Office & Industrial Setup and Administration


This section provides information on setting up basic Office & Industrial functionality along with listing related setup areas to support an Office & Industrial request.


Setup Information

Office & Industrial Initial Setup


Related Setup Areas

In addition to the essential setup information detailed within Office & Industrial Initial Setup, the following table describes setup areas that may be needed to support Office & Industrial functionality and order processing.




Account Setup

Manage National Account records available through Account Profile Setup and through the Billing Information tab.

Account Profile Setup

Setting the Account Profile on an order can pre-populate data. The Contacts and Locations assigned to the profile show as options through the Import from Account Profile options within the Contacts and Locations tab.

Address Location Type Setup

Provide types available for assignment to order and service locations. The Location Type is available through the Add/Edit Order Location screen.

Authority Setup

Enter any supported authority values. The Authority is set for the order through the Job Information tab and is utilized in generating GL transactions for revenue associated to the order.

Commodity Type Setup

Enter any supported commodity values needed. The Commodity is set for the order through the Job Information tab and is utilized in generating GL transactions for revenue associated to the order. 

Contract Master Setup

Create values assignable to an order through the Contract field within the Billing Information tab. The contract specifies the discount for items such as linehaul.

Customer Setup

Manage Customer records available to assign through the order through the Billing Information tab. This setup assumes that your company is not using Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you are using Dynamics GP, then customers are managed through Dynamics GP.

Job Costing

Job Costing Rating

Job Costing Setup and Administration

Calculate costing and anticipated rated revenue for your Office & Industrial moves.

Lead Type Setup

Define values available through the Lead Source setting within the Contacts and Locations tab.

Forms Designer

Forms Designer Setup and Administration

Setup document and email templates to support Office & Industrial moves. The system allows you to incorporate MoversSuite data (Forms Designer) to build custom reports, letters, and email message.

Data available for custom documents list within the Insert Bookmark topic. Specific to the Office & Industrial module are the following fields are detailed within the Office & Industrial group within the Insert Bookmark dialog.

Local Service Type Setup

Define which services are available for Office & Industrial moves under each branch of service.

Material Type Setup

Define the values available as Materials assignable to an Office & Industrial order and to individual Local Services requests. Materials include container, packing, and unpacking items updated through the Materials option within Job Information and the CPU option within Add Local Service.

Move Type Setup

Move Type Group Setup

Establish types available to the Type of Move setting through the Job Information tab. The Move Type and Move Type Group are utilized to generate revenue GL transactions as well as determining the default branch of the order and the Order Number format.

Note Type Setup

Define any specific note types needed for Note records. Notes allow personnel to share information with others regarding the order (and share with any external applications as well).

Product Code Setup

Product Type Setup

Shows Setup

Manage the values for items set within the Shipment Details option within the Shipment Information screen. This option is found on the Job Information tab.

Items listed within the Shipment Information screen allow you to document items needing special handling, e.g. electronics and files, and establish any trade shows involved in the project.

Quotes System Setup and Administration

Quote Template Setup

You can define custom quote status values assignable to Quote records through the Status field and establish a reusable template of quote items that can be used to create new quotes through the Create menu (on the Quote tab). NOTE: You can also create templates through the Create menu as well as the Quote Template Setup.

Rating Systems

Rating Systems Setup and Administration

Create and manage the rating information that applies to revenue generation and to Job Costing. The rating in effect for an order is assigned through the Tariff/Rate field set through the Billing Information tab.

Recurring Billing

Recurring Billing Setup and Administration

Manage values needed to support Recurring Billing for the order, managed through the SIT/Recurring Billing tab.

Service Type Setup

Provide supported types to link the order to an external application. The Service Type is set for an order through the Job Information tab.

Shipment Type Setup

Provide supported job types to link the order to an external application. The Job Type is set for an order through the Job Information tab.

System Wide Options

Add entry points for custom data entered through the User Defined Fields tab. This setup is also referenced for dispatching variables, such as the Service Start Time, and mail options, such as turning on the MoversSuite Email Service.

Tasks Setup

Establish to-do items available for assignment to personnel through the Tasks tab. You can base task items on Task Dependency Dates, which includes two dates specific to Office & Industrial: Job Start Date and Job End Date. You can assign tasks to a Responsible Role for the Project Manager set on the order.

Valuation Setup

Establish any needed valuation records to support Office & Industrial moves. Valuation is specified on an order through the Job Information tab.