Local Services Bookmarks


The following bookmarks are specific to the Local Services tab and can be used to generate Custom Work Tickets.




MoversSuite Field Location

Work Ticket Number

Local Services > Work Ticket No.

Local Service Date

Local Services > Date

Local Service Contact

Order Information > Shipper Name,

Order Number,

Order Information > Consignor,

Order Information > Consignor Contact Name,

Order Information > Consignor Contact Phone,

Order Information > Consignee,

Order Information > Consignee Contact Name,

Order Information > Consignee Contact Phone

Origin Address

Local Services > Origin Address

Destination Address

Local Services > Destination Address

Local Service Addresses

Local Services > Origin Address and Local Services > Destination Address

Shipper Phone Numbers

Name, Address, Phone > Phone Numbers (top four)

Shipper Contact

Name, Address, Phone > Phone Number(s) and Email Address(es) (top four)

Billing Information

Billing Information > All fields

Payment Information

Billing Information > Payment Information > All fields

Service Dates

Grid displays Pack, Load, and Delivery date spreads for estimated and preferred (as set within the Move Information tab).

Service Description

Add Local Service > Service

Estimated Service Start Time

Local Dispatch > Set Service Time

Estimated Service End Time

Local Dispatch > Set Service Time (thru)

Hours Drive One Way

Add Local Service > Hours Drive One Way

Estimated Service Hours

Add Local Service > Hours Drive One Way

Estimated Crew Count

Add Local Service > Crew

Estimated Hours per Man

Add Local Service > Hrs/Man

Service Summary

Local Dispatch > Set Service Time,

Local Dispatch > Set Service Time (thru),

Add Local Service > Crew,

Add Local Service > Hrs/Man

Crew Table

Crew Total

Total count of crew on that service.

Crew Listing

First and Last Name for each person assigned to the service.

Scheduled Arrival

Job start time for each person.

Scheduled Departure

Job end time for each person.


Write-in entry

Break (Hours)

Write-in entry


Write-in entry

Equipment Summary


List of equipment IDs for each assigned item.

Equipment Total

Count of each assigned equipment item.

Equipment Detail


List of equipment name and IDs for each assigned item.


Count of each assigned equipment item.

Packing Counts Table


Each CPU listed for the service.


Container count for each of the listed CPU items.

CPU Total

Total of all container items estimated.

Extra Stops Table


Add Extra Stop > Stop Type


Add Extra Stop > Stop Number

From Date:

Add Extra Stop > Date Range (first)

To Date:

Add Extra Stop > Date Range (second)

From Time:

Add Extra Stop > Date Time (first)

To Time:

Add Extra Stop > Date Time (second)


Add Extra Stop > Contact Information > Company


Add Extra Stop > Address Information > Address


Add Extra Stop > Contact Information > Name


Add Extra Stop > Contact Information > Phone


Add Extra Stop > Other Phone Information > Work Phone

Service Instructions

Local Dispatch > Service Instructions