Punch Details


This screen is available by selecting the Punch Details option from the right-click menu on activities listed within the Mobile Crew Time data grid. It lists specific information on punch items associated to crew activity within MSCrew.


Figure 104: Punch Details


The top section displays the service information on the current state of the punch activity, i.e. current Punched In time. The detail line items provide a history of the activity leading up to the current state.


This screen displays read-only data and contains no functions.



Technical Field Information




Crew Member

Name of the person logging time for the service displays.

Is Lead

A checkmark indicates that the person is the crew lead on the activity.

Service Date

Date of the service displays.

Order Number

The Order Number displays.

Work Ticket

The number associated to the Work Ticket displays.

Punch Description

Title of the activity performed.

Punch In

Date and time of when the person began logging time for the specific activity associated to the service.

Punch out

Date and time of when the person stopped logging time for the specific activity associated to the service.

Is Overtime

This column is checked if the current punch time is overtime.

Is Approved

This column is checked if the current punch time is approved.

Punch Details



This column provides information on what action occurred that updated the activity, e.g. Created, Updated, etc.

Submitted By

The name of the person that made the change displays.


This is the source location of the change, such as App for the mobile application.

Time Logged

The date and time that the entry was made displays.

Punched In

Date and time of when the person began logging time for the specific activity associated to the service.

Punched Out

Date and time of when the person stopped logging time for the specific activity associated to the service.


A checkmark in this column indicates that the punch time was marked as overtime.


Any message attached to the time entry displays.



Add Punches

Enter Actuals

Export Punches to Payroll