Dispatch Center


All dispatching service functions are available from the Dispatch Center tab. The screen function drives off the Service Date range, which defaults to the current system date upon initial entry to the module, and the selected Service Branch. The main data grid will display all services associates to the date range and branch or branches with the same common view. Clicking on listed service or services will enable it to have crew and equipment assignments made and other management functions performed on it, such as editing the services and updating the actual materials and labor involved in the move.




Manage multiple branches at time depending on the Dispatching Common View setup for the branch within Branch Setup



Figure 9: Dispatch Center tab


The tab layout and data column arrangement are customizable and the application will save changes made to the layout for each workstation (see Data Grids for more information).


Dispatch Center functions are described in the below table.  Options are also available through right-click functionality as well (see Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch)).




Service Date


Service Date

Select a date range of services to populate the data grid by. 



The application compares the dates selected to the Date (Service Date) field in the grid below.  Services with a date within the Service Date range will appear within the data grid. 


Note: Service dates automatically set to the current system date upon user login.


Set Service Time (Alt+T)

This function opens the Set Service Time screen allowing a user to override the default job starting and ending times. 


NOTE: Default service start time is set within System Wide Options.


Work Ticket (Alt+W)

This function generates a work ticket number and report for selected services. The option automatically opens the Report Viewer to display the output Work Ticket Report. If multiple services are selected, then multiple work tickets can be generated and viewed through the viewer. If multiple reports are available to your Report Profile, then pressing Work Ticket produces a list of reports to choose from (refer to the System Location information within Report Setup for more information).


The generated Ticket Number display adjacent to the Work Ticket button for the selected service. It also is visible through the Dispatch Center grid.


If a Work Ticket is already generated for services, then pressing Work Ticket opens the Report Viewer to display all selected Work Ticket reports; a new work ticket number is not generated.


Combining Services

You can combine multiple services for the same order for the same day into a single Work Ticket. Selecting multiples of these services and pressing the Work Ticket button automatically combines the services into a single ticket. Additionally, you can choose the right-click option of Combine on Work Ticket to generate a single ticket for the selected services at any time.


See Work Ticket more information.

Add (Alt+A)

Opens the Local Dispatch screen where a user can select an order and branch of service to base the new service on and then the Add Local Service screen will appear.

Edit (Alt+I)

Opens the Edit Local Service screen where users can update the service request. 


Services that have crew and/or equipment assigned to them will be restricted from changes.  Users can view the data displayed within the Edit Local Service screen but they cannot edit the record.  The screen will display “Resources are Assigned” in the title when crew and/or equipment resources have been assigned to services being edited.


Note: MoversSuite can be set up to automatically email key personnel a message describing the changed service with a subject line of Local Service Changed.  See Email Options Setup for more information.


Refer to Add Local Service for information on editing a local service.

Cancel (Alt+S)

This function removes the service from Local Dispatch after prompting the user. The cancelled service is removed from all dispatching screens and appears on within the Local Services tab with a Status of “Not Cleared.”


NOTE: MoversSuite can be set up to automatically email key personnel a message describing the cancel status applied to the service with a subject line of Local Service Canceled. See Email Options Setup for more information.


Services cannot be cancelled once a Work Ticket has been generated for it. You can void a service through the Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch). You can also remove all assignments made to the service and change the Service to a type related to a cancellation through the Add Local Service screen. View the Work Ticket topic for more information.

Order Details (Alt+D)

This function opens the Order Details screen to view key move data set for the order.

Enter Actuals (Alt+E)

This function opens the Enter Actuals screen to update crew, equipment, other services, and to set actual counts for container, packing, and unpacking items.

Day Note

Opens (>>) and closes (<<) the day note entry form where users can enter and view notes for the date of the selected service. 

See Day Note for more information.

Filter by Role

You can control which personnel display within the crew assignment grid by making selections through this drop-down menu. The list includes all labor types available to the Local Dispatch module (as assigned to employees through their Personnel Setup).


Additionally, you can sync the Filter by Role list to what is requested on one or more selected services by pressing the synchronize button. Those roles associated to what is requested for the service(s) through the Labor Request screen (Add Local Service) are automatically set as the filter.

The personnel available for assignment to a service are those associated to a Labor Type (set through Personnel Setup) that has the Available in Local Dispatch flag set within Labor Type Setup.

Assign Crew (Alt+C)

This function opens the Assign Crew screen to confirm the crew assignment and optionally define a crew member as a lead and adjust job start and end times.


Note: Users can double-click a crew to auto-assign them to the service.


See Assign and Remove Crew and Auto Assign Crew for more information.

Remove Crew

This function removes the assignment of the selected crew member(s) from selected services. A prompt appears to confirm the request.

See Assign and Remove Crew for more information.

Filter by Type

You can control which equipment displays within the equipment assignment grid by making selections through this drop-down menu. The list includes all equipment types available to the Local Dispatch module (as defined within Equipment Setup).

Additionally, you can sync the Filter by Type list to what is requested on one or more selected services by pressing the synchronize button. Those types associated to what is requested for the service(s) through the Equipment Request screen (Add Local Service) are automatically set as the filter.

The type of equipment available for assignment to a service are those defined with the Available for local moves option checked within Equipment Setup.

Assign Equipment (Alt+Q)

This function opens the Reserve Equipment screen to confirm addition of the selected piece of equipment and optionally adjust the job start and end times.


Note: Users can double-click an equipment resource to auto-assign them to the service.


See Assign and Remove Equipment for more information.

Remove Equipment

This function removes the assignment of the selected equipment from selected services. A prompt appears to confirm the request.

See Assign and Remove Equipment for more information.


Descriptions for the fields available to Dispatch Center services data grid are in the table below.




Dispatch Center contains a customizable, full-function data grid.  See Data Grids for more information.  Additionally, the application will save screen layout changes for each workstation.







This field displays the scheduled service date.

Shipper Name

Displays the formatted shipper name combined from the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields from the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields set within the Contacts and Locations tab displays.

Order Number

The MoversSuite Order Number that the service is associated to displays.


NOTE: “[A]” displays next to the Order Number for archived orders. See Order Archive for more information.



Name of the service assigned to the request selected from a list defined within Service Type Setup.

See Add Local Service for more information.


Displays the system estimated or requested number of crew members needed to perform the service.

See Add Local Service for more information.


The number of system estimated or requested hours to complete the service.

See Add Local Service for more information.

Job Start

This field displays the anticipated job starting time as set through the Set Service Time screen.

Job End

This field displays the anticipated job ending time as set through the Set Service Time screen.


Next Day Service

If the service time crosses midnight of that day, then the application indicates this by highlighting this field with a blue background.

Crew Names

This field displays the name(s) of crew assigned to the service.  Crew leaders display in bold-weight font.

When more than three crew assigned to a service a double-dash (- -) will display in the bottom right-hand corner.  To see a list of those assigned hover the screen cursor over the field.

See Assign and Remove Crew for more information.


Displays the equipment resources assigned to the service.

As like the Crew Names field, when more than three resources are assigned to a service a double-dash (- -) will display in the bottom right-hand corner.  To see a list of assigned equipment hover the screen cursor over the field.

See Assign and Remove Equipment for more information.

Work Ticket

View the Work Ticket number associated to the service in this column.


A note attached to the service when it was submitted through Send To Dispatch will be indicated by a note attached icon () within this column.  Clicking on this icon will open the Note dialog allowing the user to view details of the note as well as all notes associated to all services of the order (through the All Note Details tab).

Operational Plan

If the service links to a particular Operational Plan for an order, then the name of the plan displays in this column. The Operational Plan is set through the Add Local Service screen (refer to Operational Plan for more information).

Origin Address

Origin City

Origin State

Origin Zip

Displays the Moving From address, city, state, postal code set on the Name, Address, Phone tab for the order that the service is under.

If the service is associated to an extra stop then the address set for the origin extra stop will display.  Extra stops are associated to a service through the Advanced > Add Address function within Add Local Service.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Origin Location set within the Add Local Service screen displays.

Destination Address

Destination City

Destination State

Destination Zip

Displays the primary Moving To address, city, state, and postal code set on the Name, Address, Phone tab for the order that the service is under.

If the service is associated to an extra stop then the address set for the destination extra stop will display.  Extra stops are associated to a service through the Advanced > Add Address function within Add Local Service.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Destination Location set within the Add Local Service screen displays.

Estimated Weight

Displays the value set for the estimated weight of the order. 

Manage this field through the Estimated Weight field in Billing Information (Revenue Entry) and Move Information.

This value affects rated items.  See the Weight/Carton field description in Add Local Service for more information.

Hauled Weight

Displays the value set for the hauled weight of the order. 

Manage this field through the Hauled Weight field in Billing Information (Revenue Entry) and Move Information.

This value affects rated items.  See the Weight/Carton field description in Add Local Service for more information.

Order Containers

Displays the total number of estimated containers for the order through the Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen through the Move Information tab.

Service Containers

Displays the total number of estimated containers for a service through the Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen from within the Add Local Service screen (through the CPU/Materials button).

Order Crates

Displays the total number of crates set for the order through the Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen accessed through the Move Information tab.

Service Crates

Displays the total number of crates set for a service through the Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen from within the Add Local Service screen (through the CPU button).

Origin Phone

Displays the Home Phone set within the Moving From section in Name, Address, Phone for the order that the service is under.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Last Name/Company Name and First Name fields set within the Contacts and Locations tab displays.

Origin Work Phone

Displays the Work Phone set within the Moving From section in Name, Address, Phone for the order that the service is under.

Destination Phone

Displays the Home Phone set within the Moving To section in Name, Address, Phone for the order that the service is under.

Destination Work Phone

Displays the Work Phone set within the Moving To section in Name, Address, Phone for the order that the service is under.

Dispatch Status

Displays the status assigned to the service by the dispatcher. 

See Dispatch Status for more information.

Branch ID

Displays the branch requested to complete this service.

Shipment Status

The current status set to the order through the Shipment Status field displays. 

See Order-Level Functions for more information.


From the Estimated Time of Arrival date field from the Other tab in Move Information.

ETA Time

From the Estimated Time of Arrival time field from the Other tab in Move Information.

Assigned On

From the Assigned On Date field from the Other tab in Move Information.

Assigned On Time

From the Assigned On Date time field from the Other tab in Move Information.

National Account Number

Identification number and name of the National Account associated to the order (set through Billing Information).

National Account Name


The name of the Long Distance Dispatch driver assigned to the order.

Van Number

Van number set for the driver (visible through the Agents tab).

Created On

Displays the date and time the service was created through Add Local Service along with the name of the MoversSuite user that created it.

Created By

Last Edited

If the service was edited (through Add Local Service), then the date and time and the name of the person that last edited the service displays.

Last Edited By

Submitted On

The Submitted By keeps track of the MoversSuite user that last assigned or removed crew on a service. It is set initially to the user who sent the service request (through Send to Dispatch) and is updated to reflect the user that last assigned or removed crew from the service.

Submitted On records the date and time that the Submitted By field was updated.

Submitted By

Cleared On

The date and time the service was cleared along with the name of the dispatcher that cleared the service through Requested Services displays.

Cleared By

Move Type

Move type set for the order through the Type of Move field on Move Information.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Type of Move set within the Job Information tab displays.

Hauling Agent ID

Hauling Agent Name

Origin Agent ID

Origin Agent Name

Destination Agent ID

Destination Agent Name

Booking Agent ID

Booking Agent Name

Name and identifier assigned to the agent displays in these fields for each agent category (Origin, Booking, Hauling, and Destination) assigned to the order through the Agents tab.

Agent Name and Agent ID are defined within Agent Setup.



Containerization Eligible

If a service is eligible for containerization, then this flag is checked and you can update the Containerization Status through right-click options (see Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch)).

Containerization indicates that your company manages packing the shipment directly, i.e. pack directly into containers (liftvans).

The eligibility flag is set through Local Service Type Setup.

View the Containerization Status topic for more information.

Containerization Status

If a service is eligible for containerization (Containerization Eligible flag checked), then the status assigned to the move displays in this column. You can update this status through right-click options (see Right-Click Options (Local Dispatch)).

The values available to this field are defined within Containerization Status Setup.

View the Containerization Status topic for more information.


Transportation Coordinator assigned to the order through Name, Address, Phone tab or the Coordinator assigned to the order through the Contacts and Locations tab is available in the data grid.


Office & Industrial

For Office & Industrial orders, the Coordinator set within the Contacts and Locations tab displays.

Requested Time Range

Values specified for the Service Time within Add Local Service display. This is the time ranged requested by the person adding the service for the order.

The application displays “Starts at” and “Ends at” if the user provides only one date in the range. Otherwise, range appears in the format of “NN:NN AM/PM – NN:NN AM/PM.”


Next Day Service

If the service time crosses midnight of that day, then the application indicates this by displaying a caption of “Next Day” within this column.

Service Instructions

Up to three lines of text set for the Service Instructions display within this field. If additional text is available, then the application shows ellipses (…) to indicate such; access this additional text by viewing the service through the Edit function.

Add and update Service Instructions for non-dispatched services through the Add Local Service dialog.

Sort 1

Sort 2

You can type an entry directly into these fields to assist you in organizing the information. Up to 64 characters for the Sort 1 and 16 characters for the Sort 2 can be specified and all Data Grids features are available that allow you to sort, group, filter, etc.