Orders by Pack, Load, or Delivery Date Report

This report lists order and shipping information based on a user-specified date range for Pack, Load, or Delivery date.







Select (Select All) to include all branches or select branches individually from the drop-down list.


Only those Branches that have been assigned to an order will be listed.


Select (Select All) to include all commodity types, or select commodity types individually from the drop-down list.

Sister Agent For

Select (Select All) to include all records or choose the type of a Sister Agent of the branch associated to the order individually from the drop-down list. Options available to you include the following:



Include records if no agent assigned to the order is a Sister Agent.



Include records if the Booking Agent of the order is a Sister Agent.



Include records if the Hauling Agent of the order is a Sister Agent.



Include records if the Destination Agent of the order is a Sister Agent.

Date Type

Choose which date to base record selection on as either Pack, Load, or Delivery.

The report will first check for the Actual Pack, Load, or Delivery date then it will check the first date field of the Range for the Pack, Load, or Delivery date to compare with the Date From and Date To specifications. 

If the Range date is used for the specified type (Pack, Load, or Delivery), then the record is considered an estimated date (denoted with an asterisk (*) next to the date in the report display).

Date From

Select the date to begin including records on.

Date To

Select the date to end record inclusion on.

Group by

Report display is initially grouped by orders status.  Use this parameter to select an additional grouping of the report display or choose <no grouping> to not additionally group the report data.  Options include the following:

<no grouping>

No grouping will be in effect except by Order Status


Grouping display will be based on the Branch of the order

Transportation Coordinator

Grouping display will be based on the Transportation Coordinator assigned to the order

Logistics Coordinator

Grouping display will be based on the Logistics Coordinator assigned to the order

OA Coordinator

Grouping display will be based on the OA Coordinator assigned to the order

Sales Person

Grouping display will be based on the Salesperson assigned to the order

National Account

Grouping display will be based on the National Account assigned to the order

Move Type

Grouping display will be based on the Move Type assigned to the order

Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report generates or choose False to collapse all display groupings.



Report Details


Report Grouping


The report is grouped by the value selected within the Group by parameter and then by Status of the order.



Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items.


Detail Item



This item displays the Branch ID and Name of the branch set for the service.

See Add Local Service and Branch Setup for more information.

Branch Count

Displays the total number of orders listed for the branch.


This item displays the Order Status as a section heading


Order Number

Load/Pack/Delivery Date

Move Information > Pack, Load, Delivery Date in Actual or

Move Information > Pack, Load, Delivery Date in Range (first column), if Actual is not specified


If the Range date is used for the specified type (Pack, Load, or Delivery), then the record is considered an estimated date (denoted with an asterisk (*) next to the date in the report display).


Name, Address, Phone > Last Name/Company and First Name/MI

Origin Address

Name, Address, Phone > Moving From > City and State

Destination Address

Name, Address, Phone > Moving To > City and State


Will be set to Yes if values are set within Move Information > CPU Quantities, blank otherwise

National Account

Billing Information > National Account > Account name

Move Type

Move Information > Move Type


Move Information > Commodity

Estimated Linehaul

Move Information > Disc l/h


Additional information will be included in the report depending on the Group by option selected.  The report can be set up to display the following:


Optional Grouping Data

Location in MoversSuite

Order Status

Order Status



Transportation Coordinator

Name, Address, Phone > Transportation Coordinator

Logistics Coordinator

Name, Address, Phone > Logistics Coordinator

OA Coordinator

Name, Address, Phone > Agents > OA Coordinator when the Origin Agent is a Sister Agent.


Name, Address, Phone > Salesperson



Report Totals


Total number of orders displays for each grouping and sub-grouping.