previously.


Moving or removing data does not remove the memory allocated within your system. So, it is recommended to shrink your databases after archiving. Shedding the load off the main documents database helps you easily perform operations over it, and the software upgrade process becomes swift” can be “over it and speeds up the backup and upgrade processes.


The feature is accessible through the Archive Documents button present at the Document Storage Management Setup screen.


Figure 28: Document Storage Management Setup


The Document Storage Management Setup screen is divided into 4 main sections:


1.    Main Document Database

2.    Active Databases for Archived Documents

3.    Find Orders to Archive or Purge Documents

4.    History


The process flow for archiving documents is listed in the description for these four sections below.


Main Document Database

This section automatically loads your system’s main documents database. In this case, it points to MoversSuite2Docs.


Active Databases for Archived Documents


This section lists all the active documents databases that you can archive the documents to. Whether you are using the feature for the first time or if you have deactivated any existing databases, you will need to have at least one active database to archive the documents to.


Refer to the Add Active Database for Archiving topic to learn how to add databases in this list.


Find Orders to Archive or Purge Documents


This section is common for both Archive Documents and Purge Documents functionalities. Use any of the filtering options as guided in the Find Orders to Archive or Purge Documents topic to obtain orders of your choice. The documents for those orders can then be archived.


Of note, the archiving is performed across all the documents of the chosen orders as opposed to only archiving some of the documents.




The View History button opens the Document Archive/Purge History screen showing you the details of all recent archives and purges.


Figure 29: History dialog


The fields displayed include the following.





    # of Documents

    Order No. Search

    Order Status

    Created Date Start

    Created Date End

    Load Date Start

    Load Date End

    Delivery Date Start

      Include Only Archived

    Docs Moved From

    Docs Moved To


These columns display the values provided by administrators, against which the results were obtained.



Document Storage Management Setup

Find Orders to Archive or Purge Documents

Add Active Database for Archiving

Purge Documents

Document Archive/Purge History