Name, Address, Phone


The Name, Address, Phone tab is the initial tab within Order Information and opens in edit mode when a new order or sales lead is created or when the Find is used to locate a record. Use this tab to provide the basic order information for the move request, including shipper name, contact preference and contact information, salesperson, coordinators, and main address involved in the move.


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 40: Name, Address, Phone tab



Described in the table below are the fields and functions available through this tab.




See Order-Level Functions for details on fields and functions that display in the Information Bar.

Shipper Contact Information


Last Name/Company Name

Enter the last name or company name of the shipper (up to 26 characters).

The name entered here is referenced throughout the application and displays on various reports and invoices.


Field Details





26 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents



First Name/MI

Enter the first name of the shipper (up to 16 characters). The first name is often combined with the LastName/Company Name to create a shipper name.

Field Details





16 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents



Phone Numbers

Select a phone type and enter the corresponding phone number for each contact phone number provided for the shipper. 

Phone types are defined with Shipper Phone Type Setup and affect several imports including those from Atlas, SIRVA, and UniGroup.


Phone Numbers for most phone types affect Bookmarks data (see Order Information Bookmark Fields).

Press the phone icon  to access Phone Number Entry drop-down menu.


Use a right-click option to remove a phone number.

Figure 41: Right-click option to remove a phone number entry


Users can rank phone numbers to give them a priority in the listing.  Lowest numbers appear at the top of the listing and non-ranked numbers list after the ranked ones. Click Edit to reveal the dropdown selectors.


Figure 42: Phone number ranking


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links OrdersPhoneNumber displays AreaCode, LocalNumber, Extension

OrderPhoneNumber.OrderPhoneTypeFID links to

OrderPhoneType.OrderPhoneTypeID displays

OrderPhoneType.TypeName for each phone record type


Area Code: 4 characters

Local Number: 20 characters

Extension: 10 characters

Phone Type: 50 characters


Shipper Phone Type Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


The following Phone Types are utilized by the various connections listed:

“Origin Home”

“Origin Work”

“Destination Home”

“Destination Work”

“Moving To Home”

“Moving To Work”


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content



Multiple Email Addresses Grid

The Multiple Email Addresses Grid is present right next to the Shipper Contact Information grid. This grid allows for multiple Email Types so that multiple email addresses may be entered for the shipper. Click Edit to add, edit or change rankings.


Figure 43: Multiple Email Addresses grid


The setup area linked to this functionality is Shipper Email Type Setup. The records in this grid can be arranged using the arrow keys present next to the grid. The email type that makes it to the top of the grid, is referenced in forms and other places where a single email is required.


To delete a record, open the order in edit mode, right click the record to be deleted and select Delete Email Address.


Figure 44: Multiple Email Addresses grid


Email Type

Choose one of the email types from this dropdown. The dropdown lists all the email types entered through Shipper Email Type Setup. Only one Email Type is allowed per order, for example Primary. Only one email address may be entered per Email Type.

Email Label

Enter a custom label for the email type for reference while viewing the order.

Email Address

Enter the email address for the shipper (up to 120 characters).  Only one email address may be entered per Email Type.

Once the record is saved, users can click on the email address set here and the application will evoke the system default mail utility (such as Microsoft Outlook) placing the email address set here as the message recipient.


Field Details





120 characters


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Registration Download Content


The Multiple Email Addresses Grid validates the provided email records for any logical errors in the Email Address field. Upon saving, an error window collectively displays all the errors if it finds any of the following:


    Email Type dropdown left empty

    Email Label field left empty

    Email Address field left empty

    Duplicate Email Type

    Missing email prefix in the Email Address field

    Missing email domain

    Use of multiple “@” symbols


To send an email to any of these email addresses through MoversSuite Email Service, simply double click a record or right-click on any of the record and click Send Email.


Figure 45: Multiple Email Addresses Grid


Note: You can send an email to more than 1 recipients at a time by using the Ctrl+Select method and then selecting the Send Email option through right-click menu.


Note: OrdersEmail was originally the primary field used for order email; however, soon it will be rendered obsolete.


Use these arrow keys to sort the email records entered in the grid.



Estimate Number

Estimate number assigned to the order (up to 32 characters).  An estimate can be generated through the Sales Lead Information screen.


Field Details



Orders.EstimateNo links to the Accounts table


32 characters


UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Memo Pad Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

Field Requirements

Branch Setup

Pass Thru Connector Upload Format

Sales Lead Information

Task Definition

Select a template to be used to build a predefined list of action items based off of order-related data. The action items will appear within the Tasks tab and are defined within Tasks Setup.

Refer to the Tasks System topic for more information.


Field Details



Orders.ProfileID links to

Profiles.ProfileID displays



25 characters


Tasks Setup


Account Profile Setup

Task Group

Select a subset of the Task Definition which aids in filtering search results and defining invoice variables for Special Services orders.

Task groups are established within the Groups tab in Tasks Setup.

Refer to the Tasks System topic for more information.


Field Details



Orders.RolloutID links to

Rollouts.RolloutID displays

Rollouts. RolloutName


20 characters


Tasks Setup


Account Profile Setup


Company salesperson responsible for generating the order.


Note: Sales people are personnel with a Status of ACTIVE and a Labor Type of Sales within Personnel Setup.


Salesperson Calendar
Opens the calendar of the selected Salesperson. 

See Email and Calendar Integration for details.


Field Details



Orders.Salesperson links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Sales” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Account Profile Setup

Transportation Coordinator

Move coordinator responsible for managing the order. 


Note: Coordinators are personnel with a Status of “ACTIVE” and a Labor Type of “Coor” within Personnel Setup.


Field Details



Orders.Coordinator links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Coor” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Account Profile Setup


Logistics Coordinator


Person responsible for managing the logistics for the order.


Note: Coordinators are personnel with a Status of “ACTIVE” and a Labor Type of “Coor” within Personnel Setup.


Field Details



Orders.LogisticCoordinator links to

Sysuser.SysUserID where

Sysuser.USERTYPE links to

LaborType.PriKey where LaborType.LaborType matches “Coor” displays



26 characters for last and 16 for first name


Personnel Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Account Profile Setup

Lead Source

Select the source that led to the lead creation for this order.


Field Details



Orders.LeadType links to

LeadType.PriKey displays



20 characters


Lead Type Setup


UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

Contact Preference

Select the Contact Preference type that you have given in Contact Preference Setup.

Print Label (Alt+P)

This function falls under the Report Viewer Options and generates a label for the opened order and displays it within a Report Viewer window. 

The document generated through this function is defined with a Report Type of Reporting Services Report and a System ID of HLAB.  Refer to Reports and Hauling Label Report for more information.

Moving From

Origin address

Autofill Preset Address

Populate the address of this section with an address linked to the Account Profile assigned to the order (through the Account Profile tab). Pressing this button opens the Autofill Preset Address dialog where you can select the address. Once a selection is made, address and Consignor fields update based on the selection.

Location Type

Select a description of origin location. 

Location Type is also referenced in Extra Stops and Segments and is used to link a physical location to an interface code as established in the Address Location Type Setup.


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays AddressType.TypeName


50 characters


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download


Address of the physical location for the origin of the move (up to three lines each up to 256 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays OrderAddress.Address1, Address2, Address3


256 characters each line (3 lines max.)


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Origin city (up to 26 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays OrderAddress.City


26 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Origin state (up to 2 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays OrderAddress.State


2 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Select the origin country from the available list.


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” where OrderAddress.CountryCodeStandardFID links to CountryCodeStandard.CountryCodeStandardID displays CountryCodeStandard.CountryName


265 characters each line


Country Code Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content


Avalara Integration Data


NOTE: Preloaded Country Code information in MoversSuite is not regularly updated. See Country Code Setup for more information.


Postal Code

Origin zip code (up to 10 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays OrderAddress.PostalCode


10 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Origin county code or name (up to 32 characters). 

This field affects several imports including those from Atlas, SIRVA, and UniGroup.


Field Details





32 characters each line


Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

Moving To – Primary/Secondary

Primary and Secondary

Enter address information in Moving To – Primary and/or Moving To – Secondary

If a primary and secondary address is needed, then the Moving To - Secondary address will automatically become the final destination of the move and the default address for all the paperwork regarding the shipment.  In such cases, the primary address is often referred to for temporary storage.

Autofill Preset Address

Populate the address of this section with an address linked to the Account Profile assigned to the order (through the Account Profile tab). Pressing this button opens the Autofill Preset Address dialog where you can select the address. Once a selection is made, address and Consignee fields update based on the selection.

Location Type

Select a description of Destination location. 

Location Type is also referenced in Extra Stops and Segments and is used to link a physical location to an interface code as established in the Address Location Type Setup.


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Destination” or “Moving To” (for secondary address) displays AddressType.TypeName


50 characters


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents


Address of the physical location for the destination of the move (up to three lines each up to 256 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Destination” or “Moving To” (for secondary address)  displays OrderAddress.Address1, Address2, Address3


256 characters each line (3 lines max.)


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Destination city (up to 26 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Destination” or “Moving To” (secondary address) displays OrderAddress.City


26 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Destination state (up to 2 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Origin” displays OrderAddress.State


2 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data


Select the destination country from the available list.


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Destination” or “Moving To” (secondary address) where

OrderAddress.CountryCodeStandardFID links to CountryCodeStandard.CountryCodeStandardID displays CountryCodeStandard.CountryName


265 characters each line


Country Code Setup


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Registration Download Content


Avalara Integration Data


NOTE: Preloaded Country Code information in MoversSuite is not regularly updated. See Country Code Setup for more information.


Postal Code

Destination zip code (up to 10 characters).


Field Details



Order.PriKey links to

OrderAddress.OrderFID where

OrderAddress.AddressTypeFID links to

AddressType.AddressTypeID where

AddressType.TypeName matches “Destination” or “Moving To” (secondary address)  displays OrderAddress.PostalCode


10 characters each line


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Avalara Integration Data




Destination county code or name (up to 32 characters).

This field affects several imports including those from Atlas, SIRVA, and UniGroup.


Field Details



Orders.ToCounty, MovingTo


32 characters each line


Military EDI Invoice Integration Required Fields

UniGroup Rating Order Download Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content



Utilize the Autofill Preset Address option (described under Moving From) to populate this information from a preset assigned to the Account Profile of the order.


Enter the name of the company responsible for transportation or storage at the origin location (up to 50 characters).


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links to OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

ConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Origin” displays OrderConsign.Consign


50 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

Contact Name

Enter the name of the contact person representing the order for the consignor (up to 50 characters).


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links to OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

ConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Origin” displays



50 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


Atlas Order Download Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

Contact Phone

Enter the phone number of the contact person for the consignor.  Press the phone icon () to access Phone Number Entry.


Field Details



OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

OrderConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Origin” and where OrderConsign.OrderConsignID links to OrderConsignPhoneNumber.OrderConsignPhoneNumberID displays OrderConsignPhoneNumber.AreaCode, LocalNumber


24 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Enter the phone number extension for the consignor contact (up to 10 digits).


Field Details



OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

OrderConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Origin” and where OrderConsign.OrderConsignID links to OrderConsignPhoneNumber.OrderConsignPhoneNumberID displays OrderConsignPhoneNumber.Extension

ConsignType.Description match on “Origin” for Consignor


10 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields



Utilize the Autofill Preset Address option (described under Moving To - Primary or Moving To - Secondary) to populate this information from a preset assigned to the Account Profile of the order.


Enter the name of the company responsible for transportation or storage at the destination location (up to 50 characters).


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links to OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

ConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Destination” displays OrderConsign.Consign


50 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

Contact Name

Enter the name of the contact person representing the order for the consignee (up to 50 characters).


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links to OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

ConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Destination” displays



50 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


SIRVA Download Request Content

SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents

Contact Phone

Enter the phone number of the contact person for the consignee.  Press the phone icon () to access Phone Number Entry.


Field Details



Orders.PriKey links to OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

OrderConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Destination” and where OrderConsign.OrderConsignID links to OrderConsignPhoneNumber.OrderConsignPhoneNumberID displays OrderConsignPhoneNumber.AreaCode, LocalNumber


24 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields


SIRVA Download Request Content

UniGroup Household Goods Upload Contents

UniGroup Registration Download Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Enter the phone number extension for the consignee contact (up to 10 digits).


Field Details



OrderConsign.OrderFID where

OrderConsign.ConsignTypeFID links to

OrderConsignType.ConsignTypeID where

ConsignType.Description matches “Destination” and where OrderConsign.OrderConsignID links to OrderConsignPhoneNumber.OrderConsignPhoneNumberID displays OrderConsignPhoneNumber.AreaCode, LocalNumber


10 characters


Order Information Bookmark Fields



Contacts and Locations