Item Code


Item codes provide the attributes needed to generate transactions in MoversSuite for revenue and direct expenses for billing and payments to vendors and commissions. They provide the means of establishing a general ledger account from mappings based on branch, move type, commodity, and authority of an order. They define properties that manage revenue entry and payment processing more effectively. Other attributes include establishing a default agent percentage, invoice group, and service code assignment; linking the item code to codes referenced by external applications (van lines).


Item codes are defined within Item Code Setup and must be mapped to various other components through Item Code Generation. Here is a list of fields which pull Item Codes for various settings:





Rate Item (Add Revenue Group)

While importing items from a download, the application pulls these Item Code records from the Revenue Group Setup.

Service (Add Revenue Item)

In the Add Revenue Item screen, the Item Code is pulled from the Rate Plan Setup used to record revenue, billing, and invoicing.

Item Type (Add Billing Item)

In the Add Billing Item screen, the Item Codes are pulled from the Revenue Group Setup with the records having "Revenue group for storage billing" flag set.