Dispatching Equipment Report


This report lists all equipment-reserved services for a given branch and date range.  It is grouped by Service Date then equipment name for each Branch.  The report lists the shipper name, Order Number, origin and destination locations, status, coordinator, job starting and ending times, quantity, weight, crew assignments, special instructions, shipping notes, and more.


This is a great report for seeing which services and orders a resource is reserved for. 


See Dispatching Crew Report for a similar report.






Service Date From

 Enter the date of service to begin selecting records on.

Service Date To

Enter the date of service to end selecting records on.

Branch ID

Enter *(all branches) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.

Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups in order by the following:

Service Date




Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the equipment identification number and equipment description set for the resource (in parenthesis) as defined within Equipment Setup.

Service Date

Displays the date scheduled to perform the request.

See Add Local Service for more information.


Displays the branch of service assigned to the particular service.

See Add Local Service for more information.


The type of service being dispatched.

See Add Local Service for more information.


Displays the formatted shipper name combined from the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields from the Name, Address, Phone tab.

Order Number

Displays the MoversSuite order number that the service is listed under.

Move Type

Displays the move type assigned to the order through Type of Move within Move Information.

Service Status

Displays the status assigned to the service by the dispatcher. 

See Dispatch Status for more information.


Displays the name of the person assigned as the Transportation Coordinator within Name, Address, Phone for the order.

Job Start

Displays the anticipated job starting time as set through the Set Service Time screen.

Job End

Displays the anticipated job ending time as set through the Set Service Time screen.


For services associated to a weighted value, the Quantity referred to will be the Miles of the order as set within the Miles field in Move Information

For services associated to a carton value, the Quantity referred to will be the Cartons value set for the service within Cartons in Add Local Service.


The setting that determines whether a weighted value or a carton value used is the Units option within Service Type Setup.


Displays the weight assigned to the order through the Hauled Weight field (or Estimated Weight if Hauled Weight is not set) in Move Information.

Work Ticket Number

Displays the ticket number generated for the service through Local Dispatch.

See Work Ticket for more information.

Origin Address

Displays the Moving From address, city, state, and postal code set on the Name, Address, Phone tab for the order that the service is under.

If the service is associated to an extra stop then the address set for the origin extra stop will display.  Extra stops are associated to a service through the Add Address function within Add Local Service.

Origin Special Instructions

Displays the contents of the memo set within Special Instructions > Memo (Origin) in Move Information.

Destination Address



Displays the Moving To address, city, state, and postal code set on the Name, Address, Phone tab for the order that the service is under.

If the service is associated to an extra stop then the address set for the origin extra stop will display.  Extra stops are associated to a service through the Add Address function within Add Local Service.

Destination Special Instructions

Displays the contents of the memo set within Special Instructions > Memo (Destination) in Move Information.

Shipper Contact Information

The top four phone numbers listed for the order (Name, Address, Phone) display.

Crew Members

Displays data on the number of spots available (not enough crew members) or exceeded (over assigned crew).

Crew set as a lead will display in bold weight font.

See Assign and Remove Crew and Personnel Setup for more information.

Service Notes

Displays the memo created prior to the service sent to Local Dispatch. 

See Send to Dispatch and Add Local Service for more information.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.