Request Self Haul

Move Information  tab > Self Haul section


Request for self haul process involves notifying the dispatcher that an order is available to be registered. The dispatcher can then view the order and determine whether the company will haul the shipment (self haul accepted) or register it through a van line system (declined self haul).


A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 73: Move Information tab > Self Haul section


To create a Self Haul Request, first click the Edit button at the top of the screen. If Edit is not clicked, a warning will appear. Then, click the Request Self Haul button to create a self haul request. Once clicked, the section will look like Figure 74 which indicates a request has been made.


A screenshot of a computer

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Figure 74: Self Haul Requested


A dispatcher will receive an email notification for the pending self haul request. They, in turn, will need to approve or deny the request by setting Yes or No within the Self Haul section of the particular order. Of note, to receive the email the “Local Dispatcher” flag must be set within the Email Options Setup.


A screenshot of a computer

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An example of an automatic email notification for the self request and its approval are below:


A screenshot of a message

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Figure 75: Email notification of a self haul request.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Figure 76: Email notification of self haul request approval.


If accepted, several dates, the Hauled Weight, and the Discounted Linehaul fields are locked down. See the Technical Table > Yes/No below for the details.


Technical Table


Described in the table below are the fields and functions within the Self Haul section found within the Move Information tab.


Request Self Haul


Request Self Haul  (Alt+U)

Users can press this button to request that the shipment be a self-haul for the company. Doing so, notifies other personnel on the order via an email message with the subject of “Request Self Haul.”


The text of this button also changes to “Self Haul Requested” when a request has been sent.


Read more about the email functions behind this command through the Automatic Email topic. 


Dispatchers have the option to approve the self haul request (Yes) or to decline it (No). 


Self Haul Accepted (Yes)

If a dispatcher sets the Self Haul to “Yes,” the Authorization and By fields are set to the user approving the requested and the system prevents the following fields from being updating:

Pack, Load, and Delivery Dates within the Range tab

Hauled Weight

Discounted Linehaul

Additionally, an email with the subject of “Accept Self Haul” is sent notifying key personnel on the order. Read more about the email functions behind this command through the Automatic Email topic. 


Self Haul Rejected (No)

If the self haul request is rejected then no message is sent.


Field Details





SIRVA Registration Upload Content

UniGroup Special Services Upload Contents


Automatic Email


Note: In order to set the Yes or No authorization for the self haul, the user must be defined as a dispatcher in MoversSuite (must have a Labor Type set to “Disp” or “LD Disp” within Personnel Setup).




Displays the date that the self haul was authorized. This field is set automatically when self haul request is accepted (Self Haul of “Yes”).


Field Details





10 characters


Atlas Order Download Content


Displays the name of the dispatcher who authorized the self haul. This field is set automatically when self haul request is accepted (Self Haul of “Yes”).


Field Details





4 digits


Note: Displays the Last Name of the MoversSuite user from Personnel Setup.