VendorConnect Stored Procedure Option


VendorConnect can be set up to reference Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures managed by a vendor and added to MoversSuite via the Development Process. Requests made through VendorConnect through these stored procedures can allow a vendor additional access beyond what is available through the standard pipeline. This is a cost-added feature and you will need to reach out to our Sales Team to see pricing and initiate the setup process.


Setup is essentially the same as outlined in VendorConnect Setup. The difference being that vendors will need to make different requests to evoke the stored procedures submitted to EWS Group.


NOTE: The stored procedures are validated and updated by EWS Group to ensure compliance and security. These procedures can only update data available through the vendor interface and for a particular MoversSuite customer.


Currently, vendors utilizing this option include Arrivy and Roadload.


The following files provide basic information on the format and expectations of the requests and responses.


Sample Document



This document shows the structure of the payload for your requests. Each request runs one stored procedure and the response returns all output.



This sample document shows the structure of the response object that is returned:

QueryResults: This property on the response object returns the results from a select query.  This only returns XML results.

OutParams: This object is the array of "out" parameters.  Since stored procs by definition always return an integer value, that return value is also returned (see the ReturnValue property).  And whether the ReturnValue's value is meaningful depends on a particular stored proc and if it returns any values that have any meaning.


This sample document shows the simple request and response.



    All stored procedures are written and managed by the vendor. Once supplied to EWS Group, they are added to the code base supporting MoversSuite and updates to these can be submitted to EWS Group as desired.

    EWS Group can convert some raw SQL into supported stored procedures for you upon request.

    You are limited to valid T-SQL that is supported by Microsoft SQL Server 2012, which does not support JSON.

    Only XML returns from requests using this process.

    Avoid requesting large payloads which may cause timeouts. We recommend that you have your stored procedures return paged results.

    Asynchronous endpoints are currently unavailable.

    A cloud test environment can be setup to test your requests.