Moving Words – Unexpected
Written by Timothy Brady.
“If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.” – George Bernard Shaw
In the moving industry dealing with the unexpected is, well, expected. However, looking at the quote from George Barnard Shaw, does he not have a point that most ‘unexpected’ events have happened before and will most likely happen again at some point? And if this is true, planning for the unexpected based on previous (historical) experience can help mitigate the toll on our operations.
So what’s the best way to accomplish this task of avoiding the unexpected? Developing a best practices list of instructions for your entire moving team.
Here is a list of suggested questions you should ask each member of your moving team.
- What is necessary to complete a shipper’s moving requirements to coordinate the actions of each team member?
- What documentation needs reviewing with the customer and at what points in the moving process?
- What are the most efficient methods to conduct a walk-through with the customer at origin?
During the estimate?
Preparations by the move coordinator?
Arrival at origin by the pack crew?
Packing completion by the pack crew?
Arrival at origin by the van operator?
Loading completion by the van operator?
- What are the best methods to document High Value items and the best means to ensure their proper handling?
- What are the skill sets required for hired load/unload labor for the greatest level of service?
- What are the best procedures for the van operator to coordinate his/her loading, unloading and trip schedules with dispatch? With the Move Coordinator?
- What is the best way to outline the delivery process at Destination:
Preparations by the Move Coordinator?
Arrival at destination by the van operator?
Before departure but after unloading by the van operator?
Arrival at destination by unpack crew?
Unpacking completion by unpack crew?
- What are the best procedures for handling damage to shippers’ belongings and/or property to ensure the greatest shipper satisfaction at the lowest cost to van operator and agency?
- What is the best method for submitting shipping documents (BoLs, inventories, known claims, etc.)? What other documents or reports need to be included in each shipment’s document package?
All questions need to be submitted and answered by everyone in the agency, even if they have zero to do with any particular area to be discussed. The entire point of the exercise is to find where your procedural weaknesses and lapses exist within your current operation. Once these are determined, then have the department heads in your company write and publish your company’s Best Practices Procedural Manual, using those answers. This manual then becomes your company’s customer service manual that lays out step-by-step procedures to accomplish an uneventful move for each shipper.
The big plus is when everyone in an organization follows the same procedural steps to accomplish a move, then it’s less likely for those lessons from history to come back to haunt us or them. It also helps to anticipate new challenges and determine solutions before they become the ‘unexpected.’