Task List Report

This report lists all tasks by either Coordinator Type or by task Profile.  This report provides a detailed view of all task items and is ideally suited for setup verification.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Group by

Select Coordinator Type to group by the coordinator type or Profile to group the report by task profile.  When grouping by one Group by type, the other type will display as a column data within the details of the report, i.e. if Group by is set to “Coordinator Type”, then the Profile will display as a detail item in the report. 

Refer to the Detail Information below for field descriptions.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report group by the value selected for the Group by parameter.


Header Information


No header information displays for this report.


Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.




Task Description

The name of the task action item displays here.  This is taken from the Task Description set within Tasks Setup.

Profile/Coordinator Type

What displays in this column depends on what is set for the Group by report parameter.  When Group by is “Profile” the report displays the Coordinator Type details.  Likewise, when the Group by is “Coordinator Type” the report displays Profile details.

The Profile of a task item is also known as the Task Definition Name in Tasks Setup and Task Definition set within MoversSuite (in Name, Address, Phone and through Account Profile).

The Coordinator Type of a task item is taken from the Responsible Role assigned to the action item in Tasks SetupNote: The report will display tasks without a Coordinator Type (under an undefined or blank group name). In these cases, the task item) is linked to a Responsible User instead of a Responsible Role (in Tasks Setup); the user assigned must have a Status of “ACTIVE” and a User ID defined (User tab) (both fields are part of Personnel Setup). 

Dependency Date Type

The Dependency Date is linked to a particular MoversSuite date and is used to calculate the due date of generated task items. 

See Task Dependency Dates section for a listing Tasks Setup and for more information.

When Due

What displays here is a value used in conjunction with the Dependency Date Type to indicate when the action item due date will be generated for.  The report displays a number of days “Before” or “After” the Dependency Date or it will display a “0” when the due date is expected to fall exactly on the Dependency Date.



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.